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Laird, Hugh, jun., agent, Clydesdale Bank, 344
Ai'gyle street and 252 Main street, Anderston.
Laird, James B. (at Alexander C. Millers), house,
135 Hospital street.
Laird, James, collector of empty hags, 114 Wellpark
. terrace, Ark lane, off Duke street.
Laird, J., & Co., brickmakers, Netherfield Brick
Works, 780 Duke street; house, 364 do.
Laird, James, auctioneer and valuator, 63 Dunlop st.;
house, Bellfield terrace, 354 Duke street.
Laird, John, wholesale stationer, 91 Bothwell st. ;
house, 114 do.
Lau'd, John (of J. Laird & Co.), house, Norwood,
Lau'd, John, cabinetmaker, upholsterer, and Venetian
blind maker, 182 Dumbarton road ; ho. 133 do.
Laii'd, Jolm, cutler, 168 Gallowgate.
Laird, Jolm, wine and spirit merchant, 25 Broad st. ;
house, 21 do.
Laird, John, auctioneer and valuator and adjuster of
fire insiu'anee claims (at Robert M'Tear's), house,
92 Hospital street.
Laird, John, & Co., ham curers and provision mer-
chants, 57 Argyle street.
Laird, John, & Sons, merchants, Dockside, Port
Laird, John, insurance agent, 6 Wilton terrace.
Laird, ThoiTias, fruiterer, 242 Sauchiehall street.
Laird & Thomson, manufacturers, 69 Ingi-am street ;
works, St. Marnock street. Mile-end.
Laird, Walker, wine and spirit merchant, 468 Duke
street ; house, 178 Slatefield street.
Laird, William, spirit merchant, 198 and 200
Laird, William, accountant, Gartsherrie office, 168
West George st.; ho. 1 Berlin terrace, Pollokshields.
Laird, William, manager (at Calton Spinning Co.'s,
312 Broad street), house, 320 do.
LAKE, Ai-thur, commercial traveller (hardware), of
Wolverhampton, 21 West Nile st.; ho. 9 Apsley pi.
LALLY, Anthony, provision merchant, 89 Bridgegate.
LAMB, Andrew (of John Colquhoun), poulterer and
game dealer, 119 West George street; house, 1
India street, west.
Lamb, A. N. (of J. R. Lamb & Co., 36 Hope st.),
house, 16 Hamilton drive, Hillhead.
Lamb & Co., turret clock makers, 40 Clyde place ;
house, 15 West street.
Lamb, Colville, & Co., Kinloch Distiller}', Campbel-
town ; Thomas Train & Co., 3 Madeira ct., agents.
Lamb, David (of Robert Lamb & Sons), house, 358
North Woodside road.
Lamb, George (of Thomas Lamb & Sons), timber
merchant and property valuator, 153 Queen street;
house, 17 Woodside place.
Lamb & Gibson, wrights, 210 Main st., Anderston.
Lamb, James, property valuator and surveyor, 74
Hutchesou st. ; house, Windsor cottage, King st.,
west, Helensburgh.
Lamb, John, & Co., wi-ights, 152 West Graham st.
Lamb, John (of .John Lamb & Co.), house, 251
Renfrew street.
Lamb, John, horse shoer and cartwi-igM, 35 Pitt st. ;
house, 24 Main street, Anderston.
Lamb, J. R., & Co., corn factors, 36 Hope street.
Lamb, J. R. (of J. R. Lamb & Co., 36 Hope street),
house, 13 Roslyn terrace. Great Western road.
Lamb, Peter, 150 Woodlands road.
Lamb, Robert, & Son, clotliiers, 7 Argyle street .
Lamb, Robert (of Robert Lamb & Son), house, 19G
North street.
Lamb, Thomas, & Sons, timber merchants, saw
millers, and manufacturers of wooden mouldings
and finished joiner work, 153 Queen street, and at
Arcade buildings, Cathcart street, Greenock ;
timber yard, 295 Shields road ; works, Kingston
Saw Mills, Port Glasgow.
Lamb, Thomas, 'm.-ight and contractor, 190 Parlia-
mentary road ; ho. 96 Regent ter., Stirling road.
Lamb, William L. (of Thomas Lamb & Sons, timber
merchants), house, Finnart street, Greenock.
Lamb, William, tailor and clothier, 130 Harmony
row, Govan ; house, 124 do.
LAMBERT, Charles, copper miner, smelter, and
manufacturer ; agent for Scotland, Edward Alex-
ander & Sons, 43 West Campbell street.
Lambert, James, & Co., cabinet makers and uphols-
terers, 123 Bothwell street ; house, 89 Pitt street.
Lambert, M., & Co., brush and basket warehouse, 93
Sauchiehall street.
Lambert, Thomas, cabinetmaker (at James Lambert
& Co.'s, 123 Bothwell street).
LAMBERTON, Alex., wholesale confectioner, Adelphi
teiTace and Commercial road ; house, Albert st.,
Lamberton, Hugh, wholesale confectioner, Adelphi
teiTace and commercial road ; res. Stanley house,
Lamberton, Hugh, jun., wholesale confectioner
Adelphi terrace and Commercial road; house, 10
Abbotsford place.
LAMBETH, Henry A., city organist, conductor.
Choral Union, 8 Queen's crescent.
LAM BIE, Alexander (of Ales. Lambie & Co.), house,
5 Hope terrace. Crossbill.
Lambie Alexander, & Co., power-loom cloth manu-
facturers, 377 Dalmamock road.
Lambie, Andrew (at Carslaw & Henderson's), ho. 14
Allison street. Crossbill.
Lambie, George, & Co., grocers and wine merchants,
80 Main street, Anderston, and 198 Great Western
road ; house, 176 Kent road.
Lambie, George, hosieiy and fmiiishings, 77 North st.
Lambie, George (at P. Henderson & Co.'s, 15 St. Vin-
cent place), ho. 3 Stanmore tei-race. Mount Florida.
Lambie, Hugh, 36 Kelvinhaugh street.
Lambie, Hugh, chemist and druggist, 83 Stirling rd.
Ijambie, John, locomotive inspector, Caledonian Rail-
way Co., 25 Killermont street; house, 31 Buc-
cleuch street.
Lambie, AVilliam, grocer and provision merchant, 107 J
Parson street ; house, 103 Glebe street.
Lambie, William (of Greenlees & Lambie), house, 5
Ardine terrace. Crossbill.
Lambie, William (at M'Kinlay, SjTiions, & Co.'s, 28
Renfield st.), house, 2 Kersland street, Hillhead.
LAMMIE, George, house factor and valuator, 144
Hope street; house, 11 Victoria cres., Dowanliill.
Lammie, George, agent, British Linen Co., 105 West
George street ; house, 11 Victoria cres., Dowanhill.
LAMONT, Alexander, messenger-at-aiTns, 11 West
Nile street ; house, 30 Raglan street.
Lamont, C. (of Ferguson, Lamont, & Co.), house, 7
Roslyn terrace, west.
Lamont, Colin, letter-carrier, Post Office ; house, 86
Renfrew street.
Lamond, David, teacher of pianoforte and har-
monium, 11 Stonefield terrace.

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