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Bill of Exchange — Payable on demand Id.
[Bill op Exchange or Promissory Note drawn
after 14th August 1871, payable at sight or
presentation, shall bear the same stamp as, and
shall be deemed to be, a bill of exchange or
promissory note payable on demand, 34 and
35 Vict. c. 74, § 2. But promissory notes
are in all cases held liable to ad valorem
[An Order for the payment of any sum of money
by a bill of exchange or promissory note Id.
An Order for the delivery of any bill of exchange
or promissory note in satisfaction of any sum
of money Id.
An Order for the payment of any sum of money
out of any particular fund which may or may
not be available, or upon any condition or con-
tingency which may or may not be performed
or happen Id.
§ 48 (2.)
An Order for the payment of any sum of money
weekly, monthly, or at any other stated
periods Id.
An Order for the payment by any person, at any
time after the date thereof, of any sum of
money, and sent or delivered by the person
making the same to the person by whom the
payment is to be made, and not to the person
to whom the payment is to be made, or to any
person on his behalf Id.
§ 48 (3.)]
Bill of Exchange of any other kind whatsoever
(except a bank note), and Promissory Note of
any kind whatsoever (except a bank note),
drawn, or expressed to be payable, or actually
paid, or endorsed, or in any manner negotiated
in the United Kingdom, where the amount or
value of the money for which the bill or note
is drawn or made does not exceed £5 Id.
happen, is to be deemed for the purposes of this Act
a promissory note for the said sum of money.
Bills and notes purporting to be drawn, etc., abroad
to be deemed to have been so drawn, etc. — § 52. A bill
of exchange or promissory note purporting to be
drawn or made out of the United Kingdom is, for
the purposes of this Act, to be deemed to have been
so drawn or made, although it may in fact
have been drawn or made within the United King-
Penalty for issuing, etc., any unstamped bill or
note, £10; and the bi.ll or note to be unavailable. —
§ 54 (1.) Every person who issues, indorses, trans-
fers, negotiates, presents for payment, or pays any
bill of exchange or promissory note liable to duty
and not being duly stamped, shall forfeit the sum
of £10; and the person who takes or receives from
any other person any such bill or note not being
duly stamped either in payment or as a security, or
by purchase or otherwise, shall not be entitled to
recover thereon, or to make the same available for
any purpose whatever.
One bill only out of a set need be stamped. — § 55.
When a bill of exchange is drawn in a set accord-
ing to the custom of merchants, and one of the set
is duly stamped, the other or others of the set shall,
unless issued or in some manner negotiated apart
from such duly stamped bill, be exempt from duty;
and upon proof of the loss or destruction of a
duly stamped bill forming one of a set, any other
bill of the set which has not been issued or in
any manner negotiated apart from such lost or
destroyed bill may, although unstamped, be ad-
mitted in evidence to prove the contents of such
lost or destroyed bill.






Exceeding £5 and not exceeding £10 £0
10 ... 25
25 ... 50
50 ... 75
75 ... 100
For every £100. and also for any frac-
tional part of £100, of such amount
or value
Exemptions. — (1.) Bill or note issued by the Bank
of England or Bank of Ireland.
(2.) Draft or order by a banker iu United King-
dom upon another banker in United Kingdom,
not payable to bearer or to order, and used
solely for the purpose of settling or clearing
any account between such bankers.
(3.) Letter written by a banker in United King-
dom to any other banker in United Kingdom,
directing the payment of any sum of money,
the same not being payable to bearer or to
order, and such letter not being sent or de-
livered to the person to whom payment is to
be made, or to any person on his behalf.
(4.) Letter of credit granted in United Kingdom
authorizing drafts to be drawn out of United
Kingdom payable in United Kingdom.
(5.) Draft or order drawn by the Accountant-
General of the Court of Chancery in England
or Ireland.
(6.) Warrant or order for the payment of any
annuity granted by the Commissioners for the
reduction of the National Debt, or for the pay-
ment of any 7 dividend or interest on any share
in the Government or Parliamentary stocks or
(7.) Bill drawn by the Lords Commissioners of
the Admiralty, or by any person under their
authority (see 35 and 36 Vict. cap. 20, § 7),
upon and payable by the Accountant-General
of the Navy.
(8.) Bill drawn (according to a form prescribed
by Her Majesty's orders by any person duly
authorized to draw the same) upon and pay-
able out of any public account for any pay or
allowance of the army or other expenditure
connected therewith.
(9.) Coupon or warrant for interest attached to
and issued with any security.
(See §§ 48, 49, 52, 54, and 55, Note c, pp.
640, 641.)
(10.) Indian prize-monev orders for any sum less
than 40s. (29 and 30 Vict. c. 47, § 8.)
Bill of Lading of or for any goods, merchandise,
or effects to be exported or carried coast-
wise 6d.
(See Note a.)
Bill of Sale. — Absolute — See Conveyance on
Sale. By way of Security — See Mortgage,
(See Note b.)
Bond for securing the payment or repayment of
money, or the transfer or retransfer of stock.
See Mortgage, etc.
Bond in relation to any annuity upon the original
creation and sale thereof. See Conveyance
on Sale.
(See Note c.)
a. § 56 (1.) Not to be stamped after the execution
(2.) Every person who makes or executes, not duly
stamped, shall forfeit £50.
b. § 57. A copy of a bill of sale is not to be filed
in any court, unless the original, duly stamped, is
produced to the proper officer.
c. § 75. Where, upon the sale of an annuity, there

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