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(NoKTH Beitish Bkanch, 36 YoEK Place.)
Chairman of Executive of the North British Branch— Ti&viil Brown Dott.
Vice- Chair TTian — Thomas Dunlop. Honorary Treasurer — David Brown Dott.
jBocwd of Examiners in Scotland — Professor Frederick Orpon Bower, D.Sc, F.E.S. ; George Conll,
^ D.Sc; Alexander Davidson: Professor John Gibson. Ph.D., F.I. C, F.E.S. E. ; David Gilinour ;
Martin Meldrum; John William Sutherland; David Brown Dott, F.I.G., F.E.S. E., Chairman.
peeial arrangements have been made with lecturers of the Edinburgh School of Medicine,
3-mder which Pharmaceutical Students are admitted to classes in Botany, Chemistry, and Materia
Hedica. Particulars regarding these and other classes may be had from the Assistant-Secretary at
he above address. The Society's Library, Eeading Room, and Chemical and Materia Medica
kluseum are also available for study.
J. EuTHEEFORD HiLL, Assistaiit-Secretary . ,
(21 West Eichmond Steeet.)
Lecturer — William Duncan, Ph.C, F.C.S.
Assistants — W. G. Mackenzie, Ph.C; E. J Brown, Ph.C.
(MiNTO House, Chambees Steeet.)
Chia College was founded and is conducted by the Scottish Association for the Medical Education of
Women, with the special object of affording to Lady Students the same facilities for Medical
Study as are offered to Male Students in the School of Medicine, Edinburgh. Its lectures qttalify
for graduation in the University of Edinburgh.
The Scottish Association fob the Medical Education of Women.
President — Sir Alexander Christison, Bart.
Vice-Presidents — Mrs Auckland Geddes; Joseph Bell, M.D., F.E.C.S.E.
Members of Court— T). Dundas, K.C. ; J. Allan Gray, M.A., M.D., F.E.O.P.E.; Robert Simson;
Francis Cadell, M.B., F.E.C.S.E.; J. W. Ballantyne, LL.D.; R. W. Philip, M.A., M.D.,
F.R.C.P.E. ; Dr W. Russell ; Miss E. M. Inglis, M.B., Ch.M.
C^erh and Treasurer — Alec T. Hunter, C.A., 66 Frederick Street.
Vinter Session opens 15th October and closes in the end of March. Summer Session opens 1st May
and closes in the end of July.
Insanity— Sir J. Batty Tuke, M.P., and Dr G. M.
Botany— R. S. MacDougall, M.A., D.Sc.
Biology — Miss M. J. Newbigin. D.Sc.
Vaccination — Dr. Francis Cadell.
Diseases of the Skin — Dr Norman Walker.
Physics — Dr Dawson Turner.
Diseases of the Tropics, and Climatology— Dr
Andrew Davidson.
(Cowgate Dispensary.
New Town
Ro al°'^'^
Diseases of Children— Mr Burn Murdoch and Staff
of R.H.S.C.
Bacteriology — Dr Taylor Grant.
Dr J. Ryland Whitaker.
ihemistry — Mr James Kerr,
ioology — Miss M. I. Newbi?in, D.Sc.
ttstit. of Medicine and Physiology — DrNoel Paton.
'ractical Physiology — Dr Noel Paton.
lateria Medica — Dr Wm. Craig,
'athology — Dr Wm. Russell,
iurgery — Dr J. W. Dowden.
â– linical Medicine \ -kit u fii,oi«t
ilinical Surgei-y I Members of the Staff of
linical Gynecology j ^^^ ^^y^^ Infirmary,
[idwifery and Gynecology — Dr J. W. Ballantyne.
j'ractical Gynecology — Dr Brewis.
ifedical Jurisprudence — Dr Harvey Littlejohn.
j'ractice of Physic— Dr R. W. Philip.
I'ublic Health— Dr G. J. Lewis,
•iseases of the Eye — Drs G. A. Berry and George
Secretary of the College — Helen F. Mackat.

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