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Taylor, Win. 168 W. George st
Taylor, Wm. jun. Royal Bank,
264 Duke street
Tennent, Thos. jun. 58 Renfield st
Thomson, And. 75 St. George's pi
^Thomson, Jackson, Gourlay, &
Taylor, 24 George sq
Timmins, John L. 108 Ingram st.
Tolmie & Co. 124 St. Vmcent st
Tosh, Robert, 79 West Regent st
Turnbull, Jas. 113 West Regent st
TurnbuU, Parnie & Adam, 27
Union st
Walker, James, 18 Preston street,
Walker, Lowson, Greenock
Walker & Mar wick, 157 West
George st
Wallace, Jn. 8 Ross st, Coatbridge
Waller, Duncan, & Taylor, 132 W.
Nile St. — See Adot.
*Watson, Alex. Jas. (of Mitchell,
■ Watson, & Co., C.A., Edinb.)
*Watson, John E. 149 Hope st
Watson, Laur. H. (of Carson &
*Wight & Ferguson, 150 Hope st
*Wight, John (of Wight & Fer-
Willock, George, Union Bank
Wi'soD, Ales., 123 W. George st
Wilson, David, 97 Wellington st
Wilson, James, 26 Renfield street
Wilson, Jas. & Son, 20 Helen st.,
*Wilson, John (of J. Wilson &
*Wilson, John, & Stirling, 59 St.
Vincent st
Wilson, John, 85 Govanhill st
Wilson, John P. 132 W. Regent st
Wilson & Meikle, 97 Wellington st
Wilson, Thos. (of Henderson &
*Wink, Jas., 49 West George st
Wishart, John, 116 St. Vincent st
Young, Ales. Finnie, 12 Renfield st
Young, Robt , 95 Wellington st
Young, T. S. 40 West Nile st
Yule, Charles, 162 St. Vincent st
Abercrombie, Alex. 4 Fredk. lane,
44 Hanover street. — See Advt.
Adshead, N. 11 Union st. ; ware-
house and factory, 5 1 Buchanan
st. and 46 Mitchell st
Ah-d & Coghill, 263 Argyle street
Allan & Ferguson, 126 Renfield st.
— Telephone- 1197. — See Advt.
■ in Appen.
Anderson, William, 174 Ingram st
Andrev7, Burns, 85 Candleriggs
Begg, James, 54 Miller street
Begg, Kennedy & Harper, 118
Union st
Bertram, Peter, 335 to 341 Argyle
Black, Walter, 209 Cambridge st
Blellock, Andrew, 4 Bath st
Braid & Laing, 54 Robertson st
Brown, John, 29a St. Vincent pi
Brown, T. & Son, 30 Glassford st
Bruce, James, 36 West Nile st. —
See Advt. in Appendix.
Buchanan & Pearson, 104 Bruns-
wick street
Cameron & Ferguson, 88 W. Nile st
Cameron, Scott, & Co. 83 Dunlop
Campbell, Alex. 56 Hutcheson st
Campbell, D. & Son, 96 St Vin-
cent street
Carrick, James, 62 Argyle st
Cocker, Jas. 151a West George st
Cohen, E. 38 Sauchiehall st
Collins, Wm. Sons, & Co. (Lim.),
139 tol53Stirlingrd.— /?eeJ.£fy.
Cree, John, junior, & Co. 19, 23
Royal Exchange square
Cruickshank, J. & E. 15, 19 So.
Portland st
Dalziel, John, & Sons, 34, 36, 38
Ingram street
Dickie & Inglis, 58, 60 Renfrew st
Doran, Joseph, 34 Candleriggs
and 74 Trongate
Douglas, G. A. H. & Co. 172
Hope st
Dunn, Jas. & Co., 57 Buchanan st
Dunn & Wright (now Wright, C.
L.), 100, 102 West George st
and 102 Stirling road
Farrell & Scott, 55 Mitchell st
Ferrier & Spiers, 117 West George
Forbes, D. 17 Douglas street
Gilmour&Dean,50 No. Hanover st.
— See Adv. in Ajjp.
Go wans & Gray, 22 Ann st
Hamilton, C. 85 Sauchiehall st
Heatherill, Jas. & Co. 24 George sq
Hobbs, Chas. 54 Union st. and 35
Mitchell street
Jack & Carrick, 62 Argyle street
Jack, William, 15 Wilson street
Kennedy, A. & W. 29 Glassford st
Kennedy, Gilbert, 38 Queen st
Kerr, Ales. 22 Carlton place
Kyd, M'Kee & Co. 13, 15 Oswald
Laidlaw, W. P. 80 St Vincent st
Lawson, R. 24 Queen street
Lorimer, R. & W. 12 Renfield st
Lumsden, Jas. Son, & Co. 20 Queen
M'Arthur, J. & Co. 82 Glassford st
M'Kay, Jas. QQ Mitchell street
M'Laren, John, 14 Garthland st
Maclaren & Sons, wholesale station-
ers, printers, lithographers, and
engravers, 128 Renfield st
M'Laurin, James, 87 Ingram st
M'Millan & Marshall, 159 Ingram
M'Naughtan & Sinclair, 2i West
Nile St., and 46 Mitchell street
M'Niven & Cameron, 23 Blair st»
Edinburgh. — See Advt.
Mann, Summers, & Co., 1 and 3
South Hanover st
Marr,Downie,& Co., 45-57 Ingram
Maxwell, Wm. 85-89 Ingram st
Miller, James, 135 Hope st
Miller, John, 116 Renfield st
Monteath, John, 11 St. Vincent pi
Murdoch, T. & Co. 57 Buchanan st
Murray, T. & Son, 68 Buchanan st
Neilson, Robert, & Son, 80 Gor-
don street
Oatts & Runciman, 7 Mitchell la.
81 Buchanan st
Orr, Fran. & Sons, 131 Renfield st
Paterson, James C. 18 W. Nile st
Paton, John, 47, 49 Brunswick st
Reid, J. & E. & Co. 120 Queen st
Reid, James, 144 Argyle street
Robertson, David, & Co., 94
Mitchell st
Scott, John C. 227 Ingram st
Sellar, Robt F., 39 Candleriggs
Smith, Jas. & John, 92 Union st
Smith & M'Laurin, 27 Ann st
Spence, Andrew, 38 Queen street
Stewart, John, 33 Glassford st
Sutherland, Wm., 123 Argyle st.
Tennent, John, 37 Union street
Thomson, A. C, 113 Union street
Wardrop, D. C. 57 Oswald st
Watson, G. & Son, 162 Ingram st
Watson, John, & Co. 35 Gordon st
White, Andrew, & Son, 40 Union st
Wilson,Guthrie,& Co.,34, 36 Frede-
rick street
Wright, C. L. (firm of Dunn &
Wright), 100, 102 W. George
st, and 102 Stirling road
Dobbie, Alex. & Son, 24, 25
Clyde place
M'Gregor, D., & Co. (by appoint-
ment), 37 and 38 Clyde pi
Walker, M., & Son, 44 and 45
Clyde place and 28 Cathcart st
Adarason, David, & Son, 3 and 5
Waterloo lane
Advertising (The) and Publishing
Agency Co., Central Chambers,
109 Hope st
Aird & Coghill, 263 Argyle st
Allan, Archd. 71 Waterloo st —
See Advert.
Brown & Young, 6 Montrose st
Butler, W. & P. W., 75 Parson st
Cockle, Wm., agent for Chamber's
Journal, Life and Work, Free
Church Monthly, United Presby-
terian Missionary/ Becord,
Church of Scotland Record,
Scottish Church, Christian
Leader, The Reaper, &c., &c.,
79 West-end Park street

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