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Milne, Wm., & Co., East India merchants, 191 West
George st.
Milne, William, Caledonian Railway Co., 302 Bu-
chanan street ; house, Kyle park, Uddingston.
Milne, Wm. (Gartsherrie office, 168 West George st.),
res. Woodfield, Bothwell.
Milne, Wm., wine and spirit merchant, 291 Stii-ling
road ; house, 4 Bellgrove street.
Iililne, Wm., G.P.O.; house, 60 Stanhope street.
Milne, William, M.A., B.Sc, teacher. High School;
house, 362 St. George's road.
Milne, William B., agent, United Kingdom Assurance
Corporation (Limited), 519 Springbmni road.
Milne, Wm., ice importer and oyster merchant, 68
Milne, Wm. (Union Bank, St. Vincent st.), ho. 10
Franklin ter.
Milhe, Wm., commission agent, 33 Bath st.
Milne, Mrs. E., 15 Grosvenor place, Byars road.
Milne, Mrs., fancy bread shop, 101 Sword st.; ho.
65 Reidvale st.
IMilne, Miss, 22 Ashton terrace.
Blilne, Elizabeth, milliner, 135 Mains street.
Milne, M., bread and biscuit agent, 83 Ai-dgowan
street; house, 98 Pollok street.
JIilnek's Safe Co. (Limited); wholesale agents,
M'Naughtan & Sinclair, 24 W. Nile st. and 55 St.
Vincent street.
Milncr's Safe Co. (Limited), thief and fire proof
safes and doors, Liverpool; Christie Brothers,
agents, 188 St. Vincent street.
Milner's Safe Co. (Limited) ; wholesale agents, John
Dalziel & Sons, 220 Ingram street.
MILROy, Samuel (of Peter Rintoul, Son, & Co.),
ho. 11 Montgomery drive, Kelvinside.
Milroy, Wm., engineer, Lochryan house, Springbnrn.
MILSON, Henry R., Inland Revenue officer, Port-
Dundas Distillery ; ho. 105 Raeberry st.
MILTHOK.P, G. Sz F., printing ink manufactiu-ers,
150 Renfield street ; works, Wakefield.
MILTON, Jas., jun., accountant. Royal Bank of Scot-
land, 419 Gallowgate; ho. 56 Whitevale street.
Milton, Jas., 51 Bank st., Hillhead.
Milton Chemical Co., soap manfrs.,49 Bath st.
Milton Club (Billiard Room), Edward Smith, manager,
34 Hutcheson street.
Jlilton Established church, Milton st., Cowcaddens.
Milton Estate Office, John Proudfoot, clerk, 88 Bath
St.; ho. 100 North Frederick st.
Milton Free Church, 69 Rose street, GtirnethiU ; Rev.
John Geddes, minister.
Milton House, drapery and furnishing warehouse,
166, 168, and 170 Cowcaddens street.
Blilton Iron Works, 142 North Woodside road ;
M'DowaU, Steven, & Co.
Milton Registiy Office ; Alex. Dewar, registrar, 21
Crossburn street.
SIILWAIN, James, commission agent, 5 Morrison's
com-t (off Ai'gyle arcade), house, 1 Landore ter..
Battlefield, Langside.
lillNDE & Simon, button and braid manufacturers.
Frankfort, S.M.; Thos. A. Mailland, agent, 40 St.'
Enoch sq.
MINGAY, F. H., National Bank of Scotland (Ltd.),
8 Union st.; ho. Ranfurly, Bridge of Weir.
MININC4 District (West of Scotland), H.M. Board for
examinations for granting certificates of com-
petency to managers of mines ; Stewart Foulis,
135 St. Vincent st.', secy.
MINNOCH, W. H., 6 Woodside crescent.
MINTO, David, & Sons., Glasgow grain and
general grinding mills and coffee roasting works, 38,
40, 42, 44, 46 Grjeme st. — See Advert.
Minto, James (of David Minto & Sons), house, 23
Bentinck street.
Minto, John j\I. (of David Minto & Sons), ho. 53
Meadowpark street.
Minto, Peter (of David Minto & Sons), house, 118
Onslow drive, Dennistoun.
MINION, HoUins, & Co.'s depot for their patent
encaustic and ornamental tiles, at James Duncan's,
106 West Campbell street.
Minton, Joseph, iron contractor, 16 Garngad rd.; ho.
134 do.
MINTY, W., 9 Sutherland terrace, Dowanhill.
REIRABSAU, Jules, & Co,, brandy shippers,
Cognac; agents, Greenlees Bros., 37 to 53
Osborne st. ; office, 38 Stockwell st.
MIRRLEES, Jas. Buchanan (of Min-lees, Watson,
& Co.), residence, Redlands, Hillhead.
Mu-rlees, J. & A., organ builders ; have charge of the
principal chmxh and chamber organs in Glasgow,
also the City hall, and Town hall, Greenock;
established 1811 ; 13 and 19 Cambridge lane,
Cambridge street; house, 32 Buccleuch street.
Mirlees, Robert, flesher, 25 Aitkenhead road, Pol-
madie; ho. 23 do.
Min-lees, Watson, & Co., engineers, iron and brass
founders, boileniiakers, and manufacturers of all
kinds of machinery and apparatus for making and
refining sugar, Scotland Street Ironworks ; office,
45 Scotland street, south.
Mission to the Deaf and Dumb, Hope Hall, 65a
Renfrew st.; John Henderson, pastor.
Mission to the Outdoor Blind for Glasgow and the
West of Scotland, 4 Bath st.; John Macdonald,
M1SSIS.SIPPI and Dominion Steamship Co. (Limited),
Liverpool to Quebec, New Orleans, &c. ; D. S.
Mitchell, agent, 178 Broomielaw.
MITCHELL, Adam, agent. National Bank of Scot-
land, Ld., Gallowgate branch, 431 Gallowgate.
Mitchell, Alex., teller, Royal Bank, Exchange square ;
ho. 38 Bute terrace. Queen's park.
Mitchell, Alex., & Son, plumbers and gasfitters, 8
Cubie street; ho. 89 do.
Mitchell, Alex., house factor and insurance agent,
173 West Scotland street, and 2 Whitehall street,
Anderston; house, 2 Cecil St., Paisley road, west.
Mitchell, Alex. B. (of D. W. Barker & Co.), house, 38
Windsor terrace, St. George's road.
Mitchell, A. MelvDle (at Edmiston & Mitchell's), res.
Glenlee, Hamilton.
Mitchell, Alex., M.D., 13 Elmbank place.
Mitchell, Alex, (of Edmiston & Mitchells), residence,
Glenlee, Hamilton.
Mitchell, Alex., jun. (of A. Mitchell, jun., & Sons),
house, 10 Wilton crescent,
ilitchell, Alex. A. manufacturer (of A. Mitchell, jun.,
& Sons), ho. 2 1 Hamilton drive, Hillhead.
Mitchell, Alex., v,-right and packing case maker, 27
Whitevale st.
Mitchell, Alex. M'G., architect, Bank buildings, Coat-
bridge ; ho. Rosehall lodge, Airdrie.
Mitchell, Allan, coal merchant and contractor, 15
Harvie street ; house, 5 do.
Mitchell, Andrew (of Walter Beaton & Co.), house,
6 Lilybank gardens, Hillhead.

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