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Milne, Mrs George, lodgings 68 Bath street
Milne, Mrs, midwife, 74C Gallowgate
MILROY, J. A., merchant, 20 Union street
Milroy, James, clothier, lY Jail square
Milroy & Rodie, tea merchants, 48 Hutcheson street
Milroy, S., grocery, victualling and spirit store, 5 N. London road, ho. 9 William st.
Milroy, William of Milroy §/■ Rodie, house 101 West George street
Milroy, Mrs, lodgings, 4Y Renfrew street
Minerva Life Assurance Co. of London. Archibald Kerr, agent, 3 Exchange place
MINTO, David, coffee-roaster, 60 Old wynd, house 30 King street
Minto, James, builder and house-factor, 54 York street
Minto, J., jun., house and sign painter, and paper-hanger, 73 Union street, house
180 Hope street
MIRRLEES, Alexander, 8 Buccleuch street
Mirlees, Robert, organ builder, 23 Cochran street
Mirrlees, William, & Co., saddlers, 97 Buchanan street
Mirrlees, W., jun., of William Mirrlees §• Co., house 330 Sauchiehall street
Mirrlees, William, 330 Sauchiehall street
Mirlees, Miss, 13 Jane street
MITCHELL, Alexander, currier, and wholesale leather merchant, 57 Stockwell st.
Mitchell, Alex., Glasgow Apothecaries' Co., house 13 Elmbank place
Mitchell, A., jun., M.D., Glasgow Apothecaries' Co., house 12 Falkland place
Mitchell, Alexander, clockraaker, and electro plater and gilder, 110 Renfield street,
house 51 AVest Regent street
Mitchell, Alexander M., of Mitchell, Miller, ^ Ogilvie, house 33 Abbotsford place
Mitchell, Alexander, of Edmiston §• Mitchell, ho. 5 Melrose st., Gt. Western road
Mitchell, Alexander, turner, 69 Mitchell street
Mitchell, Andrew, assistant inspector of poor, 36 North Albion street
Mitchell, Andrew, baker, 49 Main street, Calton
Mitchell, Andrew, of Mitchell, Henderson, §f Mitchell, house 4 Blythswood place
Mitchell, Andrew, writer, 164 St. Vincent street
Mitchell, Archibald, wine and spirit dealer, 53 Bell street
Mitchell, A. O., of Mitchell, Henderson, ^ Mitchell
Mitchell, C, G , o/ Mitchell, Henderson, ^- Mitchell
Mitchell, Rev. David, of Free St. Luke's, 2 Monteith ro-tv
Mitchell, Edward, grocer and spirit dealer, 70 Maitland street
Mitchell, George, o/ MacLeroy, Hamilton, §f Co., house 30 Monteith rov/
Mitchell, Henderson, and Mitchell, writers, 36 Miller street
Mitchell, James, accountant and property agent, 92 St. Vincent street
Mitchell, James, & Co,, engravers, printers, and lithographers, 45 Argyll arcade
Mitchell, James, of J. Mitchell §• Co., house 162 Sauchiehall street
Mitchell, James, of Mitchell, Henderson, §• Mitchell
Mitchell, James, of Nelson Sf Mitchell, house 430 Argyll sti-eet
Mitchell, James, painter and paper-hanger, 27 King street
Mitchell, James, slater, 132 Sauchiehall street
Mitchell, James, spirit dealer, 149 Main street, Bridgeton
Mitchell, James P., Main-point brewery stores, 27 and 47 Blackfriars street
Mitchell, John, merchant and ship-owner, 18 East Clyde street, ho. 7 Carlton pi.
Mitchell, John, of J. ^- W, Mitchell, house 16 Holland place
Mitchell, John, hosier and glover, 90 Bell street
Mitchell, John, Greenhead Ropework, 1 Canning street, office 100 Broomielaw,
house 3 Canning street
Mitchell, John, joiner and cabinetmaker, 5 Gloucester street, Tradeston
Mitchell, John, tobacconist, 208 Gallowgate
Mitchell, John, & Co., distillers, Anderston distillery, 53 Bishop street, Anderstou
Mitchell, John & James, general grocers, 31 King street, house 30 do.
Mitchell, John, & Co., cork manufacturei'S, 3 Wallace street, Tradeston
Mitchell, John, & Son, cork merchants and manufacturers, 18 East Clyde street
Mitchell, John, chemist and druggist, 1 79 Sauchiehall street
Mitchell, John, smith, 70 Renfield street
Mitchell, John, jun,, Ottoman and Portuguese vice-consul, 18 East Clyde street,
house 7 Carlton place

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