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Nicol, Thos. 12 Royal Exchan. sq
Nicolson, John, 20 Union st
Nisbet, Alex. D. 77 Queen st
Niven & Pratt, 80 Gt. Clyde st.
Noble, Peter, 86 Buchanan st
O'Brien, John, 20 Jail sq
Ogilvie, Thomas, 54 St. Vinct. st
Orr, James, 130 Hope st
Orr, John K. & Dan.. 59 Oswald st
Osborne, Jas. & Co. 75 St. Vine, st
Park, J. & J. 129 Ingram st.
Parker, M. & Co. 116 St. Vincent
St. — See Adv. in Appendix
Paterson, David, 72 Virginia st
Paterson, J. H. 77 West Nile st
Paterson, R. 31 Miller st.
Paterson, W. C. & Co. 18 Royal
Exchange sq
Paton, Andrew, 22 Dundas st
Paton & Grant, 37 St. Vincent pi
Paton, John, 39 Hope st
Paton, Wm. 80 S. Portland st
Pattison, J. & Co. 137 West
George street
Paul, John, 36 Renfield st
Peebles, Anderson, & Co. 106 W.
George st
Peebles, W. J. & Co. 13 Dixon st
Poison, Wm. 249 Argyle st
Porteous, Jas. 12 Dixon st
Porter, Hugh G. 153 Queen st
Potts, W. & H. 132 West Nile st
Pringle, C. & Co. 62 Queen st
Raeburn, Jas. jun. 263 Argyle st
Eaalte, Behrend, &, Co. 157 West
George st
Rankin Brothers, 133 W. Geo. st
Raynal, A. 93 Waterloo st
Eeid, John, 43 Virginia st
Reynolds, Jn. 187 Gallowgate
Riddell & Fleming, 47 Oswald st
Riddel], T. 129 Hospital street
Rice, A. R. 51 George square
Rintoul, P. Son, & Co. 26 Gord. st
Rintoul, Robt. Alexander, & Co.
23 Jamaica st
Richard, Wm. J. 15 Hutcheson st
Ritchie, T. K. 6 Dixon st
Richardson, Wm. C. 105 Wel-
lington st
Richmond, Jn. & Co. 60 Hope st
Robb, J. T. 26 S. Portland st
Roberton, Stephen & Co. 24
Springfield ct. Buchanan st
Robertson, Archd. 108 Argyle st
Robertson, G. L. 12 Dixon st
Robertson, Jas. 120 N. Montrose st
Robertson, J. & Co. 85 Queen st.
and 9 Royal Exchange pi
Robertson, Jn.jun. 77 Renfield st
Robertson, John, 40 Union st
Robertson, Jn. & Co. 52 Robert-
son street
Robertson, J. C. 97 Union st
Robinows& Marjoribanks,16 Both-
well street
Ross, Thos. 21 Argyle st
Ross, Wm. & Co. 1 Royal Bank pi
Rough, Wm. 20 Union st
Rome, John, 20 Union st
Russell, Alex. 57 Miller st
Russell, Wm. T. 33 Virginia st
Russell, John, 58 Renfield st
Sage, A. M. 74 Broomielaw
Scott, C. W. Royal Exchange
Scott & Dawson, 38 Ingram st
Scott, Craig, & Co. 30 Royal Ex-
change square
Scott & M'Laren, 110 Ingram st
Scott, R. M. 110 Ingram st
Scott, Steel, & Co. 5 Dixon st
Scott, W. T. & Co. 48 Gordon st
Scouller, Chas. 53 Glassfonl st.
Seton, J. & Co. 99 West Nile st
Sharp, Thos. 57 Miller st
Shaw, W. G. 31 Hutcheson st
Sheppard, Macnab, & Co. 135 Bu-
chanan street
Sillars, Geo. A. 25 S. Frederick st
Sillars, J. S. 25 S. Frederick st
Simpson, Wm. 3 St. Vincent pi
Sinclair, Moorhead, & Co. 24 and
26 Oswald street
Skene, Alex. 3 St. Enoch sq.
Slater, David, 52 Virginia st.
Slater, P. F. 114 Trongate
Smith, Alex. 36 Miller st
Smith, Chas. H. 125 Buchanan st
Smith, D. & Co. 116 St. Vine, st
Smith, D. 161 Hope st.
Smith, Hugh, 94 Miller street
Smith, Jn. H. 11 W. Nile st
Smith, M. H. 10 Robertson st
Sofio, L. & Co. 2 Ashton pi. Dow-
Somerville, Jn. 37 Cathedral st
Starey, C. R. 45 James st Kingst.
Stark, A. G. 123 West George st
Steven, Alex. 21 Rose st. Garneth.
Stavert, Zigomala, & Co. 11 St.
Vincent place
Stephen, A. & Son, 139 W. Geo. st
Stevenson, Hugh F. 97 Buchan. st
Stevenson, Jas. 3 St. Enoch sq
Stevenson, J. & B. 7 Hope st
Stevenson, Wm. 47 Oswald st
Stewart, A. M. Virginia buildings
Stewart, George, 40 Union st
Stuart & Co. 77 West Nile st
Stewart, James, 97 Union st
Stewart, Jn. 27 Union st.
Stewart& Murison, 125Buchan. si
Strathern, Geo. 98 W. Regent st
Stoddart, Jas. 131 Buchanan st
Storey, C. R. 45 St James street,
Strachan, Alex. 76 Wilson st.
Suttie, Wm. K. 10 Prince's sq
Taylor, Jas. 9 Gordon street
Taylor, Thos. 116 St. Vincent st.
Tait, William, & Co. 190 West
George st
Teale, R. J. & Co. 80 Union st.
Tennant Jn. 80 Buchanan street
Thomson & Gray, 18 Renfield st
Thomson J. & Co. 4 Stirling sq
Thomson & Melville, 18 Renfid. st
Thomson, Campbell, & Co. 76
Wilson street
Thomson, R. 45 Hope st
Thomson, Wm. 83 Jamaica st
Thorburn, C. & Co. 43 Virginia st
Thornton, .Slingsby, & Co. 1 Han-
over street
Tiernan, J. & Son, 62 York st.
Tod, Alex. 167 W. George st.
Torrance, W. B. 85 Queen st
Train, Thos. & Co. 3 Madeira crt
Tudhope, Geo. 121 Greenhead st
Turnbull, G, 87 Union street
Turnbull & Salvesen, 87 Union
st. and Greenock
Turner, A. J. 141 W. George st
Turner, Wm. M. 48 St. Enoch sq
Tweeddale, Thos. 82 Wilson st
Urquhart, A. M. 79 Robertson st
Waddell, W. S. 19 Montrose st
Walker, Duncan, 51 Renfield st
Walker, Hamilton, & Co. 59
St. Vincent place
Walker, Scott, & Co., 30 Royal
Exchange sq.
Walker, Wm. 36 Saltmarket
Wardlaw, W. 62 Buchanan st
Wardrop, James, & Co. 141 West
George street.
W r ardrop, James, & Co., 141 W.
George st
Watson & Co. 16 St. Vincent pi
Watt, F. jun. 16 Hope st
Watt, R, & Co. 9 Gordon st
Weatherhead, Thos. Ayton pi
Webster, J. & Co. 85 Buchanan st
Webster, John, 59 St. Vincent st
Webster, R. 59 St. Vincent st
Wenman, Charles H. 12 Royal
Exchange sq
White, Alex. 57 Miller st
Whitehead, R. & Co. 54 St. Enoch
Whyte, R. & Co. 127 Brunswick st
Whvte, Thos. 121 Ingram st
Whyte, Wm. & Co. 120 S. Albi. st
Wilkie, James, 33 Renfield st
Wilkie, John, 33 Renfield st
Wilkie, Wm. 128 Ingram street
Will, John H. 18 S. Hanover st
Williamson, G. 54 Union st
Willis, James, 289 Sauchiehall st
Wilson Bros. 125 Buchanan st
Wilson, Nicol, & Co. 19 S. Fred, st
Wirth, J. G. Wiget, 11 W. Nile st
Wiseman, Dunlop, & Co. 21 West
Nile st
Wood, George, 27 Frederick st
Wood, H. & Co. 86, 90 Miller st
Wood & Parker, 17 Gordon st
Wotherspoon, J. 58 Market st. city
Wright & Greig, 74 Buchanan st
Wright, John, 15 St. Enoch sq
Wright, J. Brooks, 36 St. Vine, pi
Wright, Ronald, & Son, 25 Qu. st
Wright, Wm. 17 Miller st
Wyse, Forbes, 82 Wilson st
Young, C. 45, 47 Robertson st
Young, G. 13 Hope st

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