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Glasgow Archfeological Soc, 101
Do. Architectural Soc, - 102
Do. Architectaral(Assist-
ants') Association, 101
Do. Association for Evan-
gelical Purposes, - 78
Do. Association of Spiri-
tualists, - - 108
Do. Athenseum, - - 100
Do. Glasgow Asylum for
the Blind, - - 95
Do. Auxiliary to the
Protestant Orphan
Refuge (Ireland), 94
Do. Auxiliary to the Co-
lonial Missionary, - 78
Do. Auxiliary to the
London Missionary, 78
Do. Benevolent, - - 87
Do. Botanical Society, - 100
Do. Branch of the Free
Church Schoolmas-
ters' Association, - 101
Do. Brown's Society, - 95
Do. Cabman's Mission, - 78
Do. Celtic Society, - 91
Do. Central Club and In-
stitute, - - 102
Do. Chess Club, - - 113
Do. Choral Union, - 107
Do. City Mission, - - 78
Do. & Clydesdale Swim-
ming Club, - - 113
Do. Continental, - - 79
Do. Collegiate School, - 99
Do. Corn Trade Associa-
tion, - - - 103
Do. Corporation Water
Works, - - 64
Do. Curative Mesmeric
Association, - 104
Do. Dumbartonshire Be-
nevolent Society, - 93
Do. Educational Insti-
tute of Scotland, 97
Do. Emancipation Soc, 77
Do. Eye Infirmary, - 105
Do. Galloway Brotherly
Society, - - 88
Do. Geological Society, - 101
Do. Gov. School of Art, 99
Do. Industrial School
Society, - - 89
Do. Institution, - - 99
Do. Ironmongers and
Iron Merchants'
Friendly Society, 89
Do. Ladies' College, - 98
Do. Landlords 'and House
Factors' Associa-
tion, - - - 108
Do. Lock Hospital, - 104
Do. Lothian Society, - 90
Do. Lying-in Hospital, - 105
Do. Lying-in Hospital
and Dispensary, - 100
Do. Magdalen Institu,, - 80
Do. Mission to the Blind, 95
Glasgow Nithsdale Society, 92
Do. Northern Highland
Benevolent Soc, - 91
Do. Police Act, - - 63
Do. Precentors' Associa-
tion, - - - 107
Do. Protestant Institu-
tion for Orphan &
Destitute Girls, - 89
Do. Protestant Laymen's
Association, - 78
Do. Public Dispensary
for Diseases of
the Ear, - - 104
Do. Public Library, - 108
Do. Religions Friendly
Society, - - 94
Do. Royal Infirmary, - 104
Do. St. Andrew's Society, 93
Do. Sabbath School As-
sociation, in con-
nection with the
Church of Scot., - 80
Do. Sabbath-School Un., 109
Do. Seamen's Friend. Soc. 86
Do. Shipowners' Assoc, 103
Do. Society for Preven-
tion of Cruelty
to Animals, - 93
Do. Societj' of the Sons
of the Rock, - 93
Do. Society of Sons of
Ministers of the
ChurchofScotland, 87
Do. Thistle and Rose So. 93
Do. Tonic Sol-Fa Choral
Society, - - 106
Do. Veterinary College, 100
Do. Water of Endrick
Society, - - 86
Do. and West of Scot-
laud Horticultural
Society, - - 100
Do. and West of Scot-
land Guardian So-
ciety for the Pro-
tection of Trade, 103
Do. Working Men's Sab-
bath Protection
Association, - 80
Do. Young Men's Chris-
tian Association, 78
Do. YoungMen's Society
for Religious Im-
provement, - 78
Do. Young Men's Tem-
perance Associa-
tion,- - - 109
Gorbals Parochical Board, - 67
Govan Parochial Board, - 67
Graham Charitable Society, 92
Grocer Company of Glasgow, 103
Grocers' Early Closing Asso-
ciation, - - - 90
Hackney Coaches and Fares, 123
Her Majesty's Ministers, - 54
Her Majesty's Privy Council, 54
High School, - - - 97
Highland Society, - - 90
House of Shelter, - - 89
Household of the Queen, - 53
Households of the Prince of
Wales, Princess of Wales,
Duke of Cambridge, and
Duchess of Cambridge, 53, 54
Hutchesons' Hospital and
School, - . - 99
Institute of Accountants and
Actuaries, - - - 75
Institution for the Education
of the Deaf and Dumb, - 98
Irish Courts, - - - 64
Journeymen Goldsmiths'
Friendly Society, - - 88
Justice of Peace Small Debt
Court, - - - - 64
Justice of Peace Courts, - 64
Justices of Peace of the
Counties of Argyle, Dum-
barton, Renfrew, and Stir-
ling, resident in Glasgow, 70
Justices of Peace in Lower
Ward, - - - - 70
Kilmarnock Social and Bene-
volent Society in Glasgow, 90
Kintyre Club, - - _ 93
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Glas-
gow Mission for the Blind, 9a
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Glas-
gow Missionary Society, 78
Lieutenancy of Lanarkshire, 69
Local Marine Board, - - 103
M 'Alpine's Mortification So-
ciety, - - - - 90
Magistrates and Town Coun-
cil of Glasgow, - - 62
Macaulay Literary Club, - 101
Master Hosiers' Society, - 87
Masters Extraordinary, and
Commissioners for taking
Affidavits, English Courts, 64
Maxwell School, - - 97
Mechanics' Institution, - 96
Members of Parliament for
Scotland, - - - 60
Merchants' House, - - 103
Blessengers-at-arms for Scot-
land, - - - - 76
Middle-district Sabbath Sch.
Union, - - - 79
Military Engineer Volunteer
Corps. — See begin, of Dir.
Ministers of Glasgow and
Suburbs, - - - 81
Mitchell's Mortification, - 92
Moray & Banffshire Friendly
Society, _ _ . 92
National Bible Society of
Glasgow, - - - 79
Newspapers Published in
Glasgow, - - - 108
Night Asylum for the House-
less, and House of Industry
for Indigent Females, - 89
Normal Institution,E8tabli£h-
ment, - - - - 98

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