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Watson, George, 130 Annfield st.
86 Bellgrove St.; stables, 132
Ann field street
Wylie & Lochhead,^>os2 horses for
hire, 58 Union st ; stables, Berke-
ley street
Bash & Co. Glasgow Safe Works,
3 Canning st. Calton. — See Adv.
Bryden, J. & Sons, 24 Benfield st
Bucbanan, Jas. 8, 10 Goosedubs
Chatwood Safe and Lock Depot,
129 Trongate
Chubb & Sons, 80 St. Vincent st
Denny, Robert, 35 Oxford st and
2 North Coburg st
Disher, Andrew, 3 Castle st
Fallows, H. T. & Co. 152 West
Regent street
Ferguson, T. 122 Sauchiehall st
Gibbons, Jas.; W. Hampton, Robt.
Gordon & Co. agents, 71 Fin-
nieston street
Glasgow Safe Works, Bash & Co.
3 Canning street, Calton
Graham, D. & G. 267 Sanchie. st.
124 Douglas st. and 201 St.
Albans pi. Victoria st. Dowanh.
Hardy, Peake, & Co. export only,
55 Bath street
Ingram, James, 13 Back wynd
Johnson, Wm. S. 45 Waterloo st
Laurie, W. & Sons, 153A London st
M'Connell, John, & "Son, 112
Port Dundas road
M 'Don aid, Peter, 11 Bishop street,
M'Intyre, Arch. C. 1 Stirling st.
Ogilvy, John, 2 and 4 Marr st.
off Helen street, Govan
Parkes, Jos. & Son, of Willenhall;
Jas. Tod, agent, 16 Hope st.
Paterson, Wm. & Son, 83 Pitt st.
68 Bishop st, and 10 Spring-
field quay, s.s.
Plimley, J. T. & Co. 75 W. Nile st
Price, George, Wolverhampton ; J.
Davis Miller, agt. 23 Gordon st
Russell, Bernard, 80 Henrietta st
Stone, J. & Co. London ; office, 40
St. Enoch square; Charles R.
Stewart, sole agent for Scotland
Taylor, James, jun. 61, 63, 65
Mitchell st
Waddell, George, 19 and 23
Stirling st. Port Dundas
Walker, John ; agent, William S.
Johnson, 45 Wa'erloo st
Walker, T. W. J. 21 W. Nile st
Watt, Charles, & Co. 30 West
George st
Yuille, David, 78 Crownpoint rd
Chaplin, Alex. & Co. Cranstonhill
Engine Works, 58 to 80 Port st.
Anderston.— See Advt. in App.
Dubs & Co. Glasgow Locomotive
Works, Gushetfaulds
Glasgow Locomotive Works, Little
Govan, Dubs & Co.
Hyde Park Locomotive Works,
Neilson & Co. Hyde Park Loco-
motive Works
Aitken, Mrs. 114 Blythswood ter
Anderson, Mrs. T. 27 Sandyford pi
Bailes, Miss, 133 Hospital st
Clark, Mrs. 276 Paisley rd
Drummond, Miss, 499 Sauchie. st
Home for Working Men and
Strangers, 28 M' Alpine st
Home for Aged Poor of both Sexes,
180 Garngad hill
House of Shelter for Females, 114
Hill st. Garnethill
Male Home for Working Men and
Strangers, 28 M 'Alpine st
Melvin, Jane, 38 Berkeley st
Model Lodging Houses, 38 Mac-
alpine st
Model Lodging House, 57 Portu-
gal street
Napier, Mrs. 44 Kelvingrove st
Palethorp, Mrs. John, 167 West
Regent street
Scouler, Mrs. C. 144 Holland st
Slimon, Mrs. 499 Sauchiehall st
Sloan, Mrs. 12 W. Cumberland st
Sprunt, Misses, 36 Kelvingrove st
Thorp, Mrs. 102 New City road
Waddell, Mrs. M. 9 Walworth ter
Waters, Miss A. 264 Bath street
Young, Miss, 97 Douglas street
Angus', 127 Argyle st
Craig, T. 20 Candleriggs
Garrick's, 24 Stockwell
Anderson, Jn. 93 to 99 Argyle st
2, 4 Turner's ct. and 13 Croy pi
Christopher, Joe, 99 Waterloo st
Clingan, Wm. 20 Spoutmouth
Gardner, A. & Son, 36 Jamaica St.;
works, Paisley road
Goslet, Alfred, & Co. LondoD, E.
M'Nab, 3 Both well circus
Hector, R. L. 33 Jamaica st
M'Crossan, Joseph, 59, 61, and 63
St. Enoch square
M'Farlane & Wilson, 35 King st. s.s
Malcolm, M. 125 So. Wellington st
Mason Bros. & Co. 29 St. Vin. pi
Sim, David, 103 St. James' road
and 16, 18 M'Aslin street
Smith. Fran. & Jas. Gordon and
Union streets ; works, Kent rd
Tapling, Thos. & Co. (and mirror)
62 Buchanan street ; R. P. Jeff-
rey, agent fur Scotland
Wylie & Lochhead, 45 Buchanan st
Cowan & Laird, 41 Candleriggs
and 231 Govan road
Dixon, Son, & Evans, Manchester,
32 Brunswick street
Gerletti, D. 78 Stockwell street
Greenvale Chemical Co. Duke st
Kelvin Chemical Co. Craighall
Works, Maryhill
Long, John Jex, 727 Duke street,
and 40 Nelson street and 28
Mitchell & Co. Clyde Match and
Vesuvian Works, Govan
Murray & Adam, 279 and 281
North Woodside road
Baird, Archd. & Son, gutta
percha, 67 Robertson st
Binney & Son, sole agents for Hel-
vetia leather, belting and laces,
50 W. Howard st. — See Adver.
Blacklock, Gondie, & Co. 69
Jamaica st. and Kent Works
Burt, J. & Co. 143 Great Hamilton
Campbell, Achnach, & Co. 25 Ja-
maica street
Christie Bros. 133 St Vincent st
Dempster, Moore, & Co. 49 Robert-
son street
Donald, John, & Son, 42 Cadogan
street. — See Advt. in Appen.
Fulton, W. 147 Stockwell street
Johnston & Macbean, India-rubber,
gutta percha, leather, &c. 4
Wellington st
Leckie, Graham, & Co. 116, 118,
120 Union st
M'Intosh, Peter, & Sons, 129
Stockwell street
Maclellan, Geo. & Co. India
rubber, Glasgow Rubber Works,
Maryhill road, warehouse, 55
Robertson street
Mallocb, M'Dougall, & Co. 90
Queen st
Merryweather & Sons, 175 St.
Vincent st
Morton, J. & Sons, 48 London st
Muirhead, Andrew, & Co. 14
Brunswick lane
North British Rubber Co. (Limtd.;
warehouse, 13, 15 Oswald st
The Indiambber, Guttapercha, and
Telegraph Works Co. (Limited),
20 Dixon street
Thornton, Cnrrie, & Co. India-
rubber, gutta percha, and
leather, 43, 45, 47 Jamaica st. ;
wholesale depar;. 9 Howard st
Tullis, John, & Son, St. Ann's
Works, Jobn st. Biidgeton
Whiteside, J. & S..ns, 31 Moir st
Wilson, Duncan, & Co. 93 James
street, Greenhead

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