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Hill, Wm., "Girdle Self-Eaising
Flour," Hill's ''Sfmolina," Hill's
" Song Bird Seed," 78 M'Alpine
Howie, Robert, 21 Hope st
jHncter & Co., Smith st., Govan-
Hunter, John, 65 Bobfrfson st
.Jac>S(n, John, & Co., 79 Hope st
Johnston, Ninian, 67 Hope st
iKent, J. & J. 564-566 Gt. Eastern
tKer, D. & W., 26 Bothwell st
Ker, John, 77, 79 Ingrain st
'Kerr, Wm. & Co. 45 Hope st
â– King, J. M. 70 North Wallace st
Lauchlan, Andrew, 15 Cliccart
iLaurence, J. & J. 223 North
Wocdside road
iLanrie, James, & Co., 103 Sunny-
side road, Coatbridge
\Li\y & Stewart. 93 Hope st
'M'Adam, Andrew, & Sons, 6 King
street, 8.8.
;Maeara, Jtmes, 19 Waterloo st
iM'Aribur, Jno. & Andrew, 202,
204 Hunter sireet; ftore.s, 117
Barrack st, and ISO Hunter st
M'Ewan, Geo. 5 Washirgton st
Macfarlane, M. & J., 151 North st
M'Kay, Jane, 235 St. George's rd
jM'Kean & Buchanan, 66 ElcVo st
M'Kinncn & M 'Donald, 21 Hope
M'Lauchlan, James, 6 and 8 Kel-
vin street
M'Neish & Geate, 77 Robertton st
'Macnicol, Jas., 1 Prince's street,
Main & Co. 43 Hope st
Martin, Eobeit & James, 29 King
street, city
Michie. G. & A., 279 Dumbarton
rd. Partick
Miller, Hugh, 22 Hay burn street,
Miller, Robert, & Son, 13 Stock-
well place
Motherwell, Andrew, Gorbals
Giain Stores
Motherwell, Atdrew, 721 to 726
Springburn road
Munro, John, 85 Candleriggs
Murray, R. & Son, 128 Bothwell
Neil, John, 102 Gaiibraid street
Oliver Bros 68 Kii g sireet, s.s.
Parker, W. A., & Co., 45 Waterloo
Paton, Jas. 801 Possil rd
Pearson, Jobn A., 34 Eobeitson st
Peterson & Co., 29 Waterloo st
Pringle & Alexander, 17 Waterloo st
Rennie, John, 120 Elmbank st
Eenriie & M'Fadjen, 79 Robertson
Bichmond, John, & Co., 67
Robertson streit
Riddell, David, & Co., 3, 5, and 7
Hunter street
Riddell, John, & Sons, 10 Ander-
son street, Gallowgate
Rintoul, P. Sun & Co. 81 Hope
Rose, Geo. 16 East Miller st
Russell, D. T. & Baird, 73 Robert-
son street
Scouller, A. & Co., 41 Paisley rd.
Smart, Robt. 266 Garscube rd
Smart, Robt. & Son, 1073 Dum-
barton rd. Whiteinch
Smith, John, 139 Eglinton st
Smith & M'Kay, 59 Robertson
Steel & Whyte, 45 Hope st
Steven, J. R., 91 Bishop st. Port
Stevenson & Porteous, 24a Robert-
son street
Sweet, J. & Co. 41 Robertson st
Taylor Bros., 206 Springfield road
Thiel, W., Cockburn buildings,
141 Bath st
Thomson Bros. 8 Armour st
Thomson, Wm. (Glasgow) Ltd.,
410 Parliamectary road
Todd, R. W., 81 Orchard street,
Waddell, Alex., 34 Moir st
Wallace, Jas., 314 Renfrew st
Wallace, J. & W., 498 Gal-
West, Geo., 491 Crown street
White, J. & M., 206 Old Dumbar-
ton road
White & Kirkland, 50 Wellington
Wilson & Dunlop, 45 Hope st
Wil.-on, J. & J. R. 29 Waterloo st
Wishait, Geo. & Son, 61-63
Robertson st
Woodrow, Jas. 5 Gaingad hill
Young, James, 98 Bridgegite
Clark, Wm. S., & Co., 27, 29, and
SI Tunndl stieet
Cunningham, Jas. 169 Finnieston
M'Bride, Alex. 19 Tunnel street
M'Clelland, D. 4 Lome st.
Macormack & Ewing, C.
Prince's Dock
Robertson, John, & Son, 169
Finnieston st
Ta\lor, Anh., & Son, 1 Robertson
Bogdon, J., & Co., 37 Candleriggs
Campbell & Co., all talking
macbires,recordsand accessories
repairs a speciality, 116 Tron-
gate and 38 and 42 Sauchiehall
Gibb, .Tohn Ht-nry, 49 Renfrew st
HUl, R. Wjlie, & Co., Ltd., 20
Buchanan street
Albrethson, A. & Co. (building
stones and setts), 41 Ann st
Burnett & Fia^er, Cumbernauld
road, Millerston, near Riddrie
Cemetpry. Nat. Tel, 205 X 8
Carsluith Granite Co., Ltd.
(blocks for dock work, buildings,
aud monumental purposes, setts,
cube.s, kerbs, channel^*, beam
blocks, coping, macadam,
crushed granite), 21 India st
Currie & Co. Ltd. (crushed granite,
granite «nip3 and granite fronts),
office, 18 Bothwell st. ; depot, |
308 Paisley road; telephones,
P.O., No. 544 ; Nat., 547 and
548 Argyle
Douglas, Robert, Bridgeton Cross
Edwards, Macdougal & Co. (home
and fo'eign granites for the
trade ; stores, Aberdeen), 180
West Regent st
Gardner & Greenshields (late with
John Morrison & Son), stores,
318 Paisley road; office, 24
Howard street
Goldie, A. H., & Co., 27 Hope st
Gray & Co , 460 Sauchiehall st
and 134a Renfrew st., corner of
Cambridge st. ; P.O. telephone
No. 1738, Nat. tel. 608 Charing
Gibson, J., & Co., Cemetery gate,
Hunter, Thos. F. (monumental),
established 1870; 433 Great
Eastern rd., opposite Janefield
International Granite Co., 50
Wellington st
Johnstons Ltd., 74 York st
M'Ara, Alex, crushing and grinding
mills, Kinning st. and Clarence
St. ; office, 65 Morrison st. s s.
M'Ara, J. A., & Co., 17 Obwald st
Macdonald, Alex. & Co. Ltd.,
Aberdeen Granite Works, 385
Byres road, Kelvinside
Mossman.J. &G.,56 60 Cathedral
st; P.O. telephone No. 455
Murray & Siewart, 98 Commerce
street, s s. ; telephones, Nat
1791 South Side ; P.O. X 98
OUendorflF & Clarkson, Ltd., 163
Hope street
Quarrier Co. Ltd. (The), Ardshiel
Granite Quarries, Ballachulish ;
secy., Andrew M'CuUoch, 11
West Regent st
Ross, Walter C. , 53 Waterloo st;
stores, 40 St. James' st ofif
Paisley rd. ; telephones, Nat.
1530 Argyle ; P.O. 5193

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