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London and Glasgow Engineering
and Iron Shipbuilding Co.
(Limited), Middleton ship yard,
Main st; David Kinghorn, gen-
eral manager
London and Newcastle Tea Co.
6 Helen street
Low, G. D. flesher, 10 Hamilton
st. ; ho. 39 Helen st
Lusk, Miss A. L. fruiterer, 979
Govan rd. ; ho. 245 Craig st
Lyall, John (of Anderson & Lyall),
57 Copeland road
Lye, John (of Copland & Lye),
resid. Hampton house, Ibrox
Lymburn, Hugh, baker, 551 and
925 Govan rd. ; ho. " Mayfield,"'
Lymburn, Wm. wine merchant, 97
Victoria st. ; house, Mayfield,
Lynagh, D. mercht. 7 Langlands rd
Lynagh, Patrick, ham, butter, and
egg merchant, 11 Victoria st. ;
ho. 22 Harmony row
Lyon, Peter, Cleland pi
M'Adam, John, yacht and boat-
builder, Water row ; house, 7
Carmichael street
M'Alpine, John, 5 Ibrox pi
M'Arthur, Wm. mason, 20 Merry-
land street
M'Aulay, Duncan, spirit mercht.
3 and 5 Victoria st.; house, 6
Strathearn pi. Paisley rd.
M'Aulay, John S. watchmaker and
jeweller, 627 Govan rd
M'Caig, Don. grocer and wine mer.
919 Govan road
M'Call, Mrs. wine and spirit mer-
chant, 836 Govan road
M'Callum, J. grocer and provision
merchant, 59 Victoria street ;
ho. 36 do.
M'Callum, R. house factor and in-
surance agent, 661 Govan road;
ho. 17 Clifford st
M'Coll, Wm. ale and porter mer. 11
Elder st
M'Conochie, D. smith and iron-
monger, 527 Govan road; ho.
1 Carmichael street
M'Creath, C. painter, 630 Govan rd
M'Crone, Edwd. (at 92 St. Vin. st)
ho. 2 Ibrox ter
M'Crone, R. grocer, 2 Ibrox ter
M'Crone, Robt. jun. (at Brown &
Co's), 2 Ibrox terrace
M'Culloch, C. J. cab and carriage
hirer, 491 Govan road
M'Culloch, John, governor, Govan
Poorhouse, Merryflats
M'Culloch, M. restaurant, 941
Govan road; ho. 939 do.
M'Diarmid, Thos. wine and spirit
merchant, 36, 40 Helen st. ; ho.
174 Paisley rd. w
Macdonald, A. writer (81 St. Geo.'s
place), ho. 10 Brighton place
M'DonalJ, Alex, grocer, 20 Elder
st; ho. 22 Wliite st
M'Donald, D. family grocer, 85
Victoria st; ho. 22 Merryland
M'Donald, Peter, spirit merchant,
117 Queen St.; ho. 4 Carlton
place, Glasgow
M'Donald, R. jun. provision merch.
72 Hamilton st. ; ho. 9 Logie st
Macdougall, D. grocer, 46 Hamil-
ton street
M'Dougall, J. draper, 722 Govan
road ; ho. 720 do.
M'Ewen, Alex. Ashton villa
M'Fadyen, John, tinsmith and
gasfilter, Campbell st. ; house, 3
Helen st
M'Farlane, Jas. (of 25 Bridge st.),
1 Govandale place
M'Farlane, John, contractor and
dairyman, 581 Govan rd
M'Farlane, John, family grocer
and wine merchant, 507 Govan
road and Ibrox place ; house, 2
Brighton terrace
M'Feat, John, plumber, 28 Helen
street ; res. Newlyn house
M'Genn, Henry, architect, surveyor
and property agent, Eden villa,
Carmichael st
M'Ghee, John, stationer, Govan rd
M'Gregor, Douglas,smith and iron-
monger, 4 Kensington ter
Macgregor, Donald R. (at John
Elder & Co.'s) ; res. Birchbank,
Wemyss Bay
Macharg, E. Simpson, C.A. (69
Buchanan St.), ho. The Grove,
M'llwain, Samuel, bootmaker, 517
Govan rd ; ho. 2 Carmichael st
M'llwraith, James, & Co. canvas
manufactrs. and waterproofers,
182 Hope st. ; works, Kinning
park and Broomloan road
M'llwraith, Walter, Turnberry
house, Cardonald park
M'Inroy, Mrs. Alex, spirit mer. 1
Newstead pi.; ho. 1 Rutland cr
M'Intosh, B. O. shoemaker, 18
Langlands rd
M'Intosh, Hugh, Middleton house,
M'Intosh, J. & D. S. stationers,
573 Govan road ; ho. 501 do.
M'Intosh, J. G. (of M'Intosh &
Coudie), 19 Kensington terrace
M'Intosh, Jno. Eva villa, Ibrox
M'lntyre, E. dining-rooms, 995
Govan road ; ho. 999 do.
MTntyre, John, flesher, 681 Govan
rd ; ho. 22 Carmichael st
Mackay, Archd. pawnbroker, 869
Govan road ; ho. 1 Osborne ter
M'Kay, George, sanitary inspector
and inspector of cleansing, 9
Broomloan rd; res. 3 Gladstone
Mackay, poulterer and fishmonger,
12 Dean Park ter
M'Kechnie, D. P. (of J. M'Kechnie
& Son); ho. 629 Govan rd
M'Kechnie, Daniel W. Govandale
M'Kechnie, John & Son, timber
merchants, Govan rd
M'Kechnie, Jno. (of J. M'Kechnie
& Son) ; ho. 525 Govan rd
M'Kellar, Eliza, teacher, Govan
Poorhouse, Merryflats
M'Kenzie, Rev. C. A., D.D. (of
Govan Free Church), res. Morris
villa, Copeland road
M'Kenzie, Daniel (of Govan Con-
gregational Church), house, 10
Ibrox place
M'Kenzie, R. boot and shoemaker,
742 Govan rd.; ho. 108 Hospital
M'Kie, Jas. supt. engineer (at 111
Union st) ; res. Langlands house
M'Kim, Jas. grocer, 575 Govan rd.;
ho. 1 Buckingham road
M'Kim, Wm. cashier, N. S. bank;
ho. 2 Bellahouston terrace
M'Kinlay, D. painter and decora-
tor, Westminster ter. Ibrox
M'Lachlan, George, spirit mercht.
1 Lome pi. and 3 Elder st
M'Laren, J. hardware merchant,
8 1 Victoria st ; ho. 79 do
M'Laren, P. provision merchant,
5 James place
M'Laren, T. head master, Broom-
loan road Public School ; ho. 1
Osborne place
M'Laren, Mrs. milliner, 632 Govan
road ; ho. 7 Carmichael street
M'Lean, Archd. 57 Copeland rd
M'Lean, John, 19 Prince's st
M'Lean, John G. 3 Westminster
terrace, Ibrox
M'Lean, Joseph, merchant, Craigie
Hall, Bellahouston hill
M'Lean, Robert, Hope Temple
villa, Ibrox
M'Lean, Miss Cath. greengrocer,
515 Govan rd
M'Leish, J. grocer, Middleton
buildings and Ibrox cros3
M'Lellan, D. dairyman, 973 Govan
road; ho. 58 Fleming street
Macleod, Rev. John, D.D. (of
Govan Parish Church), res. The.
Manse, Ibrox
M'Leod, Jn. clothier, 525 Govan rd
Macmaster, Rev. Hugh, We3tbank,
Govan road
M 'Master, Angus (at J. M'Leish's),
ho. 658 Govan road
M'Millan, S. H. & D. drapers and
milliners, 716, 718, and 720
Govan road ; ho. 11 Ro3evale
terrace, Partick
M'Nab, Robert, schoolmaster, Car-
donald, Paisley rd
M'Naughtan, Jas. (of M'Naughtan
Bros.), res. Woodside ho. Ibrox
2 P 2

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