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Robertson, Dun. 22 Adelphi ter.
Robertson & Reid, 23 Bath street
Eoby, John ; Wm. Nimmo, agent,
2 Oswald st
Saunders, Jas. 220 Gt. Western rd.
Scott, Walter, & Co. 22 Union pi.
North street
Sharp, Andw. 57 Campbellfield st
Spence, John, & Sons, Airdrie and
Steven & Strutliers, 32 Elliot st.
Stewart, A. & C. 14 Victoria st
Storey, Isaac, & Sons, Manchester;
agents, James Morris & Son, 15
Gordon street
Tradeston Brass Foundry, 136
Nehon street, s.s.
Tu-nbull, Ales. & Co. St. Mungo
Works, 189, 141 Brook street
Vivian, H. H. & Co. (Lmd.) Bir-
mingham ; agt. C. Dunderdale,
119 St. Vincent st
Wallace & Connell, 65 M'Alplne st
Watson, Arch. & Co. 36 George st
V/liitehead, W. G. & Son, 15 Col-
lege street
Wilkes, John, Mapplebeck, & Co.
brass tubes, Birmingham ; agts.
Hendry Bros. 79, 80 Gt. Clyde st
W.lson, John, Buchan street and
Oxford st
Wilson, Jn. C. & Co. 99 Portugal st
Wilson, W. & J. 12 AV. Russell st
AVinthrope, Wm. 46 Elmbank st
AVyllie, Robt. 28 to 38 AVest st. s.s.
Young, J. & AA^ 30 Galbraith st.
A Ian & Ferguson, 126 Renfield
St. — See Advt. at end
lioardman, Jas. 55 Charlotte lane.
— See Advertisement in Appen.
I'uehan, Hugh, 50 Oswald street
Campbell, John S. 55 Charlotte lane
German, Wm. & Co. 153 AVest
Nile s'reet. — See Advt.
H miilton, A. 34 Aunst — See Adv.
in Trades.
Hamilton, AVm. 84 Ann st. city
Lkwellins' Art Metal Co. (raised or
sunk cast name-plates), 28 Bath
St.; works, Bristol
M'Gown, John, 47, 49 Renfield st.
and 122 Wellington st
M'Laren&Meikle, 74 Buchanan st.
—See Advt.
Robertson, AVm. 62 Argyle street
Taylor, Jas. jun. 61, 65 Mitchell st
Hamilton, Archd. 31 Ann st. city.
— See Advt. in Trades.
Hamilton, Arch. 84 Ann st. cii3\
— See Advt. in Trades.
Hamilton, Wm. 34 Ann st. city
Baird, Archd. & Son, 67 Robertson
st. and 46 Robertson lane
Cousar, John, & Co. 63 AVaterloo st
Macbean, Edward & Co. 4 AA^el-
liiigton street
Somerville & Morrison, 205 Bu-
chanan st
Aitchison, John, & Co., Edinburgh;
Morrison & Haddow, agent^, 57
George Eq
Aitken, James, & Co. Falkirk ;
Chas. Scouller& Son, agents, 211
Hope street
Allsopp, Samuel, & Sons, Burton-
on-Trent ; agent for Scotland,
Henry Ferry, 28 S. Enoch sq
Anderston Brewery, AVm. Dawson,
(late AV. & M. Dawson) 60 Bishop
St. Anderston
Arnott, Sir John, & Co. (Limited),
Cork ; R. H. Arnott, agent, 142
AVest Regent street
Arrol, Archd. & Sons, Alloa Brew-
ery, Alloa ; office, 16 Dixon st
Baird, Hugh, & Co. Great Canal
Brewery, Fossil road
Barclay, Perkins, & Co. London ;
agents, J. G. Thomson & Co.
Central stn. 202, 204 Argyle st
Bass Crest Brewery, Alloa; store,
27 St. Enoch square
Bass, Ratcliff, & Gretton, (Lim-
ited), Burton-on-Trent ; Bul-
loch, Lade, & Co., 4 Bothwell
St. sole agents
Bernard, T. & J. Edinburgh ; agent,
A. M'Laren, 112 Bath st
Blair, Cha?. Edinburgh ; agents,
AV. & J. Arthur, 127 AVest
Regent street
Calder, Jas. & Co. Alloa; agent,
AVm. Brownlie, 249 Argyle st
Campbell, A. & Co. Argyll Bre werj^,
Edinburgh; Hope & King, 140
AA^est George street, agents
Carmichael, Thoma?, Edinburgh ;
agent, Wm. Watson, 79 Bath st
Castle Bellingham Brewery, near
Dublin ; John W^oolsey & Co. ;
agents for Scolhind, Schnthe &
BhchoflF, 63 AV. Regent st
Christiania Brewery, Christiania ;
sole agents, Schuthe & Bischoff,
63 AVest Regent st
City of Dublin Brewery Co. (Linn.),
sole agents for Scotland, C
Huyosen & Orens, 135 AA'^est
George street
Clydesdale Brewery, Victoria road ;
M. D. Dawson & Co.
Combe & Co. London ; agents,
Ai-ch. Arrol & Sons, 16 Dixon st
Cooper & M'Leod, Edinburgh ;
agent, R. H. Arnott, 142 ATest
Regent street
Crown Brewery, Slatefield street,
Gillespie, Gray, & Co.
Dalrymple, G. & Co. 469 Great
Eastern road
D'Arcy, John, & Sons, Dublin ; J.
Baird & Co. agents, 146 West
Regent st. — See Advt. in App.
Dawson, M. D. & Co. Clydesdale
Brewery, Victoria road
Dawson, William (late AV. & M.
Dawson), Anderston Brewery,
60 Bishop st
Drybrough & Co. 71 Bath st
Findlater & Co. Dublin ; Jas.
Menzies, agent, 68 Bath st
Fischer, Richard, Danzig ; Robert-
son & Baxter, 48 AVest Nile st.
Flower & Sons, Stratford-on-Avon;
agents. Hunter & Co. 16 Coch-
rane street
Galloway & AVatson, agents for J.
& R. Tennent, A\''ellpark Brew-
ery, 49 Jamaica st
Gillespie, Gray, & Co. Crown
Brewery, 58 Slatefield street
Great Canal Brewerv, off Possil rd.
Port-Dundas, H.' Baird & Co.
Greenhead Brewery, Steel, CouUon,
& Co. 80 Canning st
Guinness, A. Son, & Co. Dublin ;
Archd. An-ol & Sons, agents, IG
Dixon street
Guinness, A. Son, & Co. Dubhn ;
agents, Jno. M'Intyre & Co. 147
St. A-^incent st
Guinness, A. Son, & Co, Dublin ;
agt. D. M'Lean, 79 Robertson st
Henderson, Robert, & Co. Alloa ;
agents, AVm. AVeir & Co. 14
Douglas St.
Hoare & Co. Red Lion Brewery,
London ; agents, Hope & King,
140 W. George st
Ind, Coope, & Co. Burton-on-
Trent; fiobf. Brown & Co. 41,
45 AVashington st. agents
Ind, Coope & Co., Burton-on-
Trent ; office and stores. College
Station, 142 High street; D.
Barclay, manager
Ireland, D. S. St. Andrews ; D.
M'Lean, agent, 79 Robertson st
Jamieson & Jenkinson, Edinburgh :
agent, AVm. M'Ketzie, 62 Ar-
gyle street
Jeffrey, John, & Co. Edinburgh ;
Alex. M'Dougall, 205 Buchanan
street, agent
Jeffrey, John, & Co., Edinburgh :
agents. Hunter & Co. 16 Coch-
rane street
Knox, Robert, Cambus ; agents.
Macleay, Dulf, & Co., 122 St.'
Vincent street
Lynch, P. & T. 786 Gallowgate

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