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M l KE
M'Kenzie, Wm., builder and asphalter, Hope [Mackie, Chas., surgeon, 7 N.-W Circus placd
park end house; yard, South Clerk street Mackie, Lieut. J., instructor of military and
M Kenzie, W., working jeweller. 91 Rose st. | civil engineering and mining in the lato
M Kenzie, Wm., watchmaker, 153 High street' Scottish Military Academy, 65 York place
Mackenzie, Mrs A., lodgings. 21 Broughtonst, Mackie, James, missionary, 12 N. St David st.
Mackenzie, Mrs A., 41 Heriot row
Mackenzie, Mrs Forbes, 5 Lynedoch place
M 'Kenzie, Mrs G., toy shop." 344 Lawnniarket
Mackenzie, Mrs Hectorina, 3 Summerhall pi.
Mackenzie, Mrs J. Hay, 35 St Bernard's cresct.
Mackenzie, Mrs John, teacher of music, 15
Buccleuch place
Mackenzie, Mrs Colonel K. F., 2 Inverleith row
Mackenzie, Mrs M., 15 Clarence street
M'Kenzie, Mrs M., Victoria refreshment
rooms, So Main street
M'Kenzie, Mrs Samuel, 47 Hope park end
Mackenzie. Mrs W. 0., lodgings, 22 Ainslie pi.
Mackenzie, Mrs, 31 Abercromby place
Mackenzie, Mrs, 3 Hamburg place
Mackenzie, Mrs, midwife, 150 High street
Mackenzie, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 10 Duncan st.
Drurumond place
Mackenzie, Mrs, sen., 12 Great Stuart street
Mackenzie, Mrs, 57 Inverleith row
Mackenzie, Mrs, 1 Grove terrace
Mackenzie. Mrs, china and stoneware mercht,.
3a Greenside place
M -Kenzie, Mrs, lodgings, 5 Shahdwick place
M -Kenzie, Miss, dressmaker, 3 St Bernard's ro-w
Mackenzie, Miss, teacher of the pianoforte, 34
Howe street .
Mackenzie, Miss, boarding establishment for
young ladies, 25 Greenhill gardens
Mackenzie, Miss, 47 Great King street
Mackenzie, Misses, 18 Hart street
Mackenzie, Misses, 16 Moray place
M-Kerchar, Peter, 29 Thistle street
M-Kercher, D. (G.P.O.), 13 Downie place
M'Kerlie, John, Seton lodge, 48 Findhorn pi.
M-Kerman, Edward, grocer, 115 Cowgate
Mackerracher, Miss I., Berlin and fancy ware-
house, 12b St Andrew square; house, 27
Hamilton place
M'Kerrell, Mrs, 48 Great King street
Mackersey, L., W.S. (London Union Fire and
Life Assurance Co.), 3 North St David st, ;
house, 13 Union street
Mackey, John, plate glass mercht. and agent,
24 Greenside place ; house, 14 Arniston pi.
Mackey, John, jun., traveller, 24 Gayfield sq.
M'Kichan, D., & Co., funeral undertakers, 3
Infirmary street
Mackichan, Mrs, boarding school for young
ladies (late of 11 Bellevue crescent), 46
Moray place
Mackie, John W., & Sons, biscuit manufacturers
to the Queen and H.R.H. the Prince of
Wales, 108 Princes street
Mackie, N. M.. & Co., wine merchants, rec-
tifiers, and British wine manufacturers, 17
Assembly street
Mackie, A. Kirk, S.S.C., 40 Princes street
Mackie, John (G.P.O.), 3 East Arthur place
Mackie. John, tinsmith and gasfitter, 20
Dundas street
Mackie, John, house agent and manager of
Accommodation Loan Co., 35 Leith wynd
Mackie, M'Queen, 17 Greenside street
Mackie, N. M. (X. M. M. Sr Co.), 4 Vanburgh pi.
Mackie, Robert, spirit dealer, 16 St Andrew
street, Leith
M'Kie, Thomas, advocate, 4 Albyn place
Mackie, T. & G., drapers, 123 Kirkgate
Mackie, Wm., smith and masons' tool maker,
13 West Nicolson street
Mackie, W. S., photographer, 102 So. bridge
Mackie, Mrs E., 25 India street
Mackie, Mrs, 9 John's place, Leith
Mackie. Miss, dressmaker, 50 Castle street
M'Killop, Miss, milliner, 4 Blenheim place
M-Kinlay Brothers, slaters and glaziers, N.-W.
Thistle street lane ; house, 29 Rose street
Mackinlay, Charles, & Co., wine merchants and
general agents. 87 Constitution street
Mackinlay, Jas. (C. M. $• Co.), 14Pilrig street
Mackinlay, Samuel, 32 St Patrick square
M'Kinlay, William, seed, manure, oil-cake, &
oil merchant, 1 St Anthony court, Leith ;
house, 1 Ferrier street
Mackinlay. Wm., boot and shoemkr., 3 Dean st.
Mackinlay, Mrs C, 14 Pilrig street
Mackinlay, Mrs Wm.. 11 Grindlay street
Mackinlay, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 32 India place
Mackinlay, Mrs, 2 Mound place
Mackinlay, Miss, 30 Royal terrace
M'Kinnell, Mrs, 18 West Preston street
Mackinnon, Charles, 26 Buckingham terrace
Mackintosh & Co., hosiers and glovers, 26
North bridge
Mackintosh, Andrew, S.S.C., 12 Forth street
Mackintosh, Aw., confectioner, 346 Lawnmkt.
Mackintosh, Angus, 7 Frederick street
Mackintosh, David, painter, 31 Thistle street
Mackintosh, Rev. James Grant. 28 Walker st.
Mackintosh, J., of La Mancha, 38 Charlotte sq.
Mackintosh, J., grocer, 115 Cowgate
Mackintosh, James, surgeon-dentist, 18 North
bridge ; house. 1 Bernard terrace
Mackintosh, John, tobacconist, 42 Nicolson
street, 155 High street, and 63 South bridge ;
house, 46 South Clerk street
Mackintosh, John, jun., 24 Clerk street
Mackintosh, Robert, plumber and gasfitter.
packing-box and tin and zinc case manufac-
turer, Dairy park, Fountainbridge
Mackintosh, Robert, grocer, 173 Cowgate ;
house, 3 Nicolson square
Mackintosh, R. T., nurseryman and seedsman.
12 Melbourne place; house, 15 Archibald
place ; nursery, Leith walk

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