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[ J07 J
Cairnmuir Lady, brifto flreet
Cameron Mrs, genrlewoman, Campbell's clofe, canongate
Cameron George, engraver, Toderick's wynd
Cameron John, merchant, above Dunbar's clofe
Campbell Mrs, gentlewoman, Patterlbn's court
Campbell William, fchool-marter, potter-row
Campbell Mrs, room-fetter, foot of Forrefteir's wjmd •
Carinton John, brewer, foot of new lireet
Carmichael John, wine-merchant, writer's court
Carmichael Duncan, merchant, Gabriel's road
Carmichael Thomas, merchant, head of Forreder's wynd
Carnochan William, grocer, St Andrew's ftreet
Carfs Alexander, cutler, back of the fountain well
Chalmers Patrick, advocate, cow gate head
Chalmers Mrs, gentlewoman, back ftaii-s
Chalmers John, extraftor, St Andrew's fquare
Chalmers William, writer, back of the weigh houfe
Chaplain Mrs, rooro-fetter, fountain clofe
Chapman David, Ihoe-maker, St Ninian's row
Chilholm William, fhoe-maker, cowgate port
Clapperton Alexander, writer, trunk clofe
Clapperton James, lint-drefTer, head of Scot's clofe, cowg.
Clark George, advocate, James's court
Clark JameSj writer, op. Crichton's entry, canongate
Clark Mrs, fchool-miftrefs, weft bow
Clark Mrs, room-fetter, Currie's clofe, caftle-hill
Cock John, ftay-maker, Wardrope's court
Conftable George, writer, advocate's clofe
Cowan John, engraver, oppofite the guard
Comb David, heel-cutter, crofs-caufey
Coopar George, writer to the fignet, op. canongate church
Corbet Mrs, gentlewoman, plain-ftone-clofe, canongate
Craig Nicol, gentleman, horfe wynd
Craigie Lawrence, writer to the fignet, Alifon's fquare
Cramb William, breeches-maker, potter-row
Cl-awford Mrs, of Ballingry, Niddery's v/ynd
Crichton Mrs, room-fetter, Stonelaw's clofe
Crooks Mrs, ftabler, Sommer veil's clofe, canongate
Ci^umbie Andrew, dyer, Hume's clofe, cowgate
Cullen Robert, advocate, mint clofe
Camming Mrs, room-fetter, Morocco's clofe, lawn-m.
Camming George, iint-drefler, oppofite ChefTals's court
Cunningham Lady Mary, abbey hill

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