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the second commission charged for the reissue.
Proper printed forms for making application in all
these cases may be obtained at any Money Order
OiBce. Whenever, on complaint being made, it is
found that the necessity for an application, entailing
the payment of ft fresh commission, is attributable
to the Post Office, the charge will be remitted to
the applicant and imposed oa the officer in fault.
16. A Postmaster is required to give information
&0W to apply for a duplicate order, &c., and must
furnish the prescribed form of application. If
payment of an order be refused, in consequence of
the reply to the question respecting the remitter, or
the signature on the order not corresponding with
the entries on the advice, the applicant for payment
stould communicate with the remitter, and request
him to apply personally to the issuing Postmaster.
17. No Postman or other Servant of the Post
Office is bound to procure a Money Order for any
person, or to obtain payment for one ; but such ser-
vices are not forbidden.
18. Money Orders are issued in the United King-
dom on the following foreign countries, British
agencies, possessions, and colonies, at the rates of
commission shown below: — Foreign Countries —
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Danish West
Indies. Dutch East Indian Possessions, Egypt, France,
German Empire, Hawaii, Holland, Hungary', Italy,
Iceland, Japan, North Borneo (Sandakan), Norway,
Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, and
the Ottoman towns of Adrianople, Beyrout, Pliilip-
popolis, and Salonica. British Agencies — Con-
stantinople, Smyrna, Panam?. British Possessions
and Colonies — Belize, Bermuda, British Columbia,
British Guiana, Cape of Good Hope, Canada,
CejloD, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Gambia, Gib-
raltar, Gold Coast, Heligoland, Hong Kong (with
agencies at Shanghai, Amoy, Canton, Foochow,
Hankow, Hoihow, Swatow, and Ningpo), India
(including agencies at Aden, Bagdad, Bunder
Abbas, Bushire, Basrah, Guadur, Jask, Linga, Mus-
cat, and Zanzibar), Lagos, Malta, Mauritius, Natal,
New Brunswick, Newfoundland, New South Wales,
New Zealand, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island,
Queensland, St. Helena, Seychelle Islands, Sierra
Leone, South Australia, Straits Settlements, Tas-
mania, Victoria, West Indies, Western Australia, for
sums not exceeding £2, 6d.; £5, Is.; £7, Is. 6d.;
.£10, 2s.
19. In the case of Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark,
Danish West Indies, Iceland, Egypt, Germany, Heli-
goland, Holland, Hungary, Dutch East Indies, Nor-
way, Portugal, Eoumania, Sweden, Switzerland,
India, and the Ottoman towns of Adrianople, Bey-
rout, Philippopolis, and Salonica, the original Order,
issued in this country, should be retained by the
remitter, a new Order in the currency of the country
of payment being issued by the Chief Office of that
country, and sent to the payee.
In the case of Belgium, France, Hawaii,Italy, Japan,
North Borneo, the United States, Canada, and the
British possessions and colonies generally, with the
exception of India, the Order issued iu this country
should be sent to the payee by the remitter.
la like manner, the Orders issued in Austria, Bul-
garia, Belgium, Denmark, Danish West Indies, Ice-
land, Egyp^, Germany and Heligoland, Holland, Hun-
gary, Dutch East Indies, Italy, Norway, Portugal,
Eoumania, Sweden, Switzerland, India, and the
Ottoman towns of Adrianople, Beyrout, Philippopo-
lis, and Salonica, are of no value in this country,
and should, therefore, be retained by the remitters.
20. The issue of a duplicate Order, or the stoppage
of payment of an Order issued by a Colony or For-
eign Country on the United Kingdom, will be made
on application to the Controller of the Chief Money
Order Office, London, provided an additional com-
mission be enclosed as follows : — 1. For duplicates of
Orders, not exceeding £5, Is. ; above £5, and not
exceeding £10, 2s. 2. For stoppage of payment,
an additional commission at the ordinary Inland Rates.
Postmasters in the United Kingdom have power to
transfer to other Offices in the United Kingdom
payment of colonial and foreign orders originally
drawn on their own offices.
21. Orders issued in the United Kingdom on Aus-
tria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Denmark, Danish West
Indies, Hungary, Italy, France, Japan, Portugal,
Eoumania, Sweden, United States, Switzedand,
Holland, the Dutch East Indian Possessions, Norway,
Egypt, Hawaii, the Ottoman towns of Adrianople,
Beyrout, Philippopolis, and Salonica, and the British
possessions and colonies, are payable for twelve
months after the month of issue. Orders issued in
the United Kingdom on the German Empire and
India, are subject to the regulations which govern
the payment of money orders in those countries.
22. Orders issued in the United Kingdom on the
Island of Heligoland are subject to the same rules as
those issued in the United Kingdom upon the Ger-
man Empire.
23. Orders for the British Colonies and other pos-
sessions abroad, excepting Canada and India, are
drawn in sterling, but the regulations provide that in
those colonics where the local currency is other than
sterling, payments for Money Orders may be made to
the nearest equivalent in the legal currency of the
place in which the Orders are payable.
1. Postal Orders, for certain fixed sums from Is.
up to £1, are now issued to the public at all Money
Order Offices in the United Kingdom, and at Malta,
Gibraltar, and Constantinople.
2. The following are the amounts for which Postal
Orders are issued, together with the Poundage pay-
able in respect of each Order: —
mount of
Amount of
s. d.
1 6

2 6

3 6


Broken amounts may be made up by the use of
Postage Stamps not exceeding fivepence in value
affixed to the back of any one Postal Order.
3. The person to whom a Postal Order is issued
must, before parting with it, fill in the name of the
person to whom the amount is to be paid, and may
fill in the name of (he Money Order Office at which
the amount is to be paid. The person so named
must, before payment can be made, sign the receipt;

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