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Harpers, Thomson, & Co. corn factors and in-
surance brokers, 20 Constitution street
Harris, John, fish dealer, Newhaven
Harris, Professor J. Thorne, teacher of music,
piano, organ, harmonium, &c. 3 Gloucester
Harrison and Hill, woollen drapers and hat-
ters, 36 and 37 North bridge
Harrison, H. and J. G. secretary U. K. P. I-
23 St Andrew Square
Harrison, George, 12 Blackford road
Harrison, Henry, accountant, 19 Dundas st.
Harrison, Captain John, adjt. Royal Mid-
Lothian Yeomanry, 18 Alva street
Harrison, John Gow, accountant, 19 Dundas
Harrison, Mrs, 19 Dundas street
Harrower, Alex, victual dealer, 46 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Harrower, Mrs D. lodgings, 7 So. Charlotte st.
Hart, Alex, grocer and spirit dealer, 19 St
Andrew street, Leith
Hart, Francis, teacher and boarding school,
66 Gilmore place
Hart, Wm. philosophical instrument maker,
7 North College street — ho. 15 Keir street,
Hart, Isabella, 24 Cierk street
Hartley, John J., house painter and paper
hanger, 50 Rose street
Hartley, Thomas F. clothier and hatter, 51
New buildings, North bridge
Harthill, John, North British and Colonial
News rooms, emigration and newspaper
offices, 1 Hanover st — ho. 14 Gardner's
Harvey, George, R.S.A. historical painter, 21
Regent terrace
Harvey, James, shoemaker, 113 Rose street
Harvey, James, 3 Comely green crescent
Harvey, James, silk mercer and draper, 23
Archibald place
Harvey, Jn. solicitor, and N.P. 42 Bernard st.
Harvey, R. E. commission agent, 27 Quality
Harvey, Thomas, Merchiston castle
Harvey, Thos. furn. deal. 16 and 22 West bow
Harvey, Mrs, 21 Blacket place
Harvie, David, dairyman, 48 Thistle street
Harvie, Miss, 9 Brown street
Harvie, Miss, 45 George square
Hassell, Mrs, temp. cofFee-ho. 10 Shore, Leith
Hastie, Alex, bill poster, M'Leod's land, Old
Assembly close
Hastie, John, 18 West Nicolson street
Hastie, Thomas, Baker, 7 Duncan street
Hastie, Mrs, 26 Royal crescent
Hastings, .Tames, 7 Park street
Hastings, George, engineer, 5 Canon st. Leith
Hasweil, Geo. writer, 28 Gayfield square
Hasweli, Jas. wine mercht. & grocer, 30 Green-
side street, 497 Lawnmarket, and 6Q Grass-
market — house, Gayfield house
Hasweil, Miss, 20 Ainslie place
Hately, John, stone merchant. Port Hopetoun
— ho. 2 St James' square
Hately, Thos. teacher of music, 1 7 St James*
Hatborn, Mrs, of Castlewigg, 9 Forth street
Hatton, James, W.S. 25 Nelson street
Hauptman & Co. glass engravers, cutters, and
crystal lustre manufs. 22 Greenside lane
Hawdon, Jas. ipspector of works, 28 Albany
street, Leith
Hawkfield House Lunatic Asylum, Res-
talrig road, Leith
Hawkins, Mrs B. Laverock bank
Hawkins, Miss, dressmaker, 23 London st.
Hawks, Edward, engineer, 39 Barony street
Hawks, Jn. bit and spur maker, 1 Gallon hill
Hawks, Hen. engineer, E. P. & D. railway
station. Canal street
Hawthorn, William, 9 Cheyne st.
Hawthorns and Co. engineers, Leith engine
works. South Junction street, and Granton
iron works, Granton
Hay, D. R. and Co. decorative painters to the
Queen, 90 George st. — ho. 7 Jordan bank
Hay and Cooper, dyers and scourers — offices,
1 Heriot's place, Leith walk
Hay, G. & D. photographic artists, 68 Princes
Hay, P. & R. silk-dyers and scourers, 1 Heriot
buildings, and 5 S. St David st. — See Adv.
Hay and M'Kechnie, silk dyers, &c. &c. 13
North Melville pi. — works, Water of Leith
Hay and Philips' religious book and tract
depository, 58 Kirgate.
Hay and Pringle, W.S. 20 Young street
Hay, Alex. 1 Gayfield place
Hay, Alexander, jun. watchmaker & jeweller,
45 Princes street — house, 31 Broughton st.
Hay, Alex, writer, Bonnington bank
Hay, Alex, portrait engraver, 9 Henry street
Hay, Alex. Water of I^eith mills — ^house, 4
Charlotte pi.
Hay, Alex, stationer, engraver, and printer,
4 North bridge
Hay, And. leather merchant, 51 Mddry st.
Hay, Arch., commission agent, 2 Salisbury st.
Hay, Chas. 10 Fettes row
Hay, David, teacher of English, &c. 2 Drum-
mond street
Hay, David, draper and straw-hat maker,
65 Canongate
Hay, Forrest, lodgings, 53 Castle street
Hay, George, house agent, 39 Home street
Hay, Geo. (J. Milne §• Son) 30 Haddington
Hay, George, missionary, 17 Keir st.
Hay, Hamilton, S.A.L. accountant, 12 S. St
David St. — ho. 2 Buccleuch place
Hay, Lieut-Col. Humphry, late Bengal army,
13 Rutland street
Hay, James, postmaster, 109 Abbey hill
Hay, Jaffles, dyer, 16 Jamaica street

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