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MIRRLEES, James Buchanan (of Mirrlees & Tait),
house, 336 Sauehiehall street.
Mirrlees, J. & A., organ builders, 129 Dundas st.
Mirrlees & Tait, engineers, boilermakers, and sugar-
mill manufacturers, Scotland Street Ironworks,
Tradeston; office, 45 Scotland street.
Mirrlees, Win., & Co., saddlers and harness makers,
97 Buchanan street.
Mirrlees, Mrs., furnishings, 393 Gallowgate.
MITCHELL, Alexander, 40 Kelvingrove street, and
Wintoun house, Kilcreggan.
Mitchell, Alexander, grocer and spirit merchant, 64
Govan street.
Mitchell, Alexander M. (of Thomas Sprunt & Co.),
house, Dunrowan, Campsie junction.
Mitchell, Alexander, M.D., 13 Elmbank place.
Mitchell, Alexander, jun. (of Mitchell & Whytlaw),
residence, 10 Wilton crescent.
Mitchell, Alex, (of Edmistou & Mitchell), residence,
Ardenclutha, Hamilton.
Mitchell, Alex., 25 Holyrood place, Napiershall st.
Mitchell, Allardice, & Mitchell, writers, 160 West
George street.
Mitchell, Andrew (of Walter Beaton & Co.), house,
39 Scott street, Garnethill.
Mitchell, Andrew, writer (of Mitchell, Allardice, &
Mitchell), 20 Woodside place.
Mitchell, Andrew, 4 Claremont terrace.
Mitchell, Andrew (of Mitchell, M'Call, & Co.),
house, Sandbank place, Partick.
Mitchell, Angus (of Sinclair & Mitchell), 66 Miller
street ; house, 5 Regent Park square.
Mitchell, A. O. (of Mitchell, Allardice, & Mitchell),
house, 13 Windsor terrace, west.
Mitchell, David (at J. & W. Campbell & Co.'s),
house, 4 Newton street.
Mitchell, David, agent for Dunville & Co., Belfast,
7 Killermont street.
Mitchell, D. H. (of John M'Gregor & Son's), house,
43 Old wynd; house, 106 N. Frederick street.
Mitchell, Rev. David, minister, Free St. Luke's ;
house, 32 Monteith row.
Mitchell, David, audit clerk, G. & S.-West. Railway,
16 Bridge street; house, 253 Eglinton street.
Mitchell & Finlayson, commission merchants, 157
West George street.
Mitchell, George, smith, farrier, and cartwright, 26,
28, 30 Carrick street ; house, 26 do.
Mitchell, George (of Macleroy, Hamilton, & Co.),
house, 21 Monteith row.
Mitchell, George, flesher, 32 Millroad street, Calton ;
house, 33 East Market street.
Mitchell, James-, tailor and clothier, 21 Argyle street;
residence, 120 London road.
Mitchell, James, legal accountant, 13 John street ;
house, 65 Bath street.
Mitchell, James, & Co., engravers and lithographers,
9 Gordon street ; house, 49 West Campbell street.
Mitchell, James, accountant, and agent for Liverpool
and London and Globe Fire & Life Insurance Cos.,
75 West Nile street.
Mitchell, James, sculptor, 401 Caledonian road;
house, 98 do.
Mitchell, James, flesher, 141 Elderslie street; house,
149 Kent road.
Mitchell, James, & Co., clothiers and hatters, 71
Union street ; ho. 3 Paxton terrace, Albert road.
Mitchell, James L. (of Charles Thorburn & Co.),
residence, Auchingramont, Hamilton.
Mitchell, James, assessor of property and income-tax
for the Lower Ward of Lanarkshire, 75 West
Nile street.
Mitchell, James, writer, Dean of the Faculty of Pro-
curators (of the firm of Mitchell, Allardice, &
Mitchell), house, 5 Park terrace.
Mitchell, James, slater; office and yard, 6 Cam-
bridge street; house, 28 do.
Mitchell, James, brassfounder, 29 Jamaica street;
house, 46 South Apsley place.
Mitchell, James, painter and paper hanger, 27 King
street, city.
Mitchell, James (of Mitchell & Wallace), house, 6
Annfield place, Duke street.
Mitchell, J., tobacconist, 39 South Cumberland st.;
house, 46 South Apsley place.
Mitchell, John, Gartsherrie office ; house, 2 Belgrave
place, Hillhead.
Mitchell, John, hosier and shirt manufacturer, 94,
96 Bell street.
Mitchell, John, merchant, 157 Buchanan street.
Mitchell, John M. (of Kerr & Mitchell), 83 Ja-
maica street.
Mitchell, John, coal merchant and contractor, 223
Dalmarnock road; house, 3 Harvie street.
Mitchell, John (of Glasgow Apothecaries' Co.), 32,
34 Virginia street ; house, Pollokshields.
Mitchell, John Oswald (of Schrader & Mitchell), ho.
9 At-hton terrace, Dowanhill.
Mitchell, John, merchant and shipowner, 54 Great
Cfyde street ; house, Moore park, Govan.
Mitchell, John, clerk, Caledonian Railway, Buchanan
St. Station ; house, 2 Paxton terrace, Albert rd.
Mitchell, John, 2 Lynedoch street.
Mitchell, John, jun., Ottoman, Portuguese, and
Plonduras vice-consul, 54 Great Clyde street ; ho.
9 Royal terrace.
Mitchell, John, & Son, cork merchants and manu-
facturers, 54 Great Clyde street.
Mitchell, John (of J. & W. Mitchell), house, 19
India street.
Mitchell, John, grocer, 51 and 53 Stevenson street;
house, 35 South Apsley place.
Mitchell & Johnstone, commission merchants, 127
Ingram street.
Mitchell, J. & W., watchmakers, jewellers, and gold-
smiths, 119 Buchanan street.
Mitchell, J. & W., & Co., distillers, Campbelton;
James Neill & Co., agents, 27 Hope street.
Mitchell, Lewis, slater and chimney sweeper, 185
North street; house, 38 Richard street.
Mitchell & Locke, cotton spinners, W r est Arthurlie,
157 Buchanan street.
Mitchell, Moncrieff, C. A. (of Mitchell & Watson,
4 National Bank buildings, Queen street), house,
Shieldhall, by Govan.
Mitchell, M'Call, & Co., linen manufacturers and
merchants, 15 Princes square, Buchanan street.
Mitchell, Nelson (of S. Mitchell & Son), house, 40
Lansdowne crescent.
Mitchell, Patrick (of R. & P. Mitchell), house, 32
Lynedoch street.
Mitchell, Robert, American shipping master and
emigration agent, 10 Robertson street.
Mitchell, Robert, wholesale grocer, 63, 67 Stockwell
street; house, 50 South Apsley place.
Mitchell, Robert, accountant, Commercial Bank ; ho.
82 Hill street, Garnethill.
Mitchell, Robert A., writer, 7 Killermont street.

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