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Galloway, Andw. 16 Clyde pi
Graham, George, Caledonian Rail-
way, Buchanan street
Gregory, T. Currie, 150 St. Vine, st
Guthrie, D. 23 Miller street
Haddin, A. A. 147 W. Regent st
Harrison, C. 101 West Nile street
Hill, Laurence, 59 St. Vincent st
Hogg, C. P. 175 Hope st
Howie, Wrn. 45 Union street
Johnstones&Rankine, 167St. Vin-
cent street
Johnston, Wm. 6 Woodside ter
Jones, William, 286 Bath crescent
Kennedy, Angus, Son, & Co. 140
Bath street
I Knox &Halley, 129 St. Vincent st
I Kyle, Denni3on,& Frew,' 175 Hope
I street
Landale, David, 62 Castle street,
I Landale, Frew, & Landale, 51
W. Regent street
Laughlen, And. 207 W. Geo. st
Leslie, Wm. M. 94 W. Regent st
Lindsay, John E, ("at Forman &
Low, Chas. A. 74 Hutcheson st
Maclure, Hugh H. 127 Sauchieh. st
M'Call, David, 160 Hope street
M'Creath & Stevenson, 138 West
George street
M'Crindle, J. H. 76 Buccleuch st
M'Donald, A. B. 74 Hutcheson st
M'Evoy, William, Kelvin foundry,
M'Farlane, John A. 461 St. Vic-
cent street
Martin & Dunlop, 178 St. Vin. st
Mellis, Robt. M. jun. 1 Queen's pi
Miller, Daniel, 203 St. Vincent st
Miller, W. J. 100 Wellington st
Moore, Wm. 49 West George st
Myles, Andrew, 121 Wellington st
Page, John, C.E. 39 Arlington st
Potts, Joseph, 241 St. Vincent st
Eankine, David, 157 St. Vine, st
Robertson, W. & Smith, 123 St.
Vincent street
PiOger, R. 101 West Nile street
Rodger, Wm. 131 Hope st
Service, Dav. D. 124 St. Vine, st
Simpson, A. 175 Hope street,
Stevenson, John, 138 W. George st
Stewart, Robert, 65 W. Regent st
Strain, John, 143 West Regent st
Strathern, R. 128 Wellington st
Thomson, Alex. G. 194 W. Geo.st
Thomson, Jas. 219 Hope st
Thomson, James, LL.D. Professor,
Waddell, Jas. 16 Robertson st
. Wharrie, Colledge, & Brand, 156
St. Vincent st
Young, R. & Son, 103 W. Reg. st
CLEEGYMEN, Miscellaneous.
Adam, Rev. John, D.D. 3 March-
mont terrace, Hillhead
Agnew, William, missionary, 493
New City road
Aikman, J. Logan, D.D. 8 Sandy-
ford place
Aitken, Rev. Wm. F. M.A. 35 Elm-
bank place
Alperovich, Rev. Martis, 14 Ure pi
Anderson, Rev. Andw. H. 5 Bel-
mont terrace, Pullokshields
Anderson, Rev. Hen. 2 Annfield
terrace, Partick
Anderson, Rev.Robt. 189 BellEeldst
Andrew, Rev. Alex. 2 2 Abbotsf. pi
Arthur, Eev. Jas. Springburn ; ho.
Manse, Hillhouse
Atkinson, Rev. T. R. 50 South
Apsley road
Bacon, Francis Patrick, 21 Dal-
housie street
Barras, Rev. William, Riddrie vale,
Cumbernauld rd
BaiTowclough, Rev. Wm. 8 Myrtle
park, Crossbill
Beckett, Rev. W. 2 Kelvinside ter.
north, Hillhead
Bennett, Rev. AV. E.G. 11 Oak st
Birkmyre, Rev. A. B. 19 Queen's
square, Regent park
Black, Rev. James, D.D. Leabank,
Queen's drive. Crossbill
Blair, Rev. R. 97 Hill street
Bonar, Rev. Andrew A. 20 India
Boyd, Rev. Wm. 187 W. Regent st
Bradshaw, Wm. Edwin, 35 Eose
street, Garnethill
Bremner, Eev. Henry, 10 Annfield
terrace, Partick
Bremner, Eev. Robt. M.A. manse,
Brock, Eev. Walt, 7 Eichmond st
Brodie, Rev. Neil, Free cb. manse,
Brown, Rev. D. 197 Renfrew st
Brown, Rev. Jos. D.D. 3 Clifton pi
Brown, Rev. W. Panton, 499 St.
Vincent street
Brownlie, Rev. John, 25 Chapel
street, Rutherglen
Bruce, Rev. Alex. B., professor
Free Church College, 32 Ha-
milton Park terrace
Brunton, Eev. A. Ardbeg villa,
Buchanan, Rev. Jas. 7 Seton ter
Buelens, Rev. Innocent, St.Francis,
205 Cumberland street
Burns, Rev. Dr. G. S. 3 Westbourne
terrace, Hillhead
Burt, Hen. missionry. 17 Dover st
Caird, Rev. John, D.D., principal.
University, Gilmorehill
Calder, Rev. John, manse, Partick
Cameron, Eev. Allan, 2 Lanries-
ton place
Cameron, Rev. George G. 107 Hill
street, Garnethill
Cameron, Rev. J. M.A. Ravens-
craig, Aytoun rd. Pollokshields
Cameron. Rev. R. 16 Sardinia ter.
Campbell, Rev. Dugald, 134
Bellfield street
Campbell, Rev. Geo. 5 Queen's sq
Campbell, Rev. G. L. 1 Queen's
Campbeli, Rev. John, Govau
Gaebc Church, Govan
Campbell, Rev. J. M. 15 Derby
Campbell, Rev. R. 3 Grafton pi
Candlisb, Rev. J. S. 5 Ashton ter
CardweU, Rev. Ricbd. 40 N. Wood-
side road
Carmichael, Don. 08 Abercromby st
Carstairs, Rev. G. L. 8 Sandy-
ford place
Casano, Eev. N. 40 N. Woodside
Caven, Eev. Wm. 58 Charlotte st
Chaplin, Eev. Samuel,! 5 Hilsboro.
sq. Hillhead
Chisholm, Eev. V. 36 Portugal st
Clark, Eev. Wm. M.A. U.P. Ch.
Cleary, Eev. Jas. E.G. 40 North
Woodside road
Coats, Eev. Jarvis, 8 Ibrox ter.-
Cochrane, Matthew, M.A. (of St.
Peter's), 108 Peel terrace
Connell, Eev. Samuel, 4 Hillhead
place, Hillhead
Conway, Eev. James, 4 Hill st.
Cook, Eev. David, 142 Eandolph
terrace, Garnethill
Copland, John, missionary, 13
Holmhead street
Corbett, Eev. Joseph, 39 Regent
Park square
Craib, Alex. (Wardlaw Church),
190 Belltield st
Crawford, Rev. Alex. 24 West-end
Park street
Crawford, Jas. Bridgeton Congre-
gational Church, Avenue villa,
Wellshot, Cambuslang
Crawford, Rev. JL 5 Clayton ter
Cruickshank, Rev. James M. 8
Fir Park terrace, Dennistoun
Gumming, Rev. Dr. 8 Buckingham
Curran, Rev. Thomas, 36 Portugal
Cuthbert, Rev. Ales. M.A. 14
Newton terrace
Daly, Rev. Hubert, 40 North
Woodside road
Davidson, Eev. Lewis, M.A. -Jane
Villa, Rutherglen
Davidson, Rev. Wm. Dalmarnock
Established Church
Dewar, Alex, missionary/, 89 Sham-
rock street
Dick, Rev. Geo. H. 22 Queen's sq.
Dickie, Rev. D. Rockbank, West-
Dickson, Rev. W. D.D.Univery.
2 r2

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