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7 Morrison, James, house factor
9 Hossack, George, shoemaker
1 1 Dunlop, Gilbert, spirit dealer
13 M'Kinlay, William, spirit dealer
15 Case, Wm., juii., vice mamifacturer
19 M'Farlane, Alex., spirit dealer
35 llowand, Daniel, joiner
49 Calderhead, Mrs J., spirit dealer
53 Mitchell, John, & Co., distillers
65 Dunlop, John, victualler
69 M'Kenzie& Crawford's cabinet works
48 Holiday, John, & Co., engineers
44 Gilchrist, G. & W., dyers
40 Gilchrist, Gavin, dyer
38 Hislop, Robert, grocer
32 M'Vey, Mrs Robert, spirit dealer
24 Douglas, Neil
16 Morrison, James, wright
10 Pope, George, spirit dealer
4 M'Donald, Allan, shoemaker
Bishop Street — Port-Dundas.
41 Geddes & Co.'s Flint Glass Works
69 Greig, William, plasterer
128 Port-Dundas Chemical Works
Milton Grain Mills
66 Port-Dundas Pottery
64 Paul, Alexander
68 Morton, A., & Co.'s Soap-work
Gordon, J. & J., colourmen
24 Montgomery & Co.'s Chemicnl Work
Blackfeiars Street.
5 M'Lehose, Mrs. J., hairdi-esser
7 Honeyman, John, nialtman
1 1 Black, Andrew, saddler
23 Turner, Robert, glass merchant
2Y Mitchell's, J. P., ale stores
33 Smith, Peter, & Son, seed merchts.
Mikle, David
41 Hunter, Thomas, Blackfriars' inn
Paton, William, bootmaker
45 M'Laren, Mrs
Palmer, James, wright
Jackson, Hugh
Keir, John, beadle
47 M'Donald, George
M'Donald, George, agent
Mitchell, James P., brewer
M'Donald, James S., agent
49 Mahony, John
89 M'Gregor, Alexander
99 Stewart, James, slater
124 Walker's, James, Coachwork and
102 Brown, Mrs
Gow, John G.
Waddel's, Mrs, lodgings
Barker, Mi-s
Arthur, James
Brown, William
100 Chartist Church
98 Ferguson'?, Rev. Fergus, Church
86 Shanks & Brown, starchers
Walton, Henry, waste dealer
Turn bull, John
Thomas, John
76 Graham's, Rev. J., Church
68 Taylor's, Rev. Dr., Church
64 Murdoch's School
44 Shanks, Robert
Wilson, John
60 Neilson, R., plasterer
34 M'Intosh, Alexander, spirit dealer
32 Connell, James, surgeon
24 Knox, Adam, spirit dealer
18 Cairns, William, leather merchant
Blue VALE,
Nelson, David, spirit dealer
Harper, A., victualler
Smellie, John, spirit dealer
Gibb, James, road contractor
Salmoud, John, grocer & spirit dealer
Bltthswood Square.
1 Young, John, merchant
2 Shortridge, G. Y.
3 Anderson, James, manufacturer
4 Yuille, Miss, of Dalreith
5 Burns, Dr, professor of surgery
6 Babcock, B. F.
7 Ferguson, David, merchant
8 Edington, Thomas, merchant
9 Watson, James, accountant
10 Hutchison, Robert, merchant
1 1 Baird, Alexander
12 Reddie, James, 1st Town-clerk
13 Stoddard, A. F.
14 Smith, Hugh
15 Henderson, John, of Park
16 Hutchison, Graham, manufacturer
17 Black, James
18 Johnston, Mrs
19 Jack, Mrs
20 Ure, Mrs W.
Sheriffs, Robert, merchant
21 Bogle, Mrs
22 Pattison, John, merchant
23 Cuthbertson, Thomas
24 Eecles, Wm., jun., merchant
25 Buchanan, Robert, merchant
26 Glasgoiu Institut. for Yoimg Ladies
27 Davie, Wm., Town-clerk
BoTHWELL Street.
1 M'Kenzie, Hector, teacher
1 1 Bothwell street Spinning Co.
Perston, Matthew
16 Douglas, Archibald, manufacturer
8 M'Lean, Hector, grocer
Bridgegate Street.
1 Finnigan, Arthur, watch dealer
3 Martin, Andrew, confectioner
M'Cormick, John, broker

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