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James Alexander, 1854
Alex. Burrell, "
John M. Hill,
John Steuart,
Pat. S. Honeyman,
Wra. M'Lean,
And. L. Graham,
John Gemmel,
James Inglis,
Robert M'Luckie, "
J. Robertson, LL.D. 1857
James Galbraith, "
Ross R. Auld, "
Richard M'Culloch "
J. Marshall, jun., "
Jas. H. Watkins, "
J. M. Robertson, "
James Lockhart, "
William Cowan,
Robert Ross,
Robert Stewart,
John Robertson,
David T. Alexander,
Archd. Fergusson,
James B. Christie,
Hugh Colquhouu,
Lachlan Cowan,
John M. Wallace,
David T. Maclay,
Thomas S. Sword, 1859
Wm. M. Wilson, "
George Y. Strang, "
Gordon Smith, "
James Boyd, 1860
Jos. A. Dixon, "
Thomas Davidson, 1861
Henry Lamond, "
Wm. Murdoch, "
Arthur Alison, "
David Hannay, "
Wm. Paterson, "
D.J.Bannatyne.jun., "
Chas. B. Aikman, "
Alexander Watt, 1862
John F. M'Laren, "
Thomas Arnot, "
D.Davidson Balfour, "
George Paterson, ' '
Martin Mackay, 1863
Robt. T. Macfarlan, "
Alex.Johnston Penn, "
Edward L. Murray, "
Wm. York, " "
James Miller, "
Robert P. Lamond, "
John Smith, "
John Guy, "
John Watson Ross, "
The Faculty beg to direct attention to certain Bur-
saries, each of the value of Ten Founds per annum,
to endure for three years, which they have established
for the purpose of affording encouragement to young
men desirous of prosecuting their legal training in
the offices of writers in Glasgow.
The committee of management will, on 1st
August next, issue to every candidate who shall
have then intimated to the secretary his intention
to compete, a notice of the exact time and place in
Walter Williamson, 1863 Robert M'Gowan, 1868
Andrew Orr, " James Neil Hart, "
Andrew S. Fletcher, " James Alexander, 1869
John Renison, " Neilson Bird "
John A. Hamilton, " W. A. Galbraith, "
Walter Bell, ". William Borland, "
Alex. Dick, jun. " John Finlayson, "
Alex. Taylor Innes, " Richard Brown, "
George Gray, 1864 Daniel Hill, "
Wm. H. MoncriefF, " William C. Hotson, "
R. Jameson, jun., " A.M.Lind8ay,M.A., "
William Maclachlan, " John A. Spens, "
John W, Alston, " Laurence Thomson, "
James Caldwell, " T.C.Young,jr.,M.A., "
William Lucas, " Arthur Forbes, "
T. J. Smillie, 1865 Alex. C. Maclae,
William Caldwell, " George Young, "
W. Lochore Brown, " George B. Young, "
Alex. Pattison, " James Mackenzie, "
Cunningham Men- Jas. Aiken, M.A., 1870
teath, 1866 James Colquhoun, "
Charles France, " John Ferguson, "
John Fleming, 1867 George B. Hoggan, "
David Murray, M. A. " Andrew Paul, "
James Dunbar, " Thomas Sinclair, "
Mark Bannatyne, " W. Gemmill, LL.B., "
John Willison, " William S. Purves, "
James W. Knox, " Duncan Macfarlane, "
J.C.Mitchell,M.A., 1868
Glasgow at which the competitive examinations
will take place.
The candidates, at the time of their examination,
must not be under 16, and not more than 19 years
of age, and shall have been at least one year em-
ployed as a clerk or apprentice by some member of
the legal profession in Glasgow.
The subjects of examination which shall be deemed
essential are — English reading, grammar and com-
position, writing to dictation, arithmetic, geography,
and the rudiments of Latin.
Was founded by Mr. George Baillie, writer in Glasgow, who divested himself in his lifetime of his whole
fortune (£18,000), with its accumulations during twenty-one years, from 11th November, 1863, to endow
his said institution for the self-culture of the operative classes in Glasgow, of both sexes, by means of Free
Public Libraries and Beading Booms, over the city and suburbs ; and for the tuition and training of their
children in schools strictly unsectarian. The Dean, Council, and Clerk of the Faculty of Procurators in
Glasgow are perpetual preceptor, patrons, and directors of the institution, which was confirmed by special
charter from the crown, dated March 18, 1867.
Foe Noting and Protesting Bills, enacted on 1st January, 1870.
If Bill under £30, .......
£30 and under £100, ......
£100 and under £200, . . . .
£200 and upwards, ......
Foreign Bills.
If Bill under £25, ' .
£25 and under £100,
Above £100,







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