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19 Coiinel, Mrs
20 Pigot, Mrs Smyth
21 Prentice, J. Glass*
21 Prentice, C. actuary
22 Scoiigall, Thomas
22 Scougall, Miss
24 Dunbar, Mrs
25 Gaunter, Robert*
26 Drummond, Mrs G. M.
y7 Campbell, Mrs
28 Wearne, Thos. W.
29 Farnie, Miss
oO Christie, Miss
31 Gibson, John*
32 Ross, Donald*
2. Howard Place, South, 2
{Hoivard Place.)
1 Lamb, Thomas*
2 Cidlum, Miss Isa
3 Galletly, William*
4 Inch, Mrs
1. Howard Street. 3
{Howard Place.)
1 Jackson, P. and T. wine mer-
chants and grocers
2 Lamb, Robert, stationer*
3 Inch, David, butcher
2. Howe Street. 5
{Heriot Roiv.)
1-A Moffat, William, baker*
1 Bryden, J.*
1 Wliyte, Alexander
1 Hutchison, Mrs M. B.
1 Miller, John*
3 Thomson, James, gi-ocer*
3 Hay, Wm. Bremner, S.S.C*
6 Bell, Peter
5 M'Millan,Mrs
6 Walker, Mrs
5 Cornwall, Mrs, dressmaker
5 Paterson, Mrs
7 Baxter, James C, S.S.C*
9 Murray, Miss
11 Anderson, James, S.S.C*
11 Smyth, Mrs
13 Young, Mrs
13 Gray, Mrs
15 Gillespie, John, grocer*
16 Stevens, David, plumber*
17 Kemp, Robert*
17 Christie, Mrs
19 Black, Miss A.
19 Paterson, Mrs
19 Brechin, Andrew
— Northumherland Street —
21 Young, John*
21 Flach, Mrs, milliner
23 Johnston, Mrs, victual dealer
—ho. \Q
23 Fleming, Mrs, midwife
23 Ross, Alexander, writer*
23 Edgar, R. provision merch.*
23 Ritchie, Walter*
23 Cock burn, Miss
23 Lambert, Robert, spirit dealer
25 Finlayson, Thom;is, advocate
25 Fiulayson, Rev. Thomas
27 Aitkeii, Thomas*
27 Murray, Henry*
27 Rosa, Ed. chiropodist*
27 Kaniage, Mrs
29 Xilgour, Mrs, lodgings
31 11 owden, Mrs, boarding-ho.
33 Greig, William
33 Green, Herny H. teacher*
33 Stewart, Mrs James
33 M'Laren, John R.*
33 Artliur, Mrs
35 Mill, Mrs
37 Jackson, T. and Sons, plumb.
39 Henderson, Miss, fruiterer
48 Brou, Wm. saddler
46 Shepherd, Wm. draper*
44 Cariuichael, Miss
44 Miller, Mrs
44 Meldrum, Mrs
44 Paterson, Miss
44 M'Kechney, W.*
42 Porter, Martin, stationer*
40 Swan, Robert, grocer*
38 Dufl'us, Peter, shoe ware-
38 Haid, John, coach-hirer
Wilson, James, druggist*
Jamieson, Mrs William
Thomson, Miss J.
Allan, Bruce
Mackenzie, Miss
Scott, Archibald
Hay, William, tobacconist*
Lees, David Tod, S.S.C*
Hislop, William*
Havet, A., P>ench master,
director of the Scottish In-
stitution, &c.*
Powrie, Peter*
Rose, R. M. accountant*
Douglas, John B., W.S.*
Carstairs, Matthew
Kent, George K.*
Kent, Mrs and Miss, juvenile
M'Dougal, George, grocer*
— Jamaica Street —
Marshall, W. F. chemist and
M'Gibbon, Dr L.
M'Gibbon, George
Neuffert, J. M.*
Pitcairn, Miss
Mackay, Daniel*
Campbell, George, booksell.*
Tweedie, Mrs P.
Walkinshaw,Mr.s, spirit deal.
Reuwick, J as. coach-hirer*
Rosenberg, Leven, picture
frame maker
Hood, Miss II.
Walker, James*
Whigham, E. draper
Leslie, John*
Ferguson, R. J.*
Shepherd, William
4 Henderson, D. baker — house
No. 6*
4 Adams, Wm. — hoiise No. 6*
2 Wetlierston, Hugh, flesher*
1. Hugh Miller Place. 3
( Wattr Lane., Stockbridge.)
Colville, James, Hugh Miller
2 Swan, Miss Jessie
3 Whitelaw, James *
4 Mackenzie, James*
5 Fulton, George*
6 Waterston, Adam
7 Stevens, D.
8 Gregory, John*
10 Grubb, D. R.*
11 Porteous, James
12 Gardyne, Peter*
13 Lennox, James*
14 Early, Thomas*
15 Furmage, George*
16 King, James
18 Turner, Daniel*
19 Kennedy, James*
20 Aitken, William
21 Peters, David
22 Taylor, Mrs
23 Watson, Peter
24 Blyth, John*
25 Barnet, Charles*
26 Drummond, John*
27 Dow, William*
28 Watt, Alex. Leslie
29 Auchincloss, John, son.*
30 Hutchinson, C G. teacher*
32 Waterston, Hugh
4. Hunter Square. 9
(124 High Street.)
1 Doig, Robert, spirit dealer*
1 Hogg, Thomas*
2 Mack, W. E. hatter*
3 Richardson and Brown*
4 Merchants' Hall
4 Rutherford, Miss
4 Watt, Wm.
6 Royal Bank of Scotland
Branch — W. Morton
6 and 7 Russell, Thomas, and
Co., ironmongers
7 Smith and Co. oilmen
7 Quigley and Reid, printers
8 City of Glasgow Bank
8 Pillans, H. S.
10 Spence, John, tavern keeper*
10 Currie and Lamb, bookbinds.
1. Huntly Street. 3
1 Grainger, William
2 Incliee, John*
2 Stewart, Robert*
2 Hutchison, Henry
2 Findlay, Robert*
2 Cunningham, And.*
2 Buchanan, Alexander

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