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Gentles, Wm. & Co. 338 Sauchie-
hall street
Gibson, John, 101 Bothwell st
Harris, T. 3 10 Paisley road
Henderson & Raid, 266 Sauchie-
hall street
Holmes & Jackson, 55 to 61
Jane st
Home, Wm. L., 159 Benfield st
Huntly, Wm. A., 124 Woodlands rd
Lawiie, Thos. & Co. 130 WeUing-
ton street
Livingstone, Andrew (wood), 101
Renfrew street
M'Clure, Jas. & Son, printsellers
and gilders to the late Queen
Victoria, 105 Wellington st
M'Clure, John (wood), 49 Glou-
cester st
M'Ewan, Jas. 272 Sauchiehall ht
M'Ghie, G. jua 565 Sauchiehall st
M'Indoe, Robt. 149 and 151 W.
Regent st
M'Kaj, A. & E. 23 Bothwell st
M'Kay, C. P. A. (wood, and
teacher of carving), 255 St.
Vincent street
Menzies, Robert, & Son, 87 Cam-
bridge st
Miller, Daniel, 162a Bath st
Miller, Jas. 7 Peel st, Partick
Miller, Mackenzie, & Co. (wood),
161, 165, and 169 North st
Nisbet, Wm. (wood), 19 Warwick
Orr, John, & Sons, 101-103 Wel-
lington street
Reid, A. & D. G. 79a Finnieston st
Reid, John, Thittle Cabinet Works,
12 to 24 Douglas st. (off Dum-
barton road), Pariick
Renison & Co. 354 Sauchiehall st.
Renton, Wm. (wood), 21 Argyle st
Ronald, David, 75 London st
Ross, Chas. (wood), 9 and 11
Chatham pi. (off Stirling road)
Soci^ie (La) des Beaux- Arts, 124
St. Vincent street
Tannahill, A. (wood), 236 St.
Andrew's road
Thomson, D. C. 135 St. George's rd
Weir & Clyde, 463 Eglinton st
Weir, Jas. 252 Hope street
Wilson & Thomson (wood), 22 St.
Enoch sq. (above Post Office) ;
and 123 Glouces er st. s.s.
Wiight & Weir (wood), 108
Napiershall st
The Henderson Store Railway, Ltd.;
T. Mtikle, manager, 17 Douglas
Anderson Bros., 35 Stockwell st
Burroutihs Adding and Registtring
Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Baltic
chambers, 60 Wellington st
Chalmers& Be veridge. 1 1 Jamaica st
Hamilton, Archd., sole agent for
British Cash Till Co. Ltd., 68
and 72 Glassford st
The National Cash Register Co.
Ltd. 128 Renfield st
Central Cooperage Co. 54 Duke st
Clyde Cooperage Co. Ltd. (The)
Eastvale pi. Kelvinhaugh st
Crawford, Jas. & Co. 112 Water-
loo street
Dunbar, H. & Co. Castle cooper-
age, 258 Castle st.; telegrams,
" Remades," Glasgow. Tele-
phone No. Nat. 6270
Gibb, Alex., 46 Couper street
Gilchrist, John, 156 Bothwell st
Hannigao, P. & S., 576 Great
Eastern road
Lowrie, W. P. & Co. Ltd. 57 to
69 Hydepark st ; office, 14,
16 Bothwell st
Macqueen, John, 39 Brown st
Watsor, Wm. 11 H>depark st
Whitelaw, C. S. Ltd. 98, 100, and
102 Commerce street, s.s.
Kerr & Co. (Maryhill), Ltd.,
Caledonia Foundry, Maryhill
King, Divid & Sons, Keppoch
Ironworks — *S'ee Advt.
M'Dowall, Steven & Co., Ltd.,
Milton Iron Works
Macfarlane, Strang & Co. Ltd.
Lochburn Ironworks ; office, 204
St Vincent st
Macfarlane, Walter, & Co. Sara-
cen Foundry, Possilpark
Maclaren, Robt. & Co. Canal st.
Port- Eglinton
Macleod, Wm. & Co. 56, 58
and 60 Robertson street
Shaw, John, & Co., Maryhill Iron
Works, Glasgow. Telegrams,
"Shaw," Glasgow. Telephone
Nos. Corporation 27 Maryhill,
National 27 Mar^ hill
Stevenson, Wm. & Co. 72 to 80
Brown st. city
Stewart, A. & J. & Menzies,
Ltd., Clyde Pipe Foundry, Fir-
hill road ; office, 41 Oswald st
Watson, Gow, & Co. Ltd. Etna
FouLdry, Lilybank rd
Wood, R. & D. & Co. Philadelphia
U.S.A.; agents, Henry R. Mer-
ton & Co. Ltd. 7 Rojal Bank pi
Acme Rope and Twine Works,
bullock rope maker and stable
requisites, 9 Howard st
Bosomworth, Wm. 250 Duke st
Gumming, J. & A., 293 Duke st
Duff, Paul, & Ferguson, 265 Duke
Gillies & WyUie, Bank buildings,
Cattle market
M' Donald, Eraser, & Co., Ltd., 63
Bellgrove st
M'Pherson & Buchanan, Bank
building', Cattle market
Mollison, G, 264 Gt. Western rd
Nelson, Thos. C. 39 Bellgrove st
Oliver & Son, Ltd., 250 Duke st
Pentonj, Thos. 39 Bellgrove st
Speedie Bros. 256 Duke st
Stiathmore (The) Auction Co.
Ltd., 59 Bellgrove st, Glasgow;
also at Coatbridge and Forfar
Strathmore Auction Co., Limited,
Auction mart. Merry ston, Coat-
bridge; Watson, Ewart &
Ritchie, 6 Union bt
Dougan, Joseph, 4 Old Dalmar-
nock road
Duncan, Geo., & Son, Monreith
road, Newlands
Faill, A. & J. 52 Robertson street
Gibson, John, 119 Barrack st
Millan, John M. 237 Duke st
Mullin, John, 43 Dalmarnock rd
Stark, Alex. & Son, 75 St. George's
Wilson, Wm., 34 W. George st
Askham, Bros. & Wilson, Ltd.
Sheffield; agent, Andrew M.
Wilson, 168 Oxford st
Aim,W. L. & Co. 10 to 14 Bothwell
Alsen's Breitenburg' r Portland
Cement Woiks; sole rep. for
Scotland, Wm. H. Turcan ; head
officer, 52 St. Enoch sq. Glas-
gow ; branches, Dundee, Kirk-
caldy, and Montrose; house, 11
Westminster gardens, Hillhead
Arden lime, Portland, Roman
and Keene's cement, oxide of
iron, mastic, oils, putty, dry hair,
manilla fibre, &c., at Central
Stores, 39 Stockwell st. John
Morison & Son ; office, 8 Dixon
Arden Lime Works, Nitshill, near
Glasgow( Allan Kirkwood); office,
67 Gt. Clyde st.; store, 101 Pol-
lokshaws road ; telegrams,
"Kirkwood," Nitshill; tele-
phone Nos. Corporation 2455,
National 3458
Bathgate, H. S. 640 Duke st.
Borland, Robt.jun. 56 E. Market st
Call, W. & Partners (marine
cement and bituminous special-
ities) ; rep. Andrew Smith, 12
York st

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