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DnfF, Wm. & Co, roofing, sarking,
damp-course, inodorous, dry hair,
asbestos faced fireproof carpet
and abbeatos felts, 60 Elliot st
Fletcher, Barker & M'Alpine, 100
Dunlop fetreet
Gardner & Greensbields (roofing
sarking, damp-course and dry
hair felis), 8 Dixon street
Gla-tgow Asohalte, Felt and
Waterproof "Cloih Co., 42 Bath
Graves & Co , Ltd.; agent, Thos.
N. Wilson, 45 Hope &t
Greensbields, James, & Co., 42
Bath St
JobiistoDS Limited, 74 York st.;
warehouse, York lane, 28 York
Johnston, Patrick, & Co., sole
agents, Ruberoid Co. Ltd., 262
High street
Laing, R. G., & Co., 72 Waterloo
Lewis, W. & R. (tarred, hair and
woollen felts), 116 Broomielaw
M'Cormick & Campbell, agents,
132 Stobcross st
M'llwraith, Jas. & Co. Ltd.
Broomloan rd., Govan
Mitchells, Ashworth, Stans-
field & Co., Ltd. (W. Cooper,
agent), 33 Virginia st.
Muvchie, .Jamps, 39 iVIains street
Newton, Robertson &^Co., 52 St.
Enoch sq
Rogers, John, Belfast; Rogers'
" Red Star " Belfast felts,
roofing, i-hip sheathing, sheet
asphalte (no tarring required),
and diy hair felts (plain
and asbestos faced) ; sole agents,
W. L. Dobbie & Co. 68 Gordon
Speedwell Damp- course roofing,
sheattiing, and sarking felts, 177
Crownpoint road
Stewart, John, & Co. (Glasgow),
Ltd., 28, 30, 32 Oswald st
Stewart, John. 56 George square
The Waterproofing Co. Ltd. Barr-
Walker, W. G., & Sons (" Dachon-
ite " roofing and damp-course
felts), 60 St. Enoch sq.
Youngr, W., & Son, 120 Bothwell
Anderson. D., & Son, Ltd. (Bel-
fast); representative, L. S.
Williamson, Hamilton drive,
Acme Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
34 John sireet, city
Greenlees, R. & Co. 42 Great Clyde
s-ireet i--:. ;;o. I'ji.
Lindsay, Chas. Rumford Works,
33 Great Hamilton street
Morton, Francis, & Co. (all brass
kerbs, black and brass kerbs and
tire dogs, fire brasses) ii^ Weaver
Smith, Robert, & Co. 90 Com-
merce street, s.s.
Whitmore, W , Birmingham, agent,
W. Thomson, 62 St. Enoch sq
The British Aluminium Co., Ltd ,
London ; agents, Alexander
Brown & Co., 233 St. Vincent
The National Metal Co., Ltd.,
Havelock Smelting Worka, 117
and 121 Houldsworth st
Beedle, Ridge, & Co.,
Hope street
The National Metal Co. Ltd. Have-
lock Smelting Works, 117 and
121 Houldsworth st
Allen, Edgar & Co. Ltd., Imperial
Steel Works, Tinsley, Sheffield;
representative, Arch. Macphail,
Box 18 Royal Exchange
Bedford, John, & Sons, Ltd., Lion
Works, Shefiield ; sole agents
for Scotland, J G. Paxion &
Co., 12 Waterloo street
Bennie, David, & Sons, Ltd,
Peteishill road
Bowie, W. E. P. (agent for Sybry,
Searls & Co. Ltd., Sheffield), 38
Royal Exchange
Brown, John, & Co. Ltd. Sheffield ;
Glasgow office, 144 St. Vincent
Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd.; sole
agents, Geo. J. Robson & Co,,
130 West Nile st
Cocker Brothers, Ltd. Sheffield ;
agent, Peter Smith, 112 Bath st
Cook, Wm. & Sons (Glasgow)
Ltd. 24 Elliot street and 93
Houldswotth St., Cranstonhill ;
and at Washford road, Sheffield
Crookes, Roberts, & Co. Sheffield;
agent tor Scotland, John Stewart
66 George square
Denovan, Wm. Clyde Saw Works,
Dalmarnock road; office, 611
Argyle street
Elsworth, John, &; Sons, Ltd.
39 Robertson street
Evans, A. 21 Fleming st
Finnie & Co., 7-9 Clyde place
Firth, Thos. & Sons, Ltd. Sheffield;
Glasgow office, 144 St. Vincent
Flather, W. T. Ltd. Standard
Steel Works, Sheffield ; agent,
Edwin S. Yates, 17 Oswald st
Jessop, Wm., & Sons, Ltd.
Sheffield ; sole repres. for
Scotland, M. Chapmao, 42
Kersland st.. Billhead
Hannay, Thos. (agent), 217 Bu-
chanan st
Henderson, W. B. 46 Portugal st
Landell, Wm. 106-108 Trongate ;
factory. Sylvan Works, 187
Broad st. Mile- end
Leadbeater & Scott, St. Mary's
Steel Works, Penistone rd., Shef-
field ; representative, R. Walker,
2 Oswald St.
Macdonald, Adamson, Swinburne
& Co., Ltd., 256 Argyle stieet.
Telegrams, ''Paragon"; Nat-
tel., 162 Argyle; P.O., 1622
Cent ral
MacGuire & Jago, 13 Union at
Maclean, A., & Co., agents for J.
Shipman & Co., 87 Union st
M'Pherson Brothers, 78 and 80
Argyle street
Marshalls, 176 and 277 Argyle at
Muir & Thomson, 47 Dale st. 8.8.
Norris, James, & Brash, 83 Hamil-
ton street, Govan
Peace, Samuel, & Sons, Wellmeadow
Steel Works, Sheffield
Rossell, Henry, & Co. Ltd. Shef-
field ; "Victory," " Ivanhoe,"
and "James Shaw" brands;
Herbert B. Law, chairman, 10
Hatfield drive
" Saville's Triumph" files and
tool steel ; sole agents, W. L.
Dobbie & Co., 68 Gordon st
Sergeant, Paterson, 451-457 Pink-
ston road
Smith, David, Craigton File Works
Spencer, Matthiab& Sons, Sheffield,
sole representatives, Fleming &
Co., 31 Robertson st
Thom, Patrick J., agent for Nichol-
son File Co., U.S.A., 89 Cadogan
Alley & MacLellan, Ltd. Sentinel
Works, Polmadie
Baird, Chas. J., & Co. (agents for
Maignens " Filtre Rapide "),
27 Oswald sireet
" Bell's " patent water filters,
water softeners, sewage filters,
&c.; agents tor Scotland, Ooddrell
Bros. 11 Bothwell st
Carruthers, J. H. & Co. Ltd.(patent
feedwater filters), Hamilton st.
Crown Filter Co. 66 Bishop st.

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