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Hutton, William, writer, 20 Nelson street
Hutton, Mrs, midwife, 12 High School yards
Hutton, Miss Lilias, teacher of pianoforte, 1
Nicolson sqr.
Huxtable, Alfred, teacher of music, 6 Castle
Hyatt, Lewis L. India Rubber, &c. 36 Gil-
more St. lane
Hydropathic and Galvanic Baths, Sciennes'
Hill — Dr James Lawrie
Hyndman, A. lodgings, 8 St Patrick street
Ilriach, Mrs M. ladles's nurse, 50 South
Imlach, Fran. Brodie, F.R.C.S.E. dentist and
surgeon, 48 Queen street
Imlach, George, 47 Ann street
Imlach, Mrs Agnes, 48 Queen street
Imlay, Geoge, fish merchant, 8 So. College
Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Co. of Lon-
don, 15 Warriston cres — Wra. F. Gibson,
of the British Linen Co., agent
Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Company —
Leith agency, J. B. Tod & Son, 72 Consti-
tution street
Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Office,
Murray & Logan, agents, 141 George street
Imrie, Henry, pastry cook, 65 South bridge —
house, 1 5 South College street
Imrie, Robert B. 3 Duncan street
Inch, David, flesher, 3 Howard street — house,
4 South Howard place
Inch, J. flesher, 53 London street — house, 76
Broughton street
Inch, Mrs, I Howard place
Inderwick, Miss, 22 Rose street
Indigent Gentlewomen's Fund Office, 28
Stafford street — John K. FuUarton, sec.
Indisputable Life Assurance Company of
Scotland, 13 Queen street
Industry, House of, 19 St John street
Industrial Schools (Original Ragged), Ram-
say lane and Marionville house, Jock's
Lodge— B. M'Donald
Industrial School (United), South Gray's
close, 56 High street
Infirmary, Royal, Infirmary street
Ingle, Mrs Mary, 15 Buccleuch place
Inglis & Leslie, W.S. 16 Queen street
Inglis, John, & Co. grocers and spirit dealers,
207 Cowgate
Inglis, Alexander, City tavern, 3 Milne square
and 4 Veal market
Inglis, Archd.M.D.andF.R.C.S. 33 Albany st.
Inglis, David, recorder, Council chambers,
163 Canongate — ho. 2 Reid's court
Inglis, David, Broughton cottage
Inglis, David, private lodgings, 102 George st.
Inglis, H. Maxwell, W.S. 8 N. St David street
— house, 4 Coates crescent
Inglis, Henry, W.S. (i. ^ Leslie), of Torsonce,
16 Queen street
Inglis, Henry, 2 Spence's place
Inglis, Hugh, Canonmills
Inglis, John, hat & cap wareh., 41 Leith st.
Inglis, J. 5 Salisbury street
Inglis, J. H. 31 Buccleuch place
Inglis, John, The Right Hon., Lord- Justice-
Clerk, 30 Abercromby place
Inglis, John, tailor, 46 Nicolson street
Inglis, John, gardener, E. Powderhall
Inglis, John, tea dealer, 10 Leven street
Inglis, John, 12 Clarence street
Inglis, Peter, farmer, East Pilton, Ferry road
Inglis, Rob. {Gall ^ Inglis), 11 Minto street
Inglis, R. boot and shoemaker, 23 Rosemount
buildings, Grardners' crescent
Inglis, Thos. depute commiseary-clerk. Parlia-
ment square — house, 4 Merchiston mount
Inglis, Thos. victualler, 38 Lothian street —
house, 11
Inglis, Thos. M.D., H.E.I.C.S., F.R.C.S. 5
Royal terrace
Inglis, Thos. provision raercht. 173 Pleasance
Inglis, William, A.M. teacher. New Grey-
friars' school
Inglis, William T. 8 Dean street
Inglis, W. & C. booksellers, stationers, and
circulating librarians, 46 Hanover street — ■
house, 11 Minto street
Inglis, William, coachbuilder and harness-
maker, 40 Pleasance and 69 Adam square
Inglis, William, jun. postmaster, 40 Pleasance,
and Forrest road
Inglis, Wm. & J. shoemaks. 16 Queensferry st,
Inglis, Wm. jun. grain broker and factor, 122
Constitution street
Inglis, Mrs Dr, 4 Coates crfescent
Inglis, Mrs E. lodgings, 18 Duncan street
Inglis, Mrs J. spirit dealer, 8 Spence's pi. Leith
Inglis, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 40 N. Richmond st.
Inglis, Isabella, dressmaker, 28 Carnegie street
Inglis, Miss, 64 Broughton street
Inglis, Miss, 3 Mansion house road
Ingram, Mrs, dressmaker, 3 St Bernard's row
Inkster, John, manager of the Leith, Hull, &
Hamburgh Steam Packet Co. 34 Bernard st.
Inland Revenue Office for Scotland, 10
Waterloo place
Inland Revenue ( Tax Office)^ 6 Waterloo pi.
Inland Revenue Office, Customhouse, Leith
Innes & Grieve, oilmen, grocers, and wine
merchants, 11 St Andrew square
Innes, A. umbrella maker, 35 Nicolson st.
Innes, A. Taylor, S.S.C. 5 Dundas st.
Innes, Charles, plasterer, 46 Thii-tle street
Innes, Cosmo, advocate, principal clerk of
session, 15 Inverleith row
Innes, Sir David, 14 Brandon street
Innes, John B. (^Mackenzie, I, and Logan),
37 Heriot row
Innes, John, gardener, Seafield, Leith
Innes, Peter, 63 Frederick st.
Innes, Rev. Robt. St Mary's Catholic Church,
firoughtOQ street

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