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HpiIE Nobility, Gentry, and Public of Aberdeen and it
JL cinity, are most respectfully informed that the Subscribers Intel \
opened, for public inspection, their New and most Magnificent SHOW-
ROOMS, erected in connexion with their Establishment in CASTLE
STREET — the length of which, in all, measure upwards of 100 feet.
They have also much pleasure in intimating to the Public, that their
New Premises are filled with a most elegant Stock of CHINA, Ironstone
CHINA, Rich-cut CRYSTAL, and EARTHENWARE, all of which
have been lately purchased under their personal selection in the Staf-
fordshire Potteries and Glass-manufacturing districts in England. They
can, therefore, with the utmost confidence, recommend their present
Stock to the favourable notice of their numerous Friends and Cus-
H. F. & Co. have long adopted the plan of marking every article in
plain figures, at the lowest Cash prices. Formerly, from want of suffi-
cient extent of Premises, they were prevented from classifying their
Goods in the way they wished ; but now, from the vast accommodation
which they possess, every Customer may have every quality and price
of the articles they want before them at once ; and are enabled, by a
comparison, to discover the articles most suited either to their taste or
price, by this mode of having only one price, and that price marked in.'
plain figures on the article ; thus a world of trouble is saved, and those
who are not acquainted with the value of the articles have equal advan-
tages with the best judges.
The extent and arrangement of the Show-Rooms afford every facilit ■-
for examining and selecting articles, all of which are marked at such
prices as would be ruinous to those whose business is more limited in
II. Fraser & Co. beg to intimate to the Public the following List <<!
Prices : —
( Ihina Tea Sets, from 5s. 6d. to 10s. per Set
Do. Burnished Gold, from 16s. to £4.
Toddy Jugs, from 6d. to 4s. each.
Do. with Covers, from Is. to 5s. 6d. each.
Dessert Sets, from 16s. to £4 per Set.
Butter Tubs, from 8d. to 2s. each.
Breakfast Sets, from 15s. to £1 10s. per Set.
Bedroom Sets, from 6s. to £1 per Set.
In half-dozens, from Is. 6d to 2s. 6d. per half-dozen.
Bowls, Cream-pot, and Plate to match, at 6d. each.
Teapot, to match, at Is. 6d. each.
Crystal Salts, from 3£d. to Is. 9d. each.
Jelly Dishes, from 4*d. to 2s. 6d. each.
"Wine Glasses, at 2d., 2£d., 3,kl., 4id., 5£d., 6d., 7 id., 9d., KM each
Tumblers, at 2d., 3d., 4d., 6d., 7d., 9d., Is., Is. 6d.*each.
Ale Glasses, at 4d., 5d., 6d., 7d., 9d., Is. each.
Wine Decanters, at Is. 6d., 2s. 3d., 3s., 3s. 6d., 5s., 7s., 10s., I2s tid
Water Carafes, at Is., Is. 4d., Is. 9d.. 2s. 6d., 3s., 3s. 6d. each.
Spirit Bottles, at Is. 2d., Is. 6d., Is. 9d., 2s. 3d. each.
Pickle Bottles, at 2s. 6d., 3s., 4s. each.
Dishes, at Is., Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., 3s. 6d., 4s. 6d., 7s., 9s. eaeh.
Centre Dish, to match, at 6s., 7s., 9s. each.
Batter Tubs, at Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., 4s. 6d., 6s., 9s., 12s. 6d. each.
Sugar Basins, at 9d., Is., Is. 6d., 5s., 9s.. 12s. each.
Cream-pots, at 9d., Is., Is. 6d., 3s., 4s. tid. each.
Jugs, at Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., 3s. 6d.. 4s. 6d., 6s., 9s., 12s. each.
■ lso, a complete and useful assortment of every other article in the
low prices. H. FRASER <5 CO
55, Castlt Strert, July, 1840.

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