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Henderson, Thos. grocer, wine, &
spirit merchant, 169 Main St.;
bouse, 171 do.
Biggins, Arthur, boot and shoe
maker, 61 Main street; house,
61 Main street, Bridgeton
Bill, John M. (of R. & J. M. Hill,
Glasgow), ho. Shawfield house
Horsburgh, Robt. manager, Clyde
Paper Mills ; house, do.
Inglis, Win. grocer & spirit mer.
153 Main St.; ho. Wardlawhill st
Inr.es, M. & A. dressmakers, 150
Main street
Johnston, James, manufacturing
chemist city ; ho. Sheriff park,
off Mill st
King, Andrew (of King & Gray),
house, Cambusknowe
King & Gray, power loom manu-
facturers, Avonbank factory
Kinncn, Thomas, spirit merchant,
39 Mill st. ; house, 45 do.
Kirkland, John, grocer and provi-
sion merchant, 134 Canning st.
250 and 3 1 London road, city ;
house, Westfield cottage
Kirkwoud, J. spirit dealer, 47 Main
Kirk wood, Wm. carrier, Little lane
Lang, Robert, taiior and clothier,
91 Maiu st. ; ho. 8 Gallowflat pi
Lang, W. grocer and provision
merchant, 147 Maia st. ; ho.
17 Glasgow rd
Lang, Wirt, grocer, 8 Maiu street ;
house, 17 Glasgow road
Law, Mr ••. boarding- and day
school, Sheriffpark villa
Leitch, Andrew, hat manufac-
turer, city ; house, 95 King st
Leitch, Peter, spirit merchant, 75
King st. ; ho. 73 do.
Leitch, Wm. machine maker, iron
turner, and smith, 51 Greenhill
road ; ho. 126 Main st
Ligat, J. & J. & Co. power loom
cloth manufacturers, Westbura
Loudon, A. dairyman, Stonelaw
Love, Geo. wine and spirit mercht.
22 Westmuir pi. ; ho. 24 do.
Love, John, builder, 39 Mill st
Love, John, farmer, Burn side
Lumsden, Jas. tinsmith and gas-
fitter. 50 Main st. ; ho. 61 do
Lynn, John, coal merchant, 19
Howard st.; ho. Burnside cot
Lynn, Robt. (of R. & J. Lynn, 12
Dixon st.), ho. Gcoseberi-y hall
M'Adam, Wm. engineer, Shaw-
field works; house, Hayfield
M'Anulty, John, draper, 156 Main
M 'Arthur, Wm. spirit merchant,
125 Main st ; ho. 89 King st
M'Athy, Mrs. Thomas, grocer, 13
New st. ; bo. 1 1 do.
M'Call, Alex. Birmingham com-
mission agent, 83 Renfield st.
city ; ho. Corselet
M'Cormick, John, spirit mercht-
12 Maiu st
M'Cubbin, Robt. B. Clydesdale
Dye Works ; ho. Clydesdale cot.
M'Donald, Andrew, slater, 44
Main st
M'Dowall, Capt. J. S. Edin. Arty.
Militia, Cumberland ho. Burn-
M'Farlane, J. contractor, Goose-
berry hall
M'Farlane, John, pawnbroker, 56
King street
Macintyre, John (of Murray &
Co.) Caledonian Pottery ; ho.
3 Melrose st. Queen's crescent
M'Kechnie, Aitken. & Co. manu-
facturers, city; house, Main st
MacKechnie, Robt. A. surgeon, 59
Main st. ; ho. 51 do.
Maclae, A. Crum (of Jameson,
Son, & Maclae), city; house,
Maclean, Thomas, farmer; house,
High Crosshill farm
M'Neil, Re.v. John, U.P. minister;
ho. Norwood manse
Mather, Jos. builder, 51 Mill st
Matheson, John Campbell (of Neil
Mathe3on & Co.) ho.Torboll ho.
Matheson, John (of Neil Matheson
& Co. ), ho. Eastfield
Matheson, Neil, & Co. Turkey-red
dyers, Eastfield dyework
Menzies, Jas. (of James Menzbs
& Co.), ho. Eastpark
Millburn, Walter, millinery and
drapery, 167 Main st
Miliar, David (of Miller, Saul, &
Co.), ho. Ashley park, Bothwell
Miller, H. grain and commission
agent, city ; ho. 2 Castle st
Miller, John, spirit dealer, Stone-
law street
Miller, Saul, & Co. Turkey red
dyers, Clydesdale Dye Works ;
office, 129 Hope street
Miller, Wm. spirit merchant, 24
Main st. ; ho. 22 do.
Miler, Thomas, 143 Main st
Miller. Mrs. W. baker, 49 Main st
Milne, John B. (at Clyde Paper
Mills), ho. Sanbury, Cambuslg.
Mitchell, Lewis, postmaster, lib-
rarian, bookseller, and stationer,
Town Hall buildings ; house,
Greenhill rd
Mitchell, Wm. wright, 14 and IS
Glasgow rd. -, ho. 6 Chapel st
Monteitb, A. Westfield
Montgomery, Alex. R. house
painter, 53 Mill st
Moore, Ralph, H.M. Inspector of
Mines for Eastern district of
Scotland, Crof; villa, Wardlaw-
Morrison, Thos. (of SoTimerville &
Morrison), 33 ApJey pi. city
Morton, Miss, boarding and day
school, Sheriff Park villa
Munro, Jarae?, Free Church ; ho.
7 Glasgow road
Murray, E. & J. milliners and
straw hat makers, city ; ho.
Newfield house
Murray & Co. potters, Caledonian
Murray, Hugh, plasterer, King St.;
ho. 39 Oswald st. Bridgeton
Murray, J. baker, 23 Maiu street
Murray, James, brick-maker aud
brick-builder, Chapel street
Murray, R. S. agent for the City
of Glasgow Bank, and fur fire
and life insurancp, I Glasgow rd
Murray, Wm. F. potter ; house,
Kildale house
Murray, Mrs. Win. Clincarte villa
Murry, R. S. house factor and
collector of municipal poor's
assessment, 1 Glasgow rd.; ho.do
National Bank of Scotland ; Jas.
Wallace, agent, 63 Main street:
house, 70 do
Neil, Juhn, grocer, 38 Burnhill st
Neilson, Thoma=, grocer and spi: it
dealer. 141 Maiu st
Norfolk Farmers' Cattle Insurance
Society, 1 Glasgow road
Park, Jons, builder, 38 Main st
Paterson, Adam, writer, LL D. 45
West George st. ; ho. Spring ball
Peterson, James, wine and spirit
merchant, 95 Main st
Patrick, Rev. Thos. Ref. Presby.
Church; house, Park villa
Peddie, Matthew, bootmaker, 141
Main st. : l.o. 4 Gdlowfiat pi
Penny cook, C. H.(of C. H. Penny-
cook & Co. city), ho. Gallovv-
flat phce
Pinkerton, J. & Co. wholesale and
retail grain and provision mer-
chant, 45 Main St.; ho. 43 do.
Pollock, H. B. boot and shoe-
maker, 4 Castle street
Postal Teleg-aph and Money
Order office, 77 Main st
Public Library & Working- men's
Club, Town hall
Reid, Francis Robertson, Stonelaw
Colliery ; house, Gailowflat
Reid, James B. Stonelaw Colliery.
and J. P. for the lower ward;
house, Woodburn
Reid, J. R. Stonelaw Colliery;
house, Gal'ownit
Reid. W. spirit dealer, 138 Main
st. ; house, 74 do.
Reid, Wm. grocer, 72 Main st
Rennie, James, draper, 136 Main
Rennie, Wm. accountant, City of
Glasgow bank, 1 Glasgow road ;
house, 122 S. Portland st city

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