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Lamond, E. N. 5 Gt. Kelvin ter.
Lamond, John, 5 Gt. Kelvin ter.
Leech, W. B. 6 Oakvale.
Leisk, David, 21 Oakfield terrace.
Leisk, Robert, 21 Oakfield terrace.
Lepper, M. 1 Westbank terrace.
Lester, Wm. 6 Belgrave terrace.
Lockerby & Hillhouse, bakers, 1
Hamilton place.
Lehmann, Chs. Dowanhill gardens.
Lyall, William, green-grocer, 4
Hamilton place.
Lyon, Mrs. Westbank terrace.
MAllister, James, Carndowan,
M' Arthur, J. R. 23 Oakfield ter.
M'Arthur, Mrs. 28 Oakfield ter.
M'Brayne, Robt. Dunard, Dowan-
hill gardens.
M'Connachy, James, 18 Wilson st.
M'Gregor, J. F. Glasgow street.
M'Gregor, Wm. Glasgow street.
M'Grouther, Mrs. 10 Bloomfield pi.
M'Intyre, Peter, Bank street.
M'Kay, James, 14 Nelson terrace.
M'Keand, Antony, Thornville.
M'Kenzie, William, M.D. surgeon,
oculist to her Majesty, 1 Oak-
field terrace.
M'Leod, M. 2 Oakvale.
M'Nab, A. teacher, 11 Oakfi. ter.
M'Nab, Jas. jun. Nelson terrace.
M'Nair, A. D. 4 Hillhead place.
M'Nair, D. S. 4 Hillhead place.
M'Naughton, P. Albert terrace.
M'Phun, W. L. 2 Gt. Kelvin ter.
Main, James, 2 Granby terrace.
Malcolm, W. & J. fish merchants,
Hamilton pi.; ho. 5 Bank st.
Marshall, Capt. Jas. 3 Portman pi.
Marshall, John, 18 Bloomfield pi.
Martin, Ales. 1 Granby terrace.
Martin, John, 17 Bloomfield place.
Meighan, John, butcher, 2 Hamil-
ton place.
Meikle, Wm. Lilybank, Dowanh.
Meiklejohn, J. Westbank terrace.
Melville, R. H. Oakvale.
Mitchell, W. L. 17 Bloomfield pi.
Morrison, Miss, 2 Kelvin terrace.
Munro, St. Bernard's place.
Murdoch, James, Dowanhill.
Murray, John, 17 Oakfield t&c
Murray, J. B. 8 Vict. ter. Dowanh.
Murray, W. & J. family grocers,
West Bank terrace.
Muter, Thomas, 13 Nelson ten-ace.
Napier, John, Saughfield.
Napier, Wm. jun. coalmas. Cow-
denhill colliery, East Kilpatrick ;
house, 20 Sardinia terrace.
Neil, James, West Bank terrace.
.Nesmith, John, 2 Belgrave terrace.
Ogilvie, Thos. 6 Oakfield terrace.
Ogilvie, W. B. 2 Viewfield terrace.
Orr, James, cowfeeder, Ash cot.
Outram, D. E. account. 24 Oak ter.
Parker, Geo. 14 Nelson terrace.
Paterson, Andw. 16 Oakfield ter.
Pateron, T. L. Newhall; ho. Downh.
Paterson, W. K. Gt. George st.
Paton, Alexander, merchant, North
park, Great Western road.
Paton, Wm. 10 Kelvin terrace.
Penman, R. H. 19 Wilson street.
Perston, Miss J. 8 Gt. Kelvin ter.
Peterson, A. S. H. of Peterson cj-
Co. 3 Viewfield terrace.
Pollock, John, Dowanhill.
P.O. Receiving-ho. 1 Craiglaw pi.
Pringle, Adam, Dowanhill gardns.
Pryde, David, English teacher, 13
Nelson terrace.
Ralston, Gavin, writer, St. Ber-
nard's place.
Ramsay, William, engineer, 1
Oakvale place.
Ray, Gavin, 1 Belgrave terrace.
Robertson, John, 5 Portman pi.
Russell, Bern. 8 Gt. Kelvin ter.
Russell, William, quarry manager,
Saughfield cottage, Dowanhill.
Sands, Thomas, 6 Granby terrace.
Sawers, George, Craiglaw place.
Sawers, William, 1 Belgrave pi.
Simpson, Thos. 4 Hillhead place.
Sinclair, J. Curler's tavern.
Slater, Rev. T. 5 Bloomfield pi.
Slown, W. J. St. Bernard's place.
Smith, James, Craigland place.
Smith, R. com, agt. 1 Viewfield ter.
Smith, Sidney, painter, 3 Ham-
ilton street.
Smith, William, 11 Bloomfield.
Smith, William, Nelson terrace.
Smith, Mrs. West Bank terrace.
Spence, John, district adjutant, 14
Wilson street.
Spens, William, 3 Granby terrace.
Stark, John, M. training academy,
6 Great Kelvin terrace.
Stenhouse, A. stationer, Hamil. pi.
Steven, Robt. writer, 4 Granby ter.
Steven, Thomas, 10 Glasgow st.
Stewart, Mrs. M. Bloomfield pi.
Stint, James, Great George street.
Stronaeh, Alex. 6 Crown circus,
Stronaeh. R. S. 6 Crown circus,
Struthers, Miss, Nelson terrace.
Struthers, Wilson, 14 Oakfield ter.
Stucks, G. H. 9 Bloomfield place.
Swan, John R. 1 Portman place.
Swenden, W. W. Bloomfield villa.
Sword, Robert, Marley bank-
Sword, T. S. writer, Marley bank.
Tajt, Ben. grocer, 8 Hamilton pi.
Taylor, Rev. Dr., Oakfield house.
Thomson, F. Great George street.
Thomson, James, 14 Nelson ter.
Thomson, John, 1 Kelvin terrace.
Todd, W. cashier, Clydesdale
Bank, 22 Oakfield terrace.
Todd, William, Dowanhill gards.
Todd, Mrs. 4 Bloomfield place.
Walker, Robert, 1 Victoria ter-
race, Dowanhill.
Walker, J. E. 1 Great Kelvin ter.
Warden,' Archd. 2 Hillhead place.
Warden, Miss, 4 Oakfield terrace.
Wardlaw, Wm. 5 Viewfield ter.°)
Watson, Alex. J. 19 Oakfield ter.
White, Charles, Oakvale cottage.
Whitefield, Wm. 4 Viewfield ter.
Wylie, Robert, 7 Crown circus.
Wylie, John, 7 Crown circus.
Young, J. C. writer, 4 Great Kel-
vin terrace.
David Swan, senior magistrate ;
A. M'Arthur, Andrew Renwick,
junior magistrates ; Walter, W.
W. Reid, Thos. Allan, James
Robertson, commissioners; Jos.
M. Taylor, burgh clerk ; Wm.
Young, M.D., medical officer ;
Allan Kirkwood, treasurer ;
George Anderson, superinten-
dent and fiscal.
Abbott, William, spirit merchant,
18, 20 London street, and 8
Main st. Mary hill ; ho. Main st.
Allan, T. ironfounder ; ho. Gar-
roch hall, near Maryhill.
Allison, linen draper, 82 Main st. ;
. ho. 48 do.
Anderson, George, superintendent
and fiscal.
Anderson, James, surgeon, 208
Main st.
Arbuckle, Mrs. J. grocer and pro-
vision dealer.
Bain, Isabella, furnishings.
Baird, John, flesher, 84 Blain st.
Barclay, Jas. Garscube Coal Wks.
Berry, L. saddler and harness mkr.
Bilsland, James, auctioneer, ap-
praiser, and general agent, 208
Main st. ; house, Argyle place,
Blair, Andrew, ofFlndlay § Blair ;
54 Dundas street ; ho. at Dais-
holm Print Works.
Brown, Andrew, factor to Sir
Archd. Islay Campbell, Bart. ;
house, Garscube cottage.
Brown, James, carter & spir. deal.
Buchanan, R. grocer, Post-office.
Burnside, R. wright, Canniesburn.
Cameron, Rev. James, Catholic
clergyman, 184 Main street.
Cameron, John, mason.
Cameron, Robt. flesher & grocer.
Carmichael, Alexander, carter.
Carrick, James, grocer & spir. deal.
Carrigan, Patrick, nailer.
Caughie, David, East Park villa,
Garscube road.
Charles, E. D. teller in Royal
Bank, Exchange square; house,
Garscube lodge.
Collins, Edward, and Son, paper-
makers and wood grinders;
warehouses, 47, 49 West Nile
street ; house, Kelvindale.

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