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I 8f7 .1
Slme James, merdiant, portfburgh
Sime Henry, baxtet, portfburgh
Slme George, flater, Dickfon's clofe
Sirae James, ditto, Montistb's clofe
Sime Miis, mantua-maker, dittb .
Sime James, glover, fclreams
Sime Mrs, room-letter, Nicolfon's fti-eet
Simpfon Mrs, geiltlewoman, weft bow
Simpfon William, head tel. in the roy„bank, St And flreet
Simpion Robert, writer, fountain clofe
iHmpfon William, wool-mer. oppofite the bow head welT
Simpfon Thoirias, pewterer, head of Halkert<3ii's wytid -,
Simpfon James, baxter, op. foot of filh-market clofe
Sinjpfon Richard, grocer, Anderfon's land, weft; bow
Simpfon Alexander, mer.-taylor, foot of the plealance
Simpfon James, taylor, portfburgh
Simpfon Joltn, dir to, potter-row
Simpfons Mifs, tohacconifts^ oppollte the exchange
Simpfon George, fmith, abbey-hill
Simpfon Andrew, fmith^ at Jock's k>dge
Simpfon George, flioe-maker, St. Ninian's r^gw
Simpfon John, baker, portfburgh
Simpfon Walter, room-fetter, brifto-ftreet
Simpfon Walter, groc?T'yvP<>tter-row
Sinclair Lady, Crichton's ftrcet
Sinclair Lady, Smith's land -
Sinclair Mifs, .milline'ri weft bow
Sinclair Lady, Adam's court
Sinclair Alexander, of Berwick, Efq; ftnclien's clofe" :
Sinclair John, of Friezwick^ Efq; fociety
Sinclair Mrs, gentlewoman, Fotiiis's clufe.
Sinclair Robert, advocate, Adam's ccui't
Sinclair John, fee dfman, vveft bow foot'
Sinclair William, wright, Hamilton's folly
Sinclair' Alexander, taylor, potter-row
Sinclair Mrs, room-fetter, below ChefTals' courts-
Si vewright Mrs gentlewoman, cowgate, head
Sivewright WlHiam, taylor, Wackfriars wynd
Sivevvright James, comb-maker, foet of ditto
Skae Mrs, gentlewoman, chapel ilreet
Skae David, grocer, head of Fortune's clofe
Skae Robert,..iobacconift, head of Peeble's wynd
Slier.q Colonel, abbey hill
II 2

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