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27 Gallic, George
28 Latham, Joseph
30 Sinclair, Adam
30 Lincl, Andrew, tailor
32 Jiipp, H. musicseller
34 M'Intosh, 11. tobacconist
35 Hunter, Robert
35 Simpson, John
36 Erydon, James, flesher
38 Hamilton, David, baker
39 Paterson, Alex. F. grocer
40 Leitli Total Abstinence So-
cietifs Committee Room
41 Weirs Close
42 Ralston, Mrs
43 Emison, R. tailor
44 Skilling, Mrs John
48 Coclirane, John, tinsmith
51 Thorburn and Co. merchts.
52 Lindsay, James, baker
53 Swan, Ed. provision merclit.
58 Hay and Philip
59 Webster, Hugh, corn dealer
59 Mackay, Neal, builder
59 Fairgrieve, Mrs Wm. lodg.
59 Smith, Charles
62 Smith, Newbigging, J. drug.
64 Stocks & Co. china merchts.
68 Crawford, Thos. baker
70 Dunn, John, hairdresser
71 Ballingall, Jas. prov. mer.
73 Lindsay, James, baker
75 Laing, James, grocer
77 & 78''Yates, J. hosier
79 Alexander, Mrs Jas. grocer
81 Dickson, W. & C. milliners
82 Archibald, A. baker
84 Fraser, John, hairdresser
85 Hill, James, grocer
87 Jobson, Mrs M. spirit dlr.
91 Junkison, Wm. flesher
95 Drummond, Thomas
96 Bennet, Forest, draper
97 Winwick, J. spirit mercht,
97 Lauder, Tiios. water officer
98 Paterson, T. spirit dealer
99 Trinity House
99 Carstairs and Robertson
100 Riciuirdson, Mrs
100 Cowan, Miss J.
102 Stebbing, Alex, painter
105 M'Gill, J. tobacconist
107 Cockburn, Peter, dai)-y
108 M'Fadyen, F. cork manuf.
109 Hunter, Robert, and Son
109 Fairley, John, tinsmith
113 Shear, David, prov. dealer
114 Chalmers, Jas. spirit dealer
117 Archibald, Mrs M. cutler
119 Mo watt, Wm. dairy
121 Cuihbeit, David
122 Dougal Brothers
123 Murray, Jas. provision dlr.
124 Addison, Alex, baker
126 Sword, W. B. spirit dealer
127 Munro, William
129 Arnott, Joini, and Co.
.130 Diiric, James, baker
132 IS'irmno, Wm. stationer
133 Drummond, C. bookseller
134 Walker, James, draper
135 M'Gregor, J. smallware mer.
136 Gray, George, hatter
137 Veitch, Jn. & Co. merchts.
138 Bennet, A. and M. drapers
139 Banks, R. grocer
141 Cochrane, William
142 Wright, Jas. victual dealer
144 Smith, J. jeweller
144 Whitehead, L. shoe shop
147 Hutchison, A. (it. Hunter
and Son)
Myle Place.
Weir, James (G. P.- 0.)
Eiady liaw.§©ii's Wynd.
8 Millar, Robt.
23 Pagan, Oswald, spirit dealer
Cattle Market
43 Sutherland, John
liadyfieM PSaee.
1 Baird, Robert
3 Powell, G. W.
liapside Place.
Menzies, Mrs, grocer
M'Pherson, Wm.
Turner, Richard, spirit dealer
liarcSaSaeld ¥iISa.
Somerville, A. G.
Somerville, A. G. jun.
E^ander Moad.
Samuel, P. (/v. S. and D.)
Robertson, R.
Moxey, G. T. sm-geon, R.N,
Brown, Mrs S.
Christie, John
Bell, Jn. B.
Morham, Robert
Tennaut, T. M.
Black, George
Anderson, James C.
Siassrie Street.
1 Marshall, Mrs Thomas
2 Alexander, Thomas, agent
3 Hopkirk, Wm. gardener
4 Hall, Robert, smith
6 Taylor, Francis, wriglit
Sja.iirisi&n I^aue.
4 Patterson, John
8 Christie, James
9 Milne, William
10 Millar, John
11 Merchant Maiden Hospital
12 Walker, Robert
l^aMi-istoii Place.
1 Grant, Robert
2 Wood, Jolm A.
2 Davidson, Thomas
2 Hutchison, Mai-shall
2 Nicol, Mrs
2 Marshall, James
6 Russell, John, wrigut
6 Smith, A. and D.
7 Campbell, James
Lawiston PI. West intersects.
25 Glen, Misses
27 Burton, J. H. advocate
28 Beattie, A. Lauriston villa
Laurlston Gardens.
Beattie, W. Lauriston gar.
Richardson, J. Lauris. gar.
29 Hutchison, ilrs Colonel
33 Deuchar, Mrs
33 Deuchar, Miss E. R.
Lauriston House.
35 Plumber, John
37 Mellis, James
39 Milne, J. brassfounder
41 Scott, Thomas
41 Scott, Alex., E.I.C.S.
43 Alexander, James
45 M'Leod, Alexander
47 Chalmers, David, M.D.
51 Buchanan, Jas., D.D. pro^
fessor of divinity
Archibald Place intersects.
53 Nicholson, William, grocer
55 Carmichael, Archibald
67 Dods, Mrs
59 Dobie, John
59 Scott, Miss
59 Ferguson, John
61 Steen, John C.
63 Fairlie, James
63 Fairlie, James, jun.
65 Wilson, Miss
65 Leith, Alex. coml. traveller
65 Skae, W.
65 Murray, A. G. printer
65 Murray, Mrs William
67 Fairley, James, grocer
128 Summers, Miss
126 Waters, Miss
126 Pretsell
124 Pitcairn, Mrs ''
122 Wight, George
122 Anderson, Walter
120 Marshal], Robert B.
120 Marshall, Mrs
118 Peddie, Miss
118 Paterson, Robert, merchant
114 Falkner, Jas. P., S.S.C-
112 Erskine, Miss
112 Cowieson, Peter
112 Millar, Rev. Alex.
112 Mains, David
110 Niven, John, M.D.
110 Abernethy, Miss
108 Gibb, Thomas
106 Wilkinson, W. D.
106 Glen, Mrs
106 Forgie, Robt. cattle agent
106 Crawford, James
104 M'Dowall, James
102 Strutiiers, Dr John
100 Carnegie, J. agent
100 Hume, George
100 Kennedy, Frederick
100 Colville, Mrs
100 Murray, R. R.

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