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Gellatly & White, engravers and lithographic
printers, 26-a George street
Gellatly, David, 16 Comely bank
Gellatly, David, joiner, 162 Fountainbridge
Gellatly, Robert, clock and vratchmaker, 78
Princes street
Gellatly, W. silversmith, 93 Wight's place
Gerable, Mrs C. 1 St Vincent street
Gemlie, Andrew, teacher, 35 Barony street
Gemmell, James, paper and rag merchant, 22
Green side place
Gemmell, Kev. Robt., 13 Dalrymple crescent
Gemmell, Robt. ptovision merchant, 19 Earl
Grey street
Gemmell, William, grocer, 1* Clerk street
GENERAL Steam Navigation Company,
21 Waterloo place, and 51 Bernard street,
Leith — Robert Sinclair, manager. (See
Gentle, Geo. baker, 51 Thistle street
Gentle, Jas., W.S. (A. & A. Campbell) 36
Queen street
Gentle, John (G. P.-O.), 8 Parkside street
Gentleman, Mrs, 69 York place
Geoghegan, Joseph, teacher of singing, 132
Clerk street
Georgeson, Geo. cooper, 31 West Norton pi.
Georgiades, S. 58 Queen st.
Gerrard, Francis, undertaker, 10 St James'
Gibb & Co. chemists and druggists, 16 Leith
St. — house, Hinfield ho. Hope Park square
Gibb, Alex. & Son, builders, 4 Nottingham
place — house, 18 May field terrace
Gibb, A. spirit merchant, 40 West Richmond
street — ho. Annfield house, Hope Park end
Gibb, Alex, joiner, 7 Salisbury street
Gibb, Alex., umbrella and parasol manufac-
turer, 28 George st. — ho. 14 Dundas street
Gibb, David, druggist, 7 Lothian road
Gibb, David, joiner, 4 St Bernard's row
Gibb, George, boot and shoe maker, 6 Duke
street, Leith— house, 20 Glover street
Gibb, G. inspector of works, 17 Dalrymple
Gibb, George, joiner, 72 Grove street
Gibb, George, tailor, 4 East Arthur place
Gibb, James, 2 Sciennes hill place
Gibb, James, 4 Montgomery street
Gibb, Jas. {M'-Farlaiie 8f G.), Silvermill cot.
Gibb, John M., 10 W. Lauriston place
Gibb, John, builder, 9 Greenside place
Gibb, John, 6 Lothian street
Gibb, John, dairyman, 6 W. Nicolson street
Gibb, John, dairyman, 183 Causewayside
Every VyEDNESDAT and Saturday, at 3 p.m.,
Splendid and Swift Screw Steamships
GRANTON, (new ship,) STORK, and HERON,
or other of the Company's Steamships.
Eor Fares and other particulars, apply at the Office,
21 WaterlooIPlacb.
Gibb, Henry, 8 Brougham place
Gibb, Richard W., umbrella and parasol
manufacturer, 43 South bridge
Gibb, Thomas, cabinet maker, 2 St John st.
Gibb, Thos. builder, 12 Meadow pi.
Gibb, William, bootmaker, 5 William street
Gibb, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 49 Earl
Grey street, 18 Rosebank cottages
Gibb, Mrs, 7 Claremont crescent
Gibb, Miss, 29 Buccleuch place
Gibb, Misses, dressmaker, 44 India place
Gibbs, Andrew A. 72 Grove street
Gibbs, H. shoemaker, 2 S. College st. — ho.
81-A Causewayside
Gibbon, Alex, of Johnston, Sunny brae, 6
Newbattle terrace
Gibson-Craig, Dalziel, & Brodies, W.S. 5
Thistle street
Gibson & Gibson, buttermen, 17 Charlotte
Gibson & Ferguson, W.S. 1 Northumberland
Gibson and Walker, corn merchants, Bonning-
ton steam-mills
Gibson, Adam, 7 Hope terrace
Gibson, Alexander, 43 East Claremont st.
Gibson, Alex, advocate, 19 Albany street
Gibson, Andrew, engineer, 36 Whitfield pi.
Gibson, Arch, accountant, 10 Maitland st.
Gibson, Charles, printer, 18 Thistle street —
house, 59 Frederick street
Gibson, Charles, porter, 43 Earl Grey street
Gibson, David L. silk mercer, 34 South bridge
—house, 13 Upper Gray street
Gibson, George, & Co. merchts, 5 Wet docks
— house, 13 Hermitage place
Gibson, Geo. civil engineer, 24 St Andrew sq.
— house, 31 Gayfield sq.
Gibson, George, grocer, 4 Brown place
Gibson, George, 38 Moray place
Gibson, George {G. 6f G.), 4 Dewar place
Gibson, George B., agent, 4 Gray's place,
37 St Leonard street
Gibson, Gilbert M, private teacher of French
and classics, 1 1 Charles street
Gibson, Henry Gordon, W.S. (/. and H. G.
Gibson), Westknowe, Merchiston park
Gibson, Hugh C. plumber and lead merchant,
&c. 23 Dock St.— ho. 5 Bonnington place
Gibson, James, & Co. dyers and scourers, 90
Nicolson St.
Gibson, James, & Co. clothiers and outfitters,
106 South bridge
Gibson, Jas. (J. G. and Co.), 10 Windmill st.
Gibson, James, baker, 6 Brighton street
Gibson, John and Henry Gordon, W.S. 12
Charlotte street
Gibson, John, jun. W.S. (J. 8f H. G. Gibson),
38 Moray place
Gibson, John {G. and Ferguson), W.S. 53
Inverleith row
Gibson, John {Com. B. of S,), 31 Howard pi.
Gibson, John, dairy, 1 Hope street

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