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Allan, Miss Isa., fancy goods and ironmongery, 122
George street.
Allan, Miss L., 10 Rokeby ten-ace, Hillhead.
Allan, Miss, 42 Carnarvon street.
Allan, Miss, 14 Somerset place.
Allan, Misses, seminary for young ladies, 141 Hill st.,
Allan, Janet & Amelia, furnishings and hosiery,
34 Cleland street, s.s. ; house, 32 do.
Allan's Brush Factory, 88g London street.
Allan Line Steam Packet Office, James & Alex.
Allan, 70 Great Clyde street.
Allander Bleaching Co. , bleachers, and washing
and renovating establishment, Milngavie; orders
received at 74 Shamrock street, 315 Dumbarton
road, and 251 Great Western road.
Allanshaw Colliery, Hamilton ; head office, 175
Hope street.
Allanshaw Coal Co., 175 Hope street.
ALLCOCK & Harley, Smethwick, Birmingham,
manufacturers of engineers' waggon and railway
bolts and nuts, coach screws, rivets, spikes, &c. ;
J. J. H. Cruikshank, 135 Buchanan street, agent.
ALLEY & M'Lellan, engineers, iron _ and brass
founders, Sentinel Works, Polmadie.
Alley, Stephen, engineer, Sentinel Works, Polmadie ;
house, Edington House, Langside.
Alliance Assurance Co., Commercial Bank, St.
Enoch square; D. M'Naughton, agent.
Alliance Fire Assurance Company, W. G. & J. W.
Lindsay, agents, 157 St. Vincent street.
Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Company,
with which is united the Fire business of the
Scottish Imperial Insurance Co., 151 West George
st. — See Advt. in Appendix.
ALLISON, Andrew, goldsmith, jeweller, silversmith,
watchmaker, and hair worker, 197 Eglinton st. ;
ho., 195 do.
Allison, Arthur (of Allison & Wylie), ho. 3 William
street, Paisley.
Allison Brothers, ironfounders, Cogan street,
Allison, Cousland, & Hamilton, timber, ship, and in-
surance brokers, 123 St. Vincent street.
Allison, David, 3 Maybank ter., Crossbill.
Allison, George (at John Scouler's), 64 Buchanan
street; house, 24 Westmoreland St., Govanhill.
Allison, George J., juo. (at Queen Insurance Co.),
house, Kilbarehan.
Alison, James, grocer, 48 Bedford st. ; ho. 72 do.
Allison, James, cashier, 34 Jackson street; ho. 45
Cathcart road, Govanhill.
Allison, James, wine and spirit merchant, 36 and
38 Shuttle street ; house, 103 John Knox st.
Allison, James, cartage contractor; stables, 68 Bishop
street ; house, 356 Argyle street.
Allison, John Douglas, hairdresser and perfumer, 5
Wellington arcade ; ho. 25 Steven street.
Allison, John (at Arch. Baird & Son's), ho. 14 West-
end Park street.
Allison, John, & Co., St. Andrew's Oil Works ; office,
71 Waterloo street.
Allison, Matthew O, agetit for the Scottish Union and
National Insurance Co., 202 Ingram street; ho.
93 North Frederick st.
Allison, Robert (of Allison, Cousland, & Hamilton),
residence, Rosemount, Castlehead, Paisley.
Allison, Thomas, baker and confectioner, 76 Victoria
road ; ho. 8 Prince Edward st., Govanhill.
Allison, AValter (of Brock, Allison & Co.), house,
Lynwood, Lenzie.
Allison, William, grocer, 11 New street, Calton.
Allison, William, spirit dealer, 1, 3 North Woodside
road ; house, 29 Scotia street.
Allison, Wm., warehouseman (at Arnott & Co.'s),
house, 3 Stanmore terrace, Mount Florida.
Allison, Wm., pastry baker, 224 Main street, An-
derston; ho. 222 do.
Allison & Wylie, shawl, muffler, and scarf manu-
facturers, 119 Virginia place, Ingram street.
Allison, Mrs., Athenceum Dining Rooms, 202 In-
gram st. ; ho. 93 N. Frederick st.
ALLISTER, David, juo. (at Muller Kruger Brothers,
47 Waterloo street), ho. 110 Great Western road.
Alma Boiler Works, James Neilson & Son,
boiler makers, 824 Gallowgate.
Almeria Steam Packet Office, Burrell & Son, 54
George street.
Almeria Steam Packet Office, M'Laren, Crum,
& Co., 13 Royal Exchange place.
ALONZO & Consoli, Catania brimstone exporters ;
agent, Thos. Lawrie, 183a West George street.
ALSOP, F., artist; res Airy Bank House, Milngavie.
ALLSOPP, Samuel, & Sons, brewers, Burton-on-
Trent ; Henry Ferry, agent for Scotland, 28 St.
Enoch square.
ALSTON Brothers, the tobacco warehouse keepers,
27 James Watt street.
Alston, Charles H. (of Thomas Edington & Sons),
house, Bourtreehill, Irvine.
Alston, Gavin, commission agent, 27 Ronald street.
Alston, James, butcher, 475 St. Vincent street ; ho.
179 Adelphi st., Biidgeton.
Alston, J. Carfrae (of Alston Brothers), 27 James
Watt street.
Alston, John, flesher, 77 New Dalmarnock road ; ho.
179 Adelphi street, Bridgetoo.
Alston, John, Glasgow Locomotive Works ; house,
213 Wolseley street.
Alston, Jobn, wine and spirit merchant, 163 Cale-
donia road ; ho. 179 Adelphi street, Bridgeton.
Alston, John M., solicitor and notary public, Academy
street, Coatbridge; house, Beechbank, Airdrie.
Alston, John P. (of Campbell, Rivers, & Co.), resi-
dence, Muirburn, Strathaven.
Alston, J. R. (of Alston & Tulloch), house, 24 Burn-
bank gardens.
Alston, R. F. (of Campbell, Rivers, & Co.), house,
163 Bath street.
Alston, Richard, writer (of Milligan & Alston, 183
St. Vincent street) ; ho. 32 Darnley street, Pollok-
shields, east.
Alston, Thomas (of R. G. Finlay & Brothers), house,
6 Wendover crescent, Mount Florida.
Alston, Thos. (of Russell & Alston), 294 S. York st.
Alston & Tulloch, ship brokers, 11 West Nile street.
Alston, Wm. H., 58 Renfield st. ; resid. Muirburn,
Alston, William, cabinetmaker, 81 John st. ; house,
27 Ronald st.
Alston, W. Murray, civil engineer, 24 Burnbank gars.
Alston, Mrs. John, 24 Burnbank gardens.
Alum and Ammonia Co. (Limited), tar distillers,
manufacturing chemists; works, Hurlet, and 201
West st., s.s.
Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists,
Millwrights, Smiths, & Pattern Makers ; committee
rooms, 182 Trongate.

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