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DUNDEE ADVERTISER; John Leng, managing proprietor, editor, and
publisher, 7 to 25 Bank st. See Adv. on coloured leaf preceding title
Dundee Aerated Water Manufacturing Company, Limited ; Henry
Blackwood, manager, 21 Magdalen Yard road
Dundee and Arl)roath Joint Railway ; office, 65 Commercial street ;
Edward Gilbert, manager and secretary
DUNDEE ARMS RESTAURANT, 31 High street; John Graham, proprietor.
See Adv. p. 60
Dundee Art Club, 31 Reform street ; A. Kilgour, secretary
Dundee Auction Rooms, Ward road ; Andrew Moncur, auctioneer
Dundee Bakers' House of Call, 15 Vault ; William Ramsay, keeper
Dundee Boatshed Coy., Esplanade; Wm. A.Edward, 10 Tay square, secy.
Dundee Box Manufacturing Co., printers, account book and fancy box
makers, 19 Overgate
DUNDEE BURIAL SOCIETY, 2 Bain square. See Adv. pp. 40 and 41
Dundee Burns Club, 7 Ward road
Dundee Calendering Company, calenderers, 48 St Andrew's street; James
0. Adams, manager
Dundee Carpet Works, Clepington rd.;Marshall, Andrews, & Brush,manfs.
Dundee Cemetery Co. , Western Cemetery ; R. G. Rae, superintendent,
secretary, and treasurer
Dundee Charity Organization Society,? West Bell st.; John Dunlop, agent;
h. Church street, Broughty Feiry
Dundee Chess Club, 39 High street ; Horatio T. Baxter, secretary
Dundee Combination Parochial Board Office, 1 St Clement's lane ;
Thomas Brown, inspector
Dundee Contractors Association, 104 Commercial st. ; David Don, secy.
Dundee Courier, W. & D, C. Thomson, proprietors, publishers and printers,
34 North Lindsay street
Dundee Cycle Supply Co., cycle agents, repairs, &c., City Cycle Depot,
90 Commercial street
Dundee Day Nurseries, 33 Isles' lane, Mrs Hill, matron ; and Hillbank
cottage, 52 Cotton road, Mrs Robertson, matron
Dundee and District Mutual Glass Insurance Association, Limited, 1
Exchange street ; A. J. Murdoch, manager
Dundee and District Sanitary Association ; office, 1 1 R,ef orm. street ;
Alexander Tosh, secy, and treasurer; W. H. C. Wright, C.E.
Dundee and District Tramway Company, Limited, 19 High street ;
Robert Fyfe, manager and secretai-y
DUNDEE DYE WORKS, 222 Hilltown ; Stevenson Brothers, dyers.
See Adv. p. 12
Dundee Eastern Co-operative Society, Ld., bakers, grocers, butchers, and
provision merchants, 1 to 9 Erskine street, 145 Ann street, 8 Main
street, 153 Hawkhill, 8 Glebe st., 13 Milnbankrd., 53 Victoi'iard.,
and 22 High st. , Lochee ; office and bakery, 34 North Ellen st. ;
manager, Wm. Phillips
Dundee Eye Institution, 84 Murraygate
Dundee Flour Mills, East Dock street ; John P. White, proprietor
Dundee Foundry, East Dock street ; Gourlay Brothers & Co. , engineers
Dundee Gas Commiss. Office, 16 Meadowside ; A. I. Strachan, treasurer
Dundee Gas Works, East Dock st. ; John M'Orae, engineer and mangr.

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