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Edgar, John, spirit merchant, 29 Centre street.
Edgar, M'Kellar, & Co., coopers, 47 Dale St., Tradest.
Edgar, Robert, chaplain to Messrs. G. & J. Burns'
seamen, 114 Hospital street.
Edgar, Wm., boot and shoemaker, 138 Renfield st.
Edgar, W. F., grocer and wine merchant, 30 George
square, and 1 West George street ; ho. 2 Tower-
hill terrace, Springburn.
Edgar, Mrs., Miss Taylor, & Mrs. Colvin, dress-
makers, 116 George street.
Edgar, Mrs., 6 Morrison street, Kingston.
Edinburgh & Leith Brewery Company ; A. & R.
Vanning, agents, 75 Argyle street.J
Edinburgh Life Assurance Co., 65 St. Vincent street;
agents, J. Wyllie Guild.
Edinburgh Ropery & Sailcloth Co., cordage, twine,
and sailcloth manufacturers, 62, 64 Jamaica st. ;
works, Leith, Balerno, and Canning street, Glas-
gow, James Watson; house, 102 Bath street.
EDINGTON, Captain (of Wilkie & Edington), ho.
307 St. Vincent street.
Edington, George B., iron founder, Victoria Foun-
dry ; house, 7 Buckingham terrace.
Edington, Thomas, & Sons, iron founders and en-
gineers, Phoenix Iron Works, 50 Garscube road.
EDMISTON, A., wright and trunk maker, 132
Edmiston, John (of J. & R. Edmiston), house, 6
Hamilton place, Great Western road.
Edmiston, J. & R. auctioneers and valuators, City
Sale-rooms, 21 Gordon street.
Edmiston & Mitchell, brokers and commission mer-
chants, 25 Gordon street.
Edmiston, Richard (of J. & R. Edmiston), house, 2
Nithsdale place, Paisley road.
Edmiston, Robert (of Edmiston & Mitchell), ho. 35
Ehnbank crescent.
Edmiston, William T., timber merchant, wright and
builder, 124 Upper Crown street ; house, 128 do.
Calls at Edmiston & Mitchell's, 25 Gordon street.
Edmiston, Mrs., staymaker and hair worker, 116
Sauchiehall street.
EDMOND, John, spirit merchant, 81 Candleriggs;
house, 85 do.
Edmond, Peter, grocer, 65 Stobcross st. ; ho. 67 do.
Edmond, Mrs., spirit dealer, 30 Forth st. ; ho. 24 do.
EDWARDS, Andrew, superintendent of police, 47
Anderston st., Partick ; house, 2 Windsor place.
Edwards, D., letter-carrier, P.O. ; ho. 93 Cadogan st.
Edward, David (of George Edward & Son), house,
246 Bath street.
Edwards, Francis, iron merchant, 138 West George
street ; house, 4 Clifton street.
Edward, George, & Sen, watch, clock, and chrono-
meter makers, jewellers, gold and silver smiths, 56
and 58 Gordon street, and 2 Renfield street.
Edward, George (of George Edward & Son), house,
Bath crescent, 280 Bath street.
Edwards, G. W. india rubber merchant, 97 Mitchell
street ; house, 4 Hamilton drive.
Edwards, Rev. John, minister, Greenhead U.P.
church; house, 33 Monteith row.
Edwards, William, baker and confectioner, 216 Gt.
Western road ; house, 343 N. Woodside road.
Edwards, Mrs. Edward, 3 North Paterson street.
Edwards, Mrs., ladies' belt and bandage maker, 32
Renfield street.
EDWIN, Richard, house painter and decorator, 116
West Nile street; house, 80 St. James' road.
EEKHOUT, B., merchant, 1 Royal Bank place;
house, 6 North Bark terrace, Hillhead.
Eekhout & Co., commission and general merchants,
1 Royal Bank place.
EGLIN Brothers & Co., curriers, leather merchts.,
boot and shoe top and leather lace manufacturers,
6 Stirling square. — See Advertisement in Appendix.
Eglin, John (of Eglin Brothers & Co.), house, 197
Elgin place, Pitt street.
Eglin, Wm. (of Eglin Brothers & Co.), house, 1
Kensington place, West Campbell street.
EGLINTON, G., tea merchant, agent for C. F.
Simmons, tea merchant, London, 2 1 College st.
Eglinton, John, grocer and provision merchant, 7
Maxwell street; house, 52 Holmhead street.
Eglinton, Wm., dry Salter, 25 St. Andrew's street.
Eglinton Iron Works, Canal street, Port-Eglinton.
Eglinton Iron Works Office, 168 West George st.
Egyptian Steam Packet Office, Handysido & Hen-
derson, agents, 45 and 51 Union street.
ELBORN, John, & Co., waste and rag merchants,
17, 23 J Steel st. ; house, 98 Great Hamilton st.
ELDER, David, provision merchant, 77 Castle st. ;
house, 6 Chatham place.
Elder, David W., English commercial and classical
teacher, 10 Rutland pi. ; ho. 3 Tulliallan place.
Elder, James, commission and manufacturers' agent,
17 St. Enoch square; house, 8 Albert drive,
Queen's park.
Elder, James, 1 Dalhousie place.
Elder, John (of Anderson & Elder), house, 162
Paisley road.
Elder, John (of Randolph, Elder, & Co.), house,
Elmpark, Govan road.
Elder & M'Neil, St. Andrew's Public Bath, 59 Green-
dyke street. — See Advertisement in Appendix.
Elder, Thomas, wine and spirit merchant, 125 Duke
street; house, 129 do.
Elder, Mrs. David, 19 Paterson street, Kingston.
Elder, Mrs. James, tobacconist, 56 St. Enoch sq.
Electric and International Telegraph Co.'s offices,
portico, Royal Exchange, 76 St. Vincent street,
and at the Railway stations, Buchanan street,
Bridge street, and St. Eollox.
ELECTKO-Platers, West of Scotland Establishment,
308, 310 Buchanan street.
Elgin Place Congregational Church, Pitt street, off
Sauchiehall street; Rev. Henry Batchelor, pastor.
Elgin Pottery, David street, C. Purvis.
ELKINGTON & Co., electro-plate manufacturers,
Birmingham; Christie Brothers, agents, 133 St.
Vincent street.
ELLIOTT, A., gas lustre manufacturer, brassfounder,
painter, and gasfitter, 18 Bridge street ; house, 64
Oxford street.
Elliot, David (of Stewart & Elliot), house, 16 South
Apsley place.
Elliot, George, & Co., wire rope manufacturers, Lon-
don ; James T. Stewart, agent, 27 Union street.
Elliott, John, beadle of St. Jude's, 94 Thistle street,
off Shamrock street.
Elliot, Ralph, carter, 103 St. James' road.
Elliot, Robert, restaurant, 211 Main street, Gorbals,
Eliot, Whyte, & Co., soap, oil, and candle merchants,
Melville place, 132 Trongate.
Elliott's Patent Sheathing and Metal Co.(Limited),
agents, Neilson & Maxwell, 78 and 80 James
Watt street.
ELLIS, Clement, & Co., merchts., 125 Buchanan st.

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