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Low, James (of Howie & Low)
Lucas, Wm. 133 West George st
M'Arthur, Chas. 43 Renfield st
M 'Bride, James (of M'Bride &
M'Bride & Davidson, 201 West
George st
M'Callum, Robert, 3 M'Neille
buildings, Ajt
M'Clare, J.H.(of Moody,M-Clures,
& Hannay)
M'Cliire, John, 87 St. Vincent
M'Clure, Naismith, Brodie, &
Macfarlane, 87 St. Vincent st
M'Clure, Robt.(ofMoody,IM'Clures,
& Hannay)
M'Connachie, J.(at Wright, John-
stdii, & M'Kenzie's)
M'CuHoch, Richard, 4 North Ex-
change court
Macdonald, A. 24 Hutcheson st
Macdonald, David D. 203 Hope
Macdonald, John, & Son, 203
Hope st
M'FarIane,Dun.(of M'Clure, Naii-
miib, Brodie, & Macfarlane)
Macfarlan, Robert T. (of Paul,
Macfarlan, & Brown)
Macgeorge, A. (of Macgeorge,
Cowan, & Galloway)
Macgeojge, Cowan, & Galloway,
91 West Regent st
M'Gowan, Robt. 106 W. Geo. st
M'Grigor, A. B. (of M'Grigor,
Donald, & Co.)
M'Grigor, Donald, & Co. 136 St.
Vincent st
M'Jannet, Wm. ((.f Bannatynes,
Kirkwood, & M'Jannet)
M'Kay, Martin, 79 W. Regent st
M'Kean, J. 119 St. Vincent st
M'Kechnie, Neil, Union Bank
buildings, Dunoon
Mackenzie, Gardner, & Alexander,
153 St. Vincent st
Mackenzie, James (of Wright,
Johnstone, & Mackenzie)
Mackenzie, R. D. (of Mackenzie,
Gardner, & Alexander)
M'Kenzie, R. 153 St. Vincent
Maclachlan, Wm. 18 Renfield st
M'Laren, J. Fisher, 67 West Nile
Maclay, D. T. (of Maclay, Murray,
& Spens)
Maclaj'-, Murray, & Spens, 169
West George st
M'Lean, J. A. 77 W. Nilesf
M'Lean, Neil, (of James Ritchie,
M'Lean, & Co.)
M'Lean, P. S. 163 St. Vincent st
M'Lean, R. 155 G. Western rd
M'Lean, Wm, 157 St. Vincent st.
M'Lelland, Jas. S. 204 W. Geo. st
M'Leod, Peter (of Macleod &
M'Leod & Ralston, 205 St. Vin. st
M'William, Jas. (of Thos. Nichol-
son, MacWilliara, & Co.)
Mann, D. 150 W. Regent st
Marshall, J. jun. 168 St. Vin. st
Marshall, Mark, 116 St. Vin. st
Maston, John, 175 St. Vin. st
Miller, Jas. 100 W. Regent st
Miller, John, 5 W. Regent st
Mitchell, Alex. 0. (of Mitchells,
Cowan, & Johnston)
Mitchell, Andrew (of Mitchells,
Cowan, & Johnston)
Mitchells, Cowan, & Johnston,
160 West George st
Mitchell, Jas.(of Mitchells, Cowan,
& Johnston)
Mitchell, J.C. (of Mitchells, Cowan,
& Johnston)
Moir & Forbes, 146 Buchanan st
Moir, Jas. (of Moir & Forbes)
Moncrieff, Paterson, Forbes, &
Barr, 45 W. George st
Monro, J. G. (Corporation Gas
Monteith, A. & Earston, 69 St.
Vincent st
Monteith, Cunnioghame, 161
Hope st
Montgomery & Flemings, 158 St.
Vincent st
Moody, M'Clures, & Haunay, 198
W. George st
Moody, Robt.(of Moody, M'Clures,
& Hannay)
Morrison, A. M. 67 West Nile st
Morrison, Adam (of Morrisons &
Morrisons & Anderson, 115 St.
Vincent st
Moscrip, G. C. 51 West Regent
Muirhead, Jas. 149 W. Geo. st
Murdoch & Rodger, 107 West
Regent st
Murdoch & Stewart, 99 St. Vin. st
Murdoch, Wm. (of Murdoch &
Muter, Thomas, 128 Wellington st
NaisTiith, John(of M'Clure, Nais-
mith, Brodie, & Macfarlane)
NeilsoD, Thos. 137 W. George st
Neilson, Wm. 43 Renfield st
Nicolson, Thos. M'William, & Co.
156 St. Vincent st
Nicolson, T. (of T. Nicolson,
M'William, & Co.)
Nisbet, Edgar S. 175 Hope st
Orr, Andrew, 149 Hope st
Orr, John F. 161 Hope st
Orr, W. V. 170 Hope street
Paterson, Adam, LL.D. (of Mon-
crieiF, Paterson, Forbes, & Barr)
Paterson, C. 0. (of Bell & Pater-
Paterson, Fran. 47 Buccleuch st
Paterson, George, 157 Hope st
Paterson, Wm. B. 67 West Nile
Pattison, Alex, (of Morrisons &
Paul, Andw. 107 W. Regent st
Paul, M'Farlane, & Brown, 13 St.
Vincent place
Petrie, CoUedge, & Guy, 120 West
Regent st
Petrie, J. (of Petrie, CoUedge, &
Pollock, Robert, 82 West Nile st
Pollock, Walter W. 77 Renfield st
Pyle, John, 69 St. Vincent st. (of
Adam, Monteith, & Earstson)
Ralston, G. (of Macleod & Ralston)
Ramsay, Wm. 156 W. George st
Reddie, Chas. 51 St. Vincent st
Raid, James A. (of M'Grigor,
Donald, & Co,'s)
Renison, Wm. 124 Hope st
Rennie, Geo. 38 W. George st
Renton, Robt. 73 W. Nile st
Risk, J. A. D. 153 St. Vincent st
Ritchie, James, M'Lean, & Co. 175
Hope st
Roberton, Jas. LL. D. (of Rober-
ton & Ross)
Roberton & Ross, 176 St. Vin. st
Robertson, A. 108 West Regent st
Robertson, J. M. & J. H. 44 West
Regent st
Robertson, John (of Quintin Dick
& Robertson)
Rodger, R. 107 W. Regent st
Rodger, Watt & Paul, 107 West
R?geat st
Ross, Alex. ; ho. 29 Caledonia rd
Ross, J. W. 175 W. George st
Ross, Robert (of Roberton & Ross)
Ross, W. T. 63 W. Regent st
Russell, Wm. 4 Grosvenor terrace
Rutherford, Jas. 82 W. Nile st
Scott, Alex.(of Scott & Stevenson)
Scott, A. M. 33 Renfield st
Scott & Smeaton, 33 Renfield st
Scott & Stevenson, 138 Hope st
Scoular, Robt. 5 Moir st. Dunoon
Service, James, 35 Bath st
Simpson, J. Y. 161 Hope st
Simpson, W. E. 112 Wellington
Sinclair, Robt. & Thos. 14 Miller st
Sinclair, Thos. (of R. & T. Sinclair;
Smeaton, J. C. S3 Renfield st
Smith, Gordon, & Lucas, 133 W.
George st
Smith,G.(of GordonSmith&Lucas)
Smith, J. B. (of M'Grigor, Donald,
& Co.)
Smith, J. G. 169 W. George st
Smith, James, 21 Bath street
Smith, B. (at W. J. Easton's)
Speirs, Wm. 234 W. George street
Stevenson, Hugh, 138 Hope st
Stevenson, J. M. P. 180 W. Geo. st
Stevenson, Wm. 132 St. Vicct. st
Stewart, A. W. 147 W. Regent st
Stewart, James, 181 Castle street
Stuart, John, & Brown, 157 W.
George street

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