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Kisk Street.
1 Free St. Luke's church
6 Basil & Co. safe makers
8 Frame & Hay, joiners
Stevenson, A. & Son
Stevenson, David L.
12 Darroch, Robert, baker
Robertson Lane.
1 Miller, James, blacksmiths
13 Peyton & AUsop, bedding mfs.
15 Chrystal, James, printer
41 Neilson, Walter, japanner
43 ^Lindsay, W. plumber
45 Watt & Blair, tape makers
Hannan & Buchanan
EoTiertson Street.
1 Screw Tug Company, Geo.
Struthers, manager
Cunningham, Wm.
Greenock Towing Co.
M'Kellar, Duncan
Wilkie & True, surveyors
M 'Vicar, A. smith
Taylor, Arch, gi-ain weigher
5 Johnstone, J. W. ship letter or.
Duncan, A.
7 & 9 Leslie, Thomas, agent
13 Clyde Towing Co.
15 Wallace, John, engineers' iron.
17 Chr3'Stal, James, printer
21 Murdoch, Robert, & Co.
25 Arthur, W. R. agent
Wright, J. & Co. shipbrok.
Hamilton, A. & Sons
Nicholson, Angus, emig. agent
St. Andrew's Royal Arch
Chapter, No. 69; T. M.
Campbell, P.Z.
49 Dempster, Moore, & Co.
53 Gilchrist, Robert
Murray, Thos.
55 M'Lellan, George, & Co.
57 M'Leod, Alex. jun.
59 Orr, John, agent
Cruickshanks, R. H. agent
Peacock fcM'Cann, shipbkrs.
Peacock, A. G. waste mercht.
61, 63 Pilkington Brothers
M'Culloch, William, agent
65 Buchanan, Robert
67 Baird, Arch. & Son
69 M'Genn, P. S. & Co.
71 Allan & Poynter's stores
73 Allan & Poynter
Scott, Steele, & Co.
75 Watt & Blair, tape makers
Lindsay, William, plumber
Hannan & Buchanan
Quinn, John, cabinetmaker
Hardie, J. F., cabinetmaker
77 Murray & Cochrane, agents
79 Hair & Stevenson, ho. factors
Hair, Wm. house factor
Ramsay, Nathaniel, & Son
M'Lean, Duncan
Gowland, John
Jamieson, Jas. iron mercht.
79 Gossman, Adam, propty.agent
81 Mackie, James, & Co. grocers
76 Black, J. & D.
74 M'Millan, James, fruiterer
72 Davidson, J. & T. grocers
70 Brownlie, Thomas
Millar, James
M'Kenzie, George
M 'Galium, John
M 'Williams, T. J. agent
M'Leish, Robert
66 Baird, Wm. & David
64 Dunn, D. & Son
62 Bruce Brothers & Co.
The Brownrigg Coal Co,
The Foxley Coal Co.
Gartverrie Fire-clay Co.
Meikle, John
Walker, Wm. & Co. com fac.
60 Carruthers& Allan, CO. agents
54 Victoria Carrying Co.
Grady, Martin S. auctioneer
50, 52 LawsoD, John, metal mr.
48 Cowan & Co. agents
46 Buchanan, Robt. contractor
42 Creighton, Wm. C.
38, 40 Tennant, R. G. pro. agent
36 Wigham, Wm. contractor
34 M'Tavish, A. joiner
32 Robertson, J. grain weigher
28 Stevenson, Wm. & Co.
Orr, James, provision dealer
Ramsay, John
Browning, Mat. gi'ain store
26 Steel, Archibald, engineer
Knox, John
Black, John
M 'Naught, Wm. engineer
Graham, Robert
Hunter, Jas. cork merchant
24 Anderson, James, tea mercht.
22 Ramsay, John
Pyle, James
M'Diarmid, James
20 Steamboat Office
Orme, Martin, agent
16 Clyde Navigation Chambers
Reith, George
Graham, James
Adam, Thomas
Campbell, Dugald
M'Dougall, A.
Conochie, William
Douglas, John
M'Kill, Robt. P.
Hay, John
Engineer's Office
Deas, James
Hamilton, Archibald
Palethorpe, J.
Weddell, James
Smith, R. H. porter
Harbour Office
Ritchie, James
Abernethy, Robert
Muir, James, clerk
Pilot Office
M'Farlane, James, pilot mas.
Harbour Police Office
16 Sinclair, Archd. superintend,
Sinclair, Colin, lieutenant
M'Lure, F. detective
M'Lean, John, detective
M'Lachlan, Alex, lieutenant
14 Tonnage & Collector's office
Aitken, David
Haig, Thomas
Burrett, T. R.
Morris, Robert T.
Reid, Mungo
Sinclair, Duncan
Connochie, John
12 Gordon, Peter, & Co. agents
10 M'Lure, F.
Stevenson, Wm.
6, 8 Penman, J. spirit mer.
Eocliester Street.
2 Bradley, Mrs. J.
6 MuiTay, Thomas S.
Robertson, Henry
5 Ross, W. & D. brickbuildei-s
Campbellfield Pottery Co.
MacKinnon & Tannahill
• Eonald Street-
2 Wilson, Mrs. spirit merchant
8 Brown, Robert
20 Crawford, James
30 Dow, Thomas
34 M'Cormack, John, wright
36 Cunningham, .James
M'Laren, William
40 Burton, Alexander
48 M'Farlane, A. G.
118 Irving, Mrs.
Taylor street intersects
3 Dewar, John, grocer
5 Rae, John
7 Moffat, John
M'Kimm, George B.
M'Kimm, Alex.
Miller, Alexander
13 Young, J. P.
Forrest, Rev. David
Symington, Wm.
19 Brownlee, James K.
Goodman, William
23 Hosie, J.
Neilson, John
Carmichael, James
Burns, Robert
Richmond, James
27 Duncan, Thomas
M'Culloch, Thomas
Graham, Peter
Moyes, Mrs. Alex.
29 M'Clure, Robert
Eopework Lane.
15 Black, Mrs. J. spu-it dealer
31 M'Cue, W. & Son
37 Wallace, Wm.
il Stockwell Free church
43 St. Enoch's School;
Sim, Alex, rector
Watson, Alex, teacher
Armour, Jas. janitor

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