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Upon every inclofure, containing perfumes, &c. not
above the value of 8d o o r
Above 8d and not above is O o if
Above IS and not above as 6d o o 3
Above as 6d and not above 5s 006
Of js and upwards e I o
Hair powder not above as. per lb. for every pound
weight, or lefs quantity o O i
Hair po-wder certificates.
Certificate to ufe or wear hair powder, of whatfoever
materials the fame fliall be made I i O
Horfe dealers licencss and race horps.
Licence for every perfon exercifing the trade of a
horle dealer in Scotland . ^ ^
For every horfe, mare, or gelding, entered to run for
airy plate, &c. % % o
Cards and dice.
Cards per pack
Dice per pair, and all other things ufcd for any gr.me
of chance
The Jiiie f llowing duties are not ey pre/fed by cnyjlu.v?p.
Pamphlets exceeding a flicet, for every fbeet in one
copy of every pamphlet, not exceeding fix flieets in oc-
itavo, or a lefler fizc, twelve Iheets in quarto, and twen-
ty in folio
1 Every advertifement in a uewfpaper, or periodical
[pamphlet 03c
i Duty on gold andjil-ver plate.
\ Upon all gold plate which fliall be imported into the
kingdom of Great Britain, or which fhall be made
within the faid kingdom, a duty after the rate of 8s.
for every ounce o
Upon all filver plate which fhall be imported into '^
:he kingdom of Great Britain, or which fliali be made
Rrithin the faid kingdom, a duty at the rate of 6d for
•very ounce
& 6
2 Q
o a o

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