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Stewart, John, stamp and tax
officer, collector and distributor,
79 King street.
Stewart, John, agent. City of Glas-
gow Bank, 116 St. Vincent st.
Smith, Thomas, of Thos. Smith cf
Coi Crosslee, Thornliebank.
Stevenson, John, tailor, 71 King st.
Strang, Wm. grocer, 64 Main st.
Strang, William, spirit dealer and
Glasgow carrier, 65 Main st.
Struthers, John, grocer, 6 Pollok st.
Struthers, P. land surveyor, 4
Main street.
Struthers, P., Maxwell Arms inn.
Main street.
Struthers, Mrs. A. spirit dealer, 4G
Pollok street.
Tassie, James, manager of West.
Bank of Scotland, 26 King st. ;
house, 27 do.
Tassie, James, Coustonhill.
Tassie, John, Coustonhill.
Thomas, Samuel K. brewer, East-
wood park, near Thornliebank.
Todd, John, flesher, 25 Main st.
Toddj John, flesher, 54 King st.
Turnbull, Mrs. John, 74 King st.
United Presbyterian Ch. Mital. st.
Urquhart, gardener, 12 King st.
Walker, J. pastry-bkr. 48 Main st.
Wardrop, James, at Wm. McLean cf-
Son's; house, 8 Macarthur st,
Wark, Robert, joiner, Greenlane.
Watson, Dun. grocer, 76 Main st.
Watson, .Jos. grocer, 76 King st.
Watson, Robt. grocer, 3 Cross st.
Western Bank of Scotland, 26
King St. ; Jas. Tassie, manager.
Weild, John, Thornliebank.
White, Alexander, spirit merchant,
Old Church buildings.
Wilkie, J teacher Burgh School.
Wilson, Alex, draper, 30 King st.
Wilson, A. spirit deal. 2 Pollok st.
Wilson, John, grocer, 81 Main st.
Willock, J. paint shop, 50 Kingst.
Wingate, R. flesher, 1 Macart. st.
"Winning, R. grocer, 56 King st.
Yates, Brown, & Mowat, Couston-
holmWeaviiigCo. Coustonholm.
Young, J., & Son, bleachers, Auld-
Young, Wm. Auldhousefield.
Young, Wm., & Co. bleachers,
Alexander, James, corn merchant,
South bank.
Anderson, John G. grain and pro-
vision mercht. Auburn cottage.
Barr, Jas. manufr. .Junction cot.
Bateson, R. com. agent. Burton c.
Bayne, T. com. mer. Beach villa.
Bennett, Thomas, family grocer.
Blair, John, Knowe.
Bow, James, Junction cottage.
Eroadfoot, Capt. Jas. Prince's st.
Brodie, Hugh, of Muirs, Connell,
c|- Brodie.
Brown, John, mer. Broomhall cot.
Buchanan, John, Manhattan cot.
Burgess, Rev. Wm.
Cunningham, John, bleacher.
Curr, Robert, farmer.
Davidson, John, Titwood bank.
Dick, Quiutin, Sornbank cottage.
Dixon, H. C. auctioneer, Dunbrit-
ton cottage.
Donald, John, Hawthorn villa.
Finlayson, F. manuf. Elmtree cot.
Gardner, T. R., optician, Lily-
bank cottage.
Graham, John, St. Andrew's rd.
Greenshields, Arch. Titwoodbank.
Hamilton, Thos. St. Andrew's rd.
Hart, William, procurator fiscal,
Prince's street.
Hunter, James, Prince's street.
Irwin, Charles E. commission agt.
Prince's street.
Kirkwood, Matthew, farmer.
Laiid, John R. mer. Norwood vil.
M'Aulay, Jas. Ashfield villa.
M'Coll, J. merchant. Prince's st.
M'Farlane, Peter, Prince's street.
M'Gibbon, Mrs. Jas. Poldar ho.
M'Gregor, Jas. timber measurer,
Bodmine villa.
M'Kinlaj^ D. St. Andrew's road.
M'Leod, David, shipbuilder. Myr-
tle bank.
M'Leond, T. H. C. Janefield cot.
M'CuUoch, Wm. Junction cottage.
M'Vicar, Archd. St. Andrew's rd.
Manuel, D. contractor, Eden cot.
Marshall, Wm. manuf. Leven cot.
Marshall, Reid, Leven cottage.
Meikle, Thomas, warehouseman.
Jlilne, James, Shawfield villa.
Napier, Capt. Jas. Auburn cottage.
Orr, Wm. warehm. Prince's st.
Pigott, Henrj-, hat manufr. Wood-
bine cottage.
Randolph, Chas. engineer, HouS".
Rigg, Arch. Broomhall cottage.
Rigg, R. A. Broomhall cottage.
Robertson, G. Dundas cottage.
Robertson, Richard, surveyor of
shipping, Wentworth cottage.
Smith, Geo. sen. ofG. Smith cfSons.
Smith, G. jun. of G. Smith [f Sons.
Spiers, James, merchant.
Steel, James, Gladdens.
Steel, Robert Clark, Gladdens.
Strapp, Jas. jun. com.mission mer.
Bedford villa.
Strapp, J. contract. Bedford villa.
Taylor, Matthew, Lincoln villa.
Turnbull, George, of Shaw, Turn-
bull tf Co.
Walker, Peter, Prince's street.
Wallace, Mrs. Elderslie cottage.
Wilson, Alex, designer, K3'le cot.
Wilson, James, Barnaich park, St.
Andrew's road.
Young, J. portioner. Prince's st.
Robt. Forrest, Esq. prov. ; Jas. Pin-
kerton, D. Warnock, bailies; A.
M'Math, treasurer ; Geo. Craw-
furd, town-clerk; Jno. Fleming,
fiscal ; John Ailkcn, Geo. Ar-
buckle, James Barr, Thomas
Brown, Alex. Davidson, AVm.
Denhoira, Robert Edgar, Robt.
Forsyth, Andw. M'Math, Jos.
M'Naughtan, Joseph M'Nish,
John Pinkerton, James Steven,
Robert Wallace, Jas. Watson,
Becket, Wm. U.P. Church.
Brown, Peter, Established Church.
Munro, James, Free Church.
Shaw, John, Ro. Catholic Church.
Adair, Robert, grocer and spirit
dealer, 3 Cathcart street.
Aitken, G. 23 Glasgow road.
Adams, Wm. grocer & spir. deal.
41 Main st. ; ho. 3 Cathcart st.
Aitken, John, grocer and spirit
dealer, 148 Main street.
Allan, John, grocer, 69 Main st. ;
house, 64 do.
Arbuckle, Geo. grocer, 2 Farm-
loan road ; house, 4 do.
Arbuckle, Wm. grocer and spirit
dealer, 145 Main street.
Baird, Arch. spir. deal. Westfield.
Baird, Dan. spir. deal. 11 Main st.
Baird, Dan. builder, 1 Little la.
Barns, T. tinsmith, 6 Main street.
Barrowman.T. niillin. 1 2o Main st
Becket, Rev. Wm. Balvaird ho.
Boyd, Alex. Mitchell, boot & shoe
maker, 25 Mill street.
Brash, A. Insurance surveyor, 5
Drmy st. Glasgow; lio.Burnside
cottage. New street.
Brisbane, J. tailor, 1 4 Stonclaw st.
Brown, Alex, tailor, 43 JIain st.
Brown, G. shoemaker, 105 Main st.
Brown, J. shoemaker, 96 Main st.
Brown, Jno. shoemakr. 74 Main st.
Brown, J. beadle, parish church,
68 Main street.
Brown, Rev. Peter, 40 ]\Iain st.
Brown, T. builder, l;i4 JIain st.
Brown, W. shoemaker, 79 Blain st.
Brown, M. & A. milliners, straw-
hat & dressmaker.-^, 68 Main st.
Bryson, A. 11 Castle st.
Bryson, J. 11 Castle street.
Cameron, C. Govan Bank house.
Cameron, J. builder, 150 Main sr.
Cameron, John, grocer and spirit
dealer. Main street.
Cameron, J. spir. deal. 150 Main st.
Cameron, W. smith and farrier, 12
Glasgow rd. ; ho. 9 Cathcart st.
Campbell, A. slater and plasterer,
38 Main street.

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