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10 Home, Donald, W.S.
10 Home, T. E. 0., W.S.
11 BorthAvick, Mrs
12 Nisbet, John More
13 Hagart, Lt.-Col.
14 Brodie, Patrick
15 Cadell, Mrs
16 Geddes, Misses, boarding- sch.
17 Montgomery, Wm., W.S.
18 Meiklam, John
19 Hay, J. Stuart
20 Gordon, Mrs Gilbert Maitland
21 Donald, Mrs Alexander
22 Uiinston, Ang. H.
Jk^tholl l*Iace.
1 Anderson, T. S., W.S.
2 Cunningham, J. {^Sig. Lib.)
2 Boag, AVilliam
2 Nicolson, George
2 Taylor, John
3 Eraser, Miss
4 Anderson, R. S., W.S.
5 Stevenson, Mrs
5 Ruddiman, Miss
5 Walker, Andrew
5 BrOAvn, Miss E. C.
6 Nimmo, Robert
7 Grant, Mrs
8 Niven, Miss
8 Gibson, Miss
8 Burt, Miss
8 M'Naughton, Miss
8 Galloway, Wm. i
9 Macfarlane, James, W.S. I
10 Greig, AVilliam I
11 Taylor, Wm. victual dealer ]
12 M'Cullooh, Wm.
12 Alston, George, clothier j
12 Taylor, Rev. William |
12 Haidon, George, builder
12 Mill, Ebenezer, S.S.Co
12 Nevt^ton, William
13 Arbuckle, A. grocer
Aeljiarii Place.
1 Stratton, Edward
2 Dobson, George
4 Ourrie, Heriot
Young, Robert '
Robertson, Charles
Baker's Place.
13 Burns, John
12 Scott, John, leather mercht.
11 Stewart, John
10 Blythe, Mrs Charles
10 Muir, Mrs, dressmalcer
10 Yule, Mrs
]0 AVhite, Alexander
9 Munro, James K. draper
7 Porteous, William, painter
6 Rodger, JMrs, greengrocer
G Rodger, Mrs M.
5 Simpson, Alex. 6c Co. grocers
4 Gray, A. & Co.
2 Hendrie, James, tobacconist
1 Tod, Brothers, millers
Baltic street.
1 Wishart and Clapperton, corn
2 Gordon, James
2 Gordon, A. R.
2 Mason, Thomas
3 Burrell & Byres
6 Scoueall, Ellis, & Co.
6 Scarth, Mrs
6 Douglas, Mrs, lodgings
G Bruce, Geo.
6 Wilson, Miss Ellen
9 Duncan, J. & Co. brokers
10 Edm. SrLeith Gas-Light Co.
13 Black, "^William
22 White, Hugh, coal agent
22 Mar q.of Lothian CoaWepot
Bank lIO!ii@e.
Young, David, merchant
Ba.nk Place.
1 Steven, AVm. merchant
2 Dalziel, Mrs John
2 Stein, Charles
3 Balbirnie, John
4 Darling, R. carter and farmer
5 Bolton,David {Bolton §- Co.)
Q- Grahame, Capt. John
6 Cameron, Alex. {Customs)
6 Henderson, George
6 Scott, R. {Inland Revenue)
7 Grieve, Miss
8 Rose, Neilson
Bank street.
1 Mackinlay, P. & Co.
2 Mackinlay, Duncan, draper
3 Stark, Adam, ironmonger
4 Sinclair, James, draper
4 Boyle, Mrs
5 Kay, William, stationer
G Aitchison, J. watchmaker
7 Ferguson, W. bookseller
8 Millar, AV. W., S.S.C.
8 Liverpool and London Fire
and Life Insurance Co.
8 Manchester Fire Insurance
8 Victoria Legal and Com-
mercial Life Assurance
10 Greenuill, John, stationer
11 Scottish Trade Protection
11 Nicoll, Robert G. messenger-
11 Bell, John {B. S,- B.)
12 Bell and Bradfute, booksellers
13 Burns, Edward {B. &f B.)
13 Burns and Bell, clothiers
13 Cockburn, Mrs C.
13 Griffith, James, accountant
13 Griffith, Miss Mary
13 Brown, Alexander
13 Weatherly, James
14 Gray, C. watchmaker
15 Aitchison, James, working
16 Milne, James, bootmaker
18 Christie, Robert L.
21 Boyle, Sirs, staymaker
23 M'Dougall, N. spirit dealer
Bank Street^ l^'ortls.
Bank of Scotland
Armstrong, T. cashier
Laing, Alexander, messenger
Moifat, B. James, messenger
2 Glen, Thomas
4 Whitten, Rob. H. auctioneer
— See Adv.
5 Ferguson, J. ironmonger
5 Bain, Mrs
5 Jack, John, slater
6 Douglas, James, picture-
liner and restorer
7 M'Intosh, James, bookseller
7 Renton, J. organ builder
8 Nimmo', P. & J.
9 Stevenson, And. bookseller
10 Russell, Thomas, brushmaker
13 H. ill. Gazette Office
13 Lawi'ie, A. AY. & Co. printers
13 Frame, Lockhart, bookbinder
13 Grieve, Andrew, bookbinder
13 Boyd, G. AY. & Co.
14 Cotton, J. & Co. agents
Bank street, licith.
2 Smith &M'Laren, merchants
3 Flett, AVilliam, merchant
5 Rose and Morrison, merchts.
Barony !§tr«et.
Crighton, Mrs
Craig, Thomas
BroAvn, AVilliam
Jack, Samuel, bootmaker
Barber, Mrs
Gordon, Alex, bootmaker
Mitchell, LcAvis D.
Clerk, James {G. P.-O.)
Macdonald, Mrs
M'Gregor, John
Learmonth, T. bellhanger
Glassite Chapel
Duncan, Mrs
Panton, Mrs William
Brown, John
Hawks, EdAvard
Leggie, Alexander
Macmillan, D. accountant
M'Gregor, D. writer
Bruce, James
Bell, Thomas, smith
Muirhead, John
Davidson, Jonathan
Robb, John, builder
Pm-die, James
Cooper, Thomas
Allan, Charles
Middlemass, AV. F. writer
Young, Mrs James
Usher, John, AV.S.
Learmonth, Thomas
Black, David
StCAvart, Charles

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