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C 62 ]
M'Kain Dayidfon, grocer, head of Patterfon's court
M'Kay General, in the dean
M^Kay Mrs, of Bighoufe, brifto-flreet
M*Kay the Honourable Mifs, teviot row
M'Kay Henry, fupervifor, brifto ftreet
M'Kay Charles, goldfmith, potter-row port
M'Kay Murdoch, horfe-hirer, foot of the pleafance
M'Kay George, vintner, calton
M'Kay Mifs, milHner, weft bow
M'Kzy William, Ihoe-raaker, potter-row
,*VI*Kell James, fijh-hook-maker, Leith wynd
M^Kell Robert, taylor, hammermens clofe, canongate
M'Kenzie Kenneth, of Sefotch, abbey
M'Kenzie Lady Ann, Leith wynd
M'Kenzie Mrs, of Aplcrofs, ditto ^
M'Kenzie Mrs, gentlewoman, chapel ftreet *
M'Kenzie Mifs, fouth Gray's clofe
M'Kenzie Mrs, merchant, luckenbootlis
M'Kenzie William, vintner, cowgate foot
M'Kenzie Henry, attorney of exchequer, cowgate-head
M'Ken^ie John, advocate, Prince's ftreet •
Jii'Keiizie Mifs? old affembly clofe
M'Kenzie William, Efq; advocate. Brown's fqnare
M'Kenzie Jofeph, phylician, cowgate- head
M'Keilzie Alex, writer to the fignet, Carrubber's clofe
M'Kenzie John, ditto, horfe wynd,
M'Kenzie Charles, writer, old poft-houfe ftairs
M'Kenzie Kennethj druggift, head of Cant's clofe
M'^Kenzie William, cork-cutter, foot of Stonelaw's clofe
M'Kenzie Mifs, milliner, Forrefter's wynd
M'Kenzie Daniel, vintner, op. new fi/h-market, cov/gatc
M'Kenzie Duncan, ihoe-maker, Rccch's land, ditto
M'Kenzie John, taylor, Leith wynd
M'Kenzie Roderick, ditto, blackifriars wyrd
M'Kenzie John, fenior, grocer, iiead of Morifon's clofe
M'Kenzie John, junior, ditto, ditto
M'Kenzie Mrs, room-fetter, old aflemby clol^
M'Kenzie Mils, ditto, Forrefter's wynd
M'Kinlay George, room-fetter, college wynd
M'Kinnon Daniel, barber, Gavinloch's land,
M'Kinuon Niel, ditto, worlds end clofe
M' Lagan Robert, phyftcian, calton-hill
JVI'Lagan Robert, writer, mid flcfh-markct clofe
M'Lagan Mrs, niidwife, plainftone cloie, canongate

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