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120 Campbell, John, house factor
CO Storer, James
48 Storer, J. & Co.
Nairn, A. E. & Co.
Boag, John, cunuer
Walker, George, & Son
M'Intyre, Robert, & Co.
Eowat, Dewar, & Co.
Coulter, Thomas
Craig, William
Mitchell, W. G. & Co.
Tullis, T. L. & Co.
Houston, Thomas
Alexander, Hugh
Allan & Gonrlay
Thomson, A. & J.
Paterson, A.
Sandemaa, Black, & Co.
M'Chesney, William
Borland, William, & Co.
Glasgow Cloth Working Co.
42 Stevenson, W. & Co.
28 Paterson & Bow
26 M'CuIloch, J.
24 Steven, W. J. L.
Gairbraid Street.
2 Mnnn, Sirs, spirit merchant
6 Mitchell, Thomas, grocer
20 Eagle Foundry
M'Intyre, John
Galbraith Street. 13.
55 Caledonian Railway Co.
Stobcross Mineral Depot
Watson, E. I\I. F. superinten.
75 North British Railway Co.
Stobcross Mineral Depot ;
Maitland, Eobert, supt.
58 Winton Bros, smiths
30 Young, J. & W., plumbers
2G Scott, John, wood merchant
1 to 479, No. 3. 2 to 550, No. 4.
Other Nos., 2.
Millar, W. & G.
13 YuiUe, Wm.
23, 29 Millar, W. & G. drapers
29 Ross, Alexander
Thom, David
31, 35 Eutherford & Co. sp. mer.
Watson street here
37 Heald & Co.
39 Dick, Thomas
49 Gallowgate station
75 Young, C. G.
81 M'Connell, Mrs.
83,85 M' Galium, John B.
87 M'Avoy, P. & Co.
89 Walls, Thom.as, shoemaker
91 Dow, Duncan, auctioneer
95 Gore, Mrs. William
97 Melrose & Scrivener
99 Dolan, James
103 M'Laren, Alex, spirit mer.
Spoutmouth here
105, 107 Logan, David, fruiterer
109 Horn, J. & Co.. hosiers
115 Eevell, Thomas, clothier
137, 139 M'Allister, Patrick
141 Boyd, James
Conway, John, sheriff officer
Coulter, Hugh
Quinn, D.
143 M'Leod, Miss, victualler
145^M'Kay, A. & Co. bakers
151 Steven, John, shuttlemaker
Cook, C.
159 Bowie, W. & J. dyers
161 Haddock, John, spirit mere.
Little Dovehill here
165 Giffbrd, G.
167^ Johnston, Eobert
169 Scott, J. & A. painters
171 M'Nab, Eobt. tinsmith
175 M'Nab, Eobert
179 Twaddle, Hugh, & Sons
183 M'Fadyen, Mr.s.
Great DovehiU here
185 Cruden, Andrew J. hosier
205 Eeilly, Francis, dealer
207 Stirling, Joseph, spirit mer.
Saracen lane here
211 Meek, G. S.
219 Meighan, Thomas S. M.D.
221 Logan, D.
225 Graham, John
229 Clydesdale Bank (Limited) ;
A. J. Ferguson, agent
E. Campbell street here
231 Parker, Jane
235 Kidd, David
239 Crossmyloof bread shop
241 Lapsley, Andrew
243 Crawford, James
247 Cullen, John, grain merchant
251 Graham, David, spirit merch.
253 Porter, Alexander, surgeon
255 Campbell, Colin
MacBeth, John
257 Campbell, Colin
M'Fai'lane street here
263 Commercial Bank (Limited) ;
Alex. Kemp, agent
265 Eushford, Wm.
267 Wilson, John, spirit merchant
273 Kratt, Andrew
277 Collins, William, agent
281 M'Grorty, Wm.
Hunter street here
Infantry Barracks
Barrack street here
327 Thomson, George
331JClark, Albert
337"MilIar, A.
341 Clark, James
M'Intosh, Gilbert
CaDan, William
343 M'Intosh, Gilbert, spirit mer.
345 Paterson, Samuel
Long, E. John Jex
Wightman, David
Montgomery Brothers
347 M'Intyre, Donald, fiesher
349 Green, Eobt.
Sol Stirling, Eobert
353 Green, R.
363 Aitken, John
357 Lynch, Charles
361 M'Laren, William, spirit mer.
365 M'MiUan, Thomas
Sydney street here
367 Kinnear, Alex, confectioner
371 Howat, Wm.
375 M'Cance, A. S. bookseller
381 Grant, A. & E. furnishers
383 Strang, James
389 M'Pherson, Alex.
HOI street here
391 Cook, William, jun.
395 Weir, D. Thomas
397 Cameron, James, victualler
399 Vallance, Joseph
405 Service, E. M'C.
407 Wilson, A. & A.
409 Marshall, Thomas
Moore street here
411 Hamilton, Mrs.
417 Swan's restaurant
417|Harkins, John
419 Eoyal Bank of Scotland ;
A. & J. Waddel, agents
Milton, James, jun.
421 M'Kenzie, Colin
Mather, John
423 to 427, Morton, Wm. jr. & Co.
427 Hill, J. & Sons
429 Eraser, John
431 National Bank of Scotland
Branch ; A. Mitchell, agt.
435 Baird, Samuel, watchmaker
439 Dale, Hugh, boot maker
443 Brechin, Wm. spirit mercht.
Graham square here
447 Aitken, T.
451 M'Naughton & Watson
455 Findlay, ]\Iatthew
459 Graham, Mrs. furnishings
461 Houston, James
465 M'Kenzie, J.
471 M'Kinlay, 0. tobacconist
473 Houston, James
475 Smellie, James
Houston, James
479 Graham, John, spirit mercht.
BeUgrove street here
483 Turner, Hugh, surgeon
487 Lamb, Robert R.
489 Craig, Eobert
493 M'Lellan, James
Gibb, John
501 Brown, William, draper
503 Twaddle, John
Twaddle, Hugh
Gardner, Andrew
507 Cowan, John
509 Wills, John B. house factor
511 Brodie, Eobert
513 Forrester, John
515 M'WiUiam, J. H.
517 Storrie, John
619 Davidton, Miss
523 M'Farlane, John, jun.
525 Fleming, Hugh, tobacconist
527 Ferguson, Miss E. miUiner
531 Steel, James, butcher

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