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Shaw, James, 35 Gt. Wellington st
Sinclair, William, 46 Miller st
Spittal, B. D., 123 Gloucester st
Spronll, J. 1-2 Sawmilifield st
Stewart, M. 3 20 Nuneaton st
Strath, James, 10 Soho st
Thouason, James, 67^ Great Clyde
Tumbull, J. P. 50 South Kinning
Walker, James, Dundas hill, Port-
D undas
Wallace, John, & Co., 60 Lance-
field st
White & Hagart, 190 Dumharton
Wigham, Wm. 258 Paisley road
Wordie & Co., 49 W. Nile St., and
¥oung, John, & Co. 282 Stob-
cross st
Alexander, Arcbd. Fountain Wellrd
Allan, Wm. 1080 Pollokshaws rd
Allison, James, 68 Bishop street.
Anderson, John, 22 Stirling st. city
Arneil, James, 40 Baird st
Barr, jas. 34 Cadogan st
]^aiT, John, 18 Mains st
Baxter, David, Gt. Western road
Bow, James, & Son, 5 Oswald st
Bow, Jas. & Son, 96 Park street,
Kinning Park
Boyle, John, 156 East Milton st
Brtcbin, Archd. 72 Keppochhill rd
Brownlee, Wm. & Co. 35 Pitt st
Buchanan, R. & Sons, 69 Robert-
son street
Buchanan, Walter, 147 Centre st
Galder, Jas. 65 Norman lane,
Caledonian Railway Co., 26 Water-
loo St.
Cameron, J. & P. 176 Buchanan
St. and branches
Clark, A. & J. 9 Cumbetknd st
and 10 Wallace st
Cowan & Co. 23 St. Vine. pi. and
Craig, John, 8 Robertson street
-Cunningham M., 24 Graham st.
Dawson, Robert, 33a Cadogan st
Frew, Jas. 36 Montrose street and
164 Stirling road
Frew, Thomas, 36 Montrose street
and 164 Stirling road.
Fyfe, Robert, 96 Renfrew st
Oibson, John, 117 Barrack street
Glasgow & S. W. Railway Co.
172 High street, and branches
Grant, John, & Co., 25 WeUington
Oray & Anderson, 52 Oswald st
<Gray, Jamns, 10 So. Albion st
Griers'jn, R. & Co. 13 Wellington st
Grosart, John, 16 Hydepark street
Hamilton, J. & G. 41 Fountain-
well road
Hamilton, Robert, 18 M'Intyre st
Hart, Alex. 33 Ravel row, P'head
Hart, Alex. 735 Gt. Eastern rd
Lennox, Peter C, 72 M' Alpine st
Livingstone, T. 2 Oswald st
Lyle, Robt. & Co. Mineral stn.
M'Coll, Don. 11 Cumberland lane
M'Dowall, Geo. 21 Montrose st
M'Farlane, Daniel, 36 Black st
M'Kay, Dug. & Sons, 15 Welling, st
M'Lellan, And. & Jas. 15 Stanley st
M'Meeken, Thos., 195 Stobcross
M'Millan, William, Smith street,
M'Naiv, John, 11 Broomhall st
M'NTeil, Mrs. W. 163 Dumbarton rd
M'Pherson, Malcolm, 84 Main st.
Marshall, Geo. 470 Bobbie's loan
Morton, Robt. 193 Bothwell st. 28
W. Regent lane, and 53 Doug-
las st
Muir, Jas. & Son, 2 Thomson st.
Muirhead, James, 1074 P'shaws rd
Osborne, Ja<. & Sons, 215-219
Centre ft
Parker, J. & T., 7 Tylefield st
Pickford & Co. ; agents, Wordie &
Co. 49 W. Nile st
Prentice, Robt. 216 St. James rd.
Robb, Robert, 30 Soho st
Robertson, Geo. 34, 36 Glenpark st
Robertson, John, 5.7 Oswald st
Russell, Mrs. M. Porter street,
Sinclair, Wm., 46 Miller st
Spittal, R. D. 123 Gloucester st
Wallace, John, & Co., 60 Lance-
field st
Wiiham, Wm. 258 Paisley rd
Wordie & Co. 49 West Nile street,
and branches
Adam, T. & R. Sliaw st. Govan
Angus, James, spring, van and
lorry builder, 9 Dalmarnock St.,
Armstrong, Mat. Temple, Maryhill
Blue, Allan P. 81 Pitt st
Brown, W. & D. 133 aad 137 Com-
merce st
Calderwood, Wm. Avenue load,
Cameron, D. 8 Broomlo'an road,
Cowan, J. & Co., 30 Crawford
St., s.s.
Couper, A. & Co. 101 Boden st
Crawford, P. & A. Admiralty
contractors, coach, spring van,
lorry and waggon builders.
Thistle Works, Paiflev
Davie, Peter, 19 Bartholomew st
Dewar, Alex., 75 Washington st
Dickson, W. & J., 28 Gt. Welling-
ton st
Grant, Cameron, & Curie, St.
Rollox Spring Van and Lorry
Factory, 83 to 99 Kennedy st. off
Parliamentary road. Telephone
No. 3801
Hill, John, & Sons, 427 Gallow-
gate, and branches
Inglis, Jas. jun. 100, 102 Great
Eastern rd
Jack, Alex. & Sons, 20 Graham sc[
Kelly, J. H. spring van and lorry
builder, 9 Dalmarnock street,
Kennedy, James, 40 Sobo st.
Law, Wm. & Sons, Scotstoun,
Leitch, John, 626 New Keppoch-
hill rd
Leitch, Wm. 6 North Oswald st
Logan, Andrew, l50 Cumberland
street, s.s
Love, Andrew, 61 Marquis street
M'Ainsh & Carlyle, 102 Port-
Dundas road
M'Callum, J. & H. 2 Cumberland
M'Neilly, S. & Co., 59 Victoria rd
Mackie, John, 1 Falfield st
Mitchell, R. & Son, 1 and 7 Shaftes-
bury lane
Mullen, James, 61 Blackburn st
Neil, R. G. & Son, 318 Paisley rd.
Park, Wm. 9 Salkeld st
Paton, John, 19 Jackson st.
Peddle & Dow, 3 Warwick st
Bamsay, Jas. 202 Rutherglen road
Stirrat, D. & Son (established 1783)
coach, spring van, lorry, furni-
ture van, and waggon builders,
132 to 138 Port-Dundas road;
telephone No. 3971
Stirrat, R. & Co. 82 Port-Dandas
road. Telephone, 3631 ; tele-
graphic address, " Van," Glas-
Taylor, John, 52 Market St. city
Waddell, John D. 270 George st
Watt, James, 149 Shields road
Weir, J. & R., 15 Houston pi. and
45 Kinning pi
Winton Bros., 54 Galbraith street
Winton, Peter, 32 Broad street,
Wotherspoon, Wm. 28 Clyde st.
Abercrombie, Jas. 25 Gt. Western
Alston, Jas. (wood), 58 Surrey st
Angus, Craibe, & Son, 159 Queen
An-^truther, C. P. wood, 77 West
Regent st
Bain, Geo. 10 Royal arcade

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