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Anderson, Miss, Hawthorn cottage
Armour, Daniel, clothier
Arthur, Israel
Arthur, John, grocer and wine merchant
Baillie, Andrew, coach-hirer, Elm row
Baillie, William F., smith, ironmonger, and seed
merchant ; house, Struan cottage
Borthwick, Miss, grocer
Brown, G. & C. K., grocers, wine and spirit
merchants, High street
Brown, Andrew Archibald, tin-plate worker
Brown, Thomas, farmer, Pentland mains
Bruce, Thomas, general draper and clothier,
Somerville place ; house, Gowanlee
Bryce, John, Fountain house
Cameron, Misses, Hillwood
Clapperton, J. & J. , merchants
Conner, John, publican
Crookston, Wm., china warehouse
Cunningham, John, millwright and joiner, New
Dickson Candle Company (Limited)
Dickson, Stair, Pine villa
Downie, Hugh, boot and shoemaker
Dunlop, Alexander, baker
Dunn, Robert, farmer, Burdiehouse mains
Ferguson, John, farmer, Burghlee
Fowler, John
Fowler, Wm., grocer and wine merchant
Geddes, Robert & Laurence, family grocers and
wine merchants, High street
Clover, James, James place
Godley, Mrs, china merchant
Gray, James, Charlotte villa
Hair, H., Grange bank
Hargrieve, David
Horsburgh, Wm., dairyman, Burdiehouse
Hutchison, Hugh, nesher
Hutchison, Thomas, farmer, Broomhills
Inglis, W., shoe warehouse
Jamieson, William, farmer, Mayshade
Jamieson, Misses, Straiton
Johnston, George, agent, British Linen Co. Bank
Kay, Rev. Alex. G, minister, Free Church of
Kay, William, plumber and gasiitter
Ketchen, A., & Son, builders, Park villa
Kirkwood, Miss, Adele cottage
Lamb, William, slater
Leadbetter, James, gardener, Oakfield
Leadbetter, James, grocer, etc.
Legat, Alex. S., manager, Shotts Iron Co.
Lennon, John S., saddler and ironmonger
Lindsay, James, Diyden bank
Lindsay, John, farmer
Loftus, Peter, grocer
Lydiard, J. H. S., Bilston lodge
M'Caul, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Cleveland cot-
tage, Fountain
M' Donald, Rev. John, B.D., R.P. manse
M'Evoy, Thomas, grocer
M'Laren, D. E., Hawthorn villa
M'Leish, John, merchant, Straiton
Mavisbank, Retreat for persons labouring under
mental and nervous ailments; James Allan
Philip, M.B., CM., resident physician
Millar, Miss, Linden lodge
Milner, John, Hawthorn bank
Moir, David, Struan cottage
Murray, James, joiner ; house, Rosebank cottag*
Nelson, Robert R. , The Fountain
Peacock, James, clerk, Shotts Iron Company
house, 6 Sommerville place
Pearson, James, junior, baker
Philip, James Allan, medical superintendent
Mavisbank house
Porteous, Y., butcher
Porteous, Mrs, draper and milliner
Purdie, John, painter
Reid, George, grocer
Robertson, Alex., tobacconist and stationer
Robertson, Duncan, ironmonger
Robertson, Mrs, Hawthorn terrace
Sclater, James, farmer, Townhead
Sclater, Mrs
Smith, Robert, grocer
Stephen, John, chemist, dentist, and postmaster-
house, Hope cottage
Steven, Robert, tailor and clothier
Stobie, Wm., bootmaker
Stodart, Matthew, farmer, Damhead
Telfer, John, grocer and wine merchant
Umpherston, James, Elmswood
Veitch, Wm., grocer, Burdiehouse
Warracker, Mrs, Jane bank
Watt, John F., grocer
Webster, David, manager, Burdiehouse lime wort i
White, John, farmer, Paradykes
Williamson, Geo. H. , junr. , slater and piasters
Wilson, R., & Sons, builders, Straiton
Young, James, baker and confectioner, 1 Mai
Young, John, butcher
Young, Robert, engineer and manager, Straito i
oil and lime works
Lothian Burn.
Alexaxdeb, Robert, artist, Plewlands house
Begbie, John, dairyman, Egypt
Burton, J. Hill, advocate, D.C.L. (Prison Con*
mission J "or Scotland), Morton house
Craig, Alex. , C. A. , 3 Ethel terrace
Dickson, James, Tartraven, S. Moiningside drr.
Drummond, Alex. (D. <£■ Lindsay), 7 Ethel te .
Duff, Alexander, dairyman, Braidburn
Duff, George, Braidburn
Evans, John, Buckstone
Ferguson, Robert, mason, Braidburn
Foggo, Robert, Rosemount, Plewlands
Forrest, Sir John, Bart. , Comiston house
Greig, L., 10 Ethel terrace
Hitt, Mrs Walter, 9 Ethel terrace
Law, Andrew, dairyman
Law, John, dairyman
Mason, Robert, farmer, Morton mains
Matheson, Archd., market gardener, Plewland:
Noble, John, joiner
Romanes, Mrs, farmer, Buckstone
Skelton, John, The Hermitage, Braid
Small, Alex., Isa villa, S. Morningside drive
Milton Bridge and Greenlaw.
Alexandee, John, grocer, Fishers' tryst
Anderson, John, manager, Shotts Coal C(
Brown, William, spirit dealer, Auchendinny
Brydon, Lawrence, fanner, Glencorse mains

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