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MathiesoD, Tho?. 19 Argyle street
Murdoch, Jane F. 345 'and 349
Sauchiehall street
Neil, Thos. 9 Bridge street
Nimmo, Wm. 163 Gt. Hamilton st
Niven, Wm. 51 Buchanan street
Penman, .J. 37 Robertson street
Pollock, Andrew, 19 Argyle street
Prosser, Richard, 7 Dunlop street
Queen's Restaurant, 70 Buchan, st
Robertson, Jas. 116 Trongate and
148 Stockwell st
Rutherford & Co. 9, II Jamaica st
and 31, 35 Gallowgate
Semple, Mrs. W. 117 Virginia pi
Smith's Dining Rooms, 10 Turner's
ct. 87 Argyle st. and 15 Croy pi
Stark, Andrew, 39, 41 Queen st
Steel, Jaxes, 9 London street
Steel, James, 155 Ingram st
Steele & Thomson, 20 Glassford st
Stewart, Hugh, 8 and 10 Queen st
Sylvester, C. E. 22 Buchanan st
Thornton, Charles, 251 Argyle st.
108 Buchanan street, and 7a
Royal Bank place
Thornton, James, 58 Mitcliell st.
Waddell, Matthew, 60 Union st.
35 Mitchell st. and 42 Argyle
Walker, Duncsn, 446 Gallowgata
Watson & Blane, 91 to 95 West
George street
Wilson, Charles, & Son, 10, 12
West Nile street
Wilson, W. H. 251 Argyle st
Irving, Son, & Jones, 19 Howard st
North Shore Rice Mill Co, 19
Waterloo st
Snodgrass, John (agent for W. &
G. Bolderston, Liverpool; and
Twigge & Crossfield, Liverpool)
76 W. Howard st.
Wright, Crossley & Go. Liverpool ;
agent, John ilorgan, juo. 13
Dixon street
Carswell, W. 50 South Shamrock
street, Hutchesontown
Drummond, John, 24 Lanark st
Allcock & Harley, Smethwick ; J.
J. H. Cruickshank, 135 Bu-
chanan st. agent
Bennie, D. & Son?, 102 Dunlop st
Bilsland, John, 37 Elliot street
Clutha Rivet Works, Vermont st.
Clyde Rivet Works Co. 115 Dun-
das street, Kingston
Crosher, Wm. & Co. Portman st.
Kinning park
Dempster, Moore, & Co. 49 Ro-
bertson street
Donald, John, & Son, 42 Cadogan st
Donald, Walter, 53, 55 St. Jas. rd
Duncan, Robt. Partick Foundry
Pagan, Wm. 271 Polhikshaws rd
Galloway, W. & J. & Sons, 202
Hope street
Hardie, Alex. & Co. 4 York st
Hannah, Wm. 101 Bothwell st
Hunter, John, Sunnyside Rivet
Works, Coatbridge
Kerr, Jas. & Co. 154 W. Geo. st
Laing, R. G. 29 Waterloo st
M'Corkindale, Arch, 27 Douglas st
MLellan, P. & W. 127, 129 Tron.
Miller, Geo. 204 Stobcross street
Miller, John F. 204 Stobcross st
Miller, J. & Co. 204 Stobcross st
Muirhead, Andrew, & Co. 14
Brunswick lane
Patent Rivet Co. 135 Buchanan st
Patent Rivet Works, 204 Stob-
cross street
Provan, David, 51 Cheapside st
Provan, David, & Co. 22 Palm st.
St. George's road
Reid, John, 31 King st. Tradeston
Rose, Jas. & Sons, Govan Bolt and
Rivet Works, Helen st. Govan
Schoenfeld, A. & Co. 21 Hope st
Souter, Wm. & Co. Preston street,
Stone, J. & Co. Deptford, Lon-
don; sgent, Chas. R. Stewart,
57 Robertson street
The Tyne Bolt and Rivet Co.
Victoria Bolt & Rivet Works, 37
Elliot St. Anderston. — See Ad.
Wingate, D. & W. (the Clyde Iron
Co.) Queen st. Port-Glasgow
Ziegler, John H. Clyde Rivet
Works, Dundas st. Kingston
Bennett, Hy. & Co. 131 Hope st
Brown, Marshalls, & Co. (Limd.),
Birmingham, railway carriage
and waggon builders ; sole agent
for Scotland, Wm. Lester, Coal
Exchange, 58 Rentield st
Butters Bros. 93 Hops street
Clay, S. J. Derby and Barrow-in-
Furness, railway carriage and
waggon builders ; sole agent for
Scotland, W. Lester, Coal Ex-
change, 58 Renfield st
Johnstone, Jas. 51 St. Vincent st
Kerr, James, & Co. (for all neces-
sary rolling stock and permanent
way plant, complete estimates on
application for railw.ays and
tramways), 154 W. George st
Lancaster Waggon Co. Limited,
Lancaster (railway carriage and
waggon builders), sole agent for
Scotland, Jas. Jenkins, 33 Ren-
field street
Laing, E. G. 29 Waterloo st
Lester, W^m. Coal Exchange, 58
Renfield street
Midland Railway Carriage and
Waggon Co. Birmingham; agent,
Thos. Hannay, 166 Buch. st.
Nelson, And. S. & Co. Gresbam
House, 45 West Nile street
Patent (The) Shaft and Axle-tree
Co. (Lim.), Wednesbury, manu-
facturers of railway wheels and
axles ; sole agent fur Scotland,
W. Lester, Coal Exchange, 58
Renfield street
Riddel & Co. 49 Jamaica street
Schoenfeld, A. & Co. 21 Hope st
Anderston Ropeworks, 19 Slobc. st
Armstrong, Joseph, 613 Gallowg.
Asylum for the Blind, 106 Castle st
Barton, William, & Co. 153 So.
Scotland st. s.s.
Bayne, Robt. 5 Montrose st
Belfast Ropework Co. (Limited),
agent, Currie & Co. 27 Welling-
ton street
Black, John, & Co. 204 Elliot st
Blackshaw, T. 103 Main st. Bridge.
Blair, A. agent, 163 W. George st
Briggs, Thomas, 187 George st
Brown, And. 52 Bellfield st
Brown, P. & Co. 21 Nuneaton st
City Rope Works ; office, 2 West
Campbell street ; works, Govan.
— See Adv. in App.
Clark, Robt. Albert Rope Works,
Fraser st
Cousar, John, & Co. 63 Waterloo
Craven & Speeding Bros. Sunder-
land ; agents, W. G. Morrison
& Co. 75 West Nile street
Dalziel, D. & D. F., 2 W. Campbell
street — See Ad. in Ap.
Dalziel, J. P. 49 Dunlop st
Dennistoun Ropework, Paton st.
off Duke street; office, 62, 64
Jamaica street
Dixon, Corbett, & Spencer, Gates-
head-on-Tyne ; agents, Robert
Gordon & Co. 28 Claremont st
Douglas, Rob. & Son, Plantation
Sail Works, Eaglesham st. s.s.
Dowie, G. & Son, 72 W. Howa. st
Dumbarton Ropework Co. 108 and
114 Broomielaw
Edinburgh Roperie & Sailcloth
Co. 56 Broomie'aw, and 3 and
5 Oswald st
Elwood, Joseph, Baltic st
Feenan, Arthur-, Waddell st
Fleming, J. W. & Co. 5 Ingram st
Forgau, George, 105 Garngad rd
Forrest, Thos. & Co. 6 Wilson st
Forth & Clyde Roperie Co. 208
Elliot st
Fullarton, Cundell, & Co. 179
West George st

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