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Bain, John, wine and spirit merchant, 29 Paisley
rd., West, and 140 Nelson st., s.s.; he, 42 Pollokst.
Bain, John, commercial traveller, 49 and 51 Oswald
street ; house, 169 Eglinton street.
Bain, Captain John, 7 Broomhill drive, Partick.
Bain, John, spirit merchant, 206 Broomielaw ; res.
Oakley, by Dunfermline.
Bain, P. B., assistant inspector of poor, 318 Parlia-
mentary road; ho. 223 Saracen St., Possilpark.
Bain, Thomas, tailor and clothier, 209 Thistle street.
Bain, Wm., grain merchant, 26 Hill street, East.
Bain, Wm. B., commissioa agent, 12 York street ;
house, 75 Kent road.
Bain, Mrs. And., 17 Athole gardens, Kelvinside.
Bain, Mrs. James, 65 West Cumberland street.
Bain, Mrs. P., baker, 25 King street, and 71 PoUok
street ; house, 36 Commerce street.
Bain, Mrs. W., grocer, 25 Raglan street.
Bain, Miss, dressmaker, 30 Camden street.
Bain, Isabella, fishmonger and poulterer, 576 Gallow-
gate; house, 590 do.
Bain, Jane, dining rooms, 224 Garscuhe road.
BAINBRIDGE, Geo., florist, 5 Nelson street, s.s. ;
residence, Rutberglen.
BAIRD, Alexander, artistic stationer and litho-
grapher, Kelvinbridge, Gt. Western rd.; ho. 253 do.
Baird, Alexander S. (of John Baird & Co.), house,
26 Sardinia terrace, Hillhead.
Baird, Alex., tailor and clothier, 48 London street ;
ho. 2 Lome terrace, Nithsdale drive, Pollokshields.
Baird, Alex., house factor and insurance agent, 168
Gallowgate ; ho. 2 Monteith row.
Baird, Alex, (of Wilson & Baird), ho. 2 Monteith
Baird, Allan F., writer (of Duncan, Baird, &
Young, 211 Hope st.), ho., 266 St. Vincent st.
Baird, Allan W. (of Geo. Cockburn & Co.), house, 100
Paisley road, W.
Baird, Andrew, farmer, Meikle Alkenbead, Cathcart.
Baird, Archd. (of Archd. Baird & Son), house, Hope-
ton, Park road, Hamilton.
Baird, Arch. S. (at M'Corquodale & Co.'s, Limited),
house, 9 North Claremont street.
Baird, Archibald, &; Son, colliery and engineers'
furnishers, gutta percha manufacturers, &c., sole
agents for Baird's Crucible Steel Co., 67 Robert-
son street and 46 Robertson lane.
Baird, Arthur, gold and silver beater, 51 & 53 Rope-
work lane; house, Kames bank, Port Bannatyne.
Baird, A. W., manager (at Tlios. Adam & Co.'s, 43
Bath street), ho. 90 Great Western road.
Baird & Brown, merchants and ship-owners, 98
Mitchell street.
Baird, David D., land agent, and agent Union Bank
of Scotland, Limited, Govan, at Mr. Duncan's, 94
Buchanan street, Glasgow, on Wednesdays from
12 till 2 o'clock; res.. South croft, Govan.
Baird, D. M., 117 Onslow drive.
Baird, Francis N., & Co., brokers for the construction,
sale, and purchase of steam and sailing vessels,
manufacturers of Baird's patent anti-fouling com-
position for iron ships, 74 Bath street.
Baird, Francis N. (of Francis N. Baird & Co.), ho.
5 Hampton court terrace, Garnethill.
Baird, Frank (of H. Baird & Co., Great Canal
Brewery), house, 20 Belhaven terrace. Great
Western road.
Baird, G. 0. (of Watson, Miller, & Baird), house,
Douglas street, Largs.
Baird, George Ure, commission merchant, 62 Queen
St.; ho. Cart Bank villa, Cathkia road, Langside.
Baird, George, ship store merchant, 6 Springfield
terrace, off Paisley road ; ho. 2 do.
Baird, Geo. (of Baird & Knox), ho. 91 North Hano-
ver street.
Baird, Hugh, & Co., brewers to her Majesty, Great
Canal Brewery, Possil road.
Baird, Hugh, sen., 3 Lynedoch place.
Baird, H., jun. (of Hugh Baird & Sons), house, 17
Westbourne gardens, Hillhead.
Baird, H. Dawson (of Wm. Burns & Co ), house, 1
Kerrsland st., Hillhead.
Baird, Hugh, & Sons, maltsters and hop merchants,
134 St. Vincent street.
Baird, Hugh, brickbuilder and contractor, 231 Com-
mercial road ; house, 203 Crown street.
Baird, James H., stationer and bookseller, 132 Great
Hamilton st. ; house, 17 Garden street.
Baird, James H. (at Thos. Fletcher's, 37 Bath street),
house, 17 Garden street.
Baird, James, manager (John Brown & Son), res.
Mossbank, Gallowflat, Rutberglen.
Baird, James (of James Laing & Co.), ho. 10 Hills-
borough terrace, Hillhead.
Baird, James, Ss Co., auctioneers and valu-
ators, house factors and property insurance agents,
auction sale rooms, 96 West Nile street.
Baird, James, measurer, 27 Union street.
Baird, J. F., fire clay goods agent, Canal street, Port
Eglinton ; house, Annfield place, Paisley.
Baird, J. & L., stay and corset manufacturers, by
power, 23 Bellgrove st. ; city oflice, 77 Queen st.
Baird, John, LA., F.R.LB.A., architect, 113 West
Regent st. ; house, 60 St. Vincent crescent.
Baird, Jolm, & Co., spirit brokers and commission
merchants, 146 W. Regent street.
Baird, Jolin, & Co., commission merchants, 146
W. Regent st. ; Agents for William Younger & Co.,
brewers, Edinburgh; John D'Arcy & Sons, brewers,
Dublin ; John Ross & Co., distillers, Campbel-
town; George Sayer & Co., brandy, Cognac, Vin-
Santft, and Montserrat Lime Fruit Juice Company,
Liverpool. — See Adv. in App.
Baird, John, glass manufacturer and merchant, 71
Bishop street. Port Dundas ; house, 218 Great
Western road.
Baird, John, provision merchant, 569 Dalmarnock
road ; house, 651 do.
Baird, JoIin, French polisher, 18 and 20 East
Howard street ; ho. 134 Oxford street. — See Adv.
in App.
Baird, John, and James Thompson, LA., architects,
88 Bath street.
Baird, John, fruiterer, 356 Paisley road, and 8
Caprera pi.. Paisley road; house, 23 Shields road.
Baird, John (of J. & L. Baird), ho. 53 Finlay
drive, Dennistoun.
Baird, John, wine and spirit merchant, 14 and 16
Waterloo street, .and 58 James street. Mile-end ;
house, Rosemount villa, by Airdrie.
Baird, John, letterpress printer, 38 Queen street;
house, 40 Edmund street, Dennistoun.
Baird, John, 90 Regent terrace, Stirhng road.
Baird, John (of Baird's Crucible Steel Co., 46 Wash-
ington street), res., Hagston, UddingstoD.
Baird, John, tailor and clothier, 89 No. Frederick st.
Baird, John, bookseller, 5 Queen Arcade ; house,
170 Thomson street, Dennistoun.

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