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Those marked a are also bell-
Adams, C. 49 Trongate.
Alexander, Wm.,& Co. 37 West St.
Allan, Brothers, 52 New wj'iid.
Allan, J. sen. Kent rd. North St.
a Anderson, J. 112 Waterloo St.
n Anderson & Fisher, 119 Cam-
bridge street.
Annan, M., & Co. 300 Parliamen-
tary road.
a Bald, Robert, 174 Trongate.
Barclay, Phillips, & Co. 58 Ander-
ston quay.
Barclay, R., & Curie, 59 M'Al-
pine street.
Bethune, John, 18 Cook street.
Binnie, Robert, 3 Warwick st.
Black, Robert, 810 Stobcross st.
Bowie, A. lie Cheapside street.
Bowser & Cameron, 80, 86 M'Neil
Brown, Matthew, 151 Castle st.
a Brown, W. 887 Parliament, rd.
Brydeii, John, & Sons, 112 Bu-
chanan street.
Bryden, V/m., & Son, 7 Royal
Bank place.
Buchanan, Jas. 79 Stockwell st.
Buchanan, J. 38 M'Pherson st.
Buchanan, P., & Co. 18 Bishop st.
Burnet, James, 133 Svdiiev st.
a Cairns, P., & Co. 138 N City rd.
CI Cameron, Li. 43, 45 Bishop st.
Cameron, John, 28 Back wynd.
a Cameron, Wm. 34 Duke street.
Campbell, A., & Son, 120 Cheap-
sidu street.
Campbell, A., & Co. 117 Hyde-
park street.
Campbell &. M'lNIillan, 21 Kirk st.
Campbell, \V. 55 Stirling st. Cow-
Cardr.o & Co. G6 Buchanan st.
a Clark, A. & L. 78 Union st.
a Clerk, Donald, G4 Hope st.
Clark, J., & Son, 64 Hospital st.
Clutha IjoU, Rivet, &c. works, 8,
1 Adelphi street.
Clyde Screw, Bolt, and Rivet Co.
97 Piccadilly street.
Colfjulinun, L. 80 E. Howard st.
a Combe & Hamilton, heatim/ and
ventilid'mg enyineevs, 59 Cathe-
dral street.
Craig, .Tames, 39 Bridgegate.
Crawliall & Campbell, Finnis. qu.
Croll, John, 3 Gre\ friars wynd.
Cuthbert, John, 50 Old vennel.
Davidson & Wood, 19 Union pi.
North street.
a Davie, James, 37 Nicholas st.
Doig, John, 08 Main st. Anders.
Drew, Wm. & Co. 06 \Vilsoa st.
and 195 Sauchiehall st.
Dron & Lawson, 11 North st.
Drummond, R. 69, 71 Canning St.
Dunbar, Jn. 24 Cumbernauld, rd.
Evans, Mrs. 97 Piccadilly st.
Faulds, Robert, Parson st.
Fenton, Robt. 8 Springfield lane.
Ferguson, J. & R., 11 Argyle st.
Ferguson, Wm. 8 Corn st.
a Field, Henry, G5 Argyle st.
a Field H., & Sou, G8 Buchan. st.
Finlav, John, 46 Buchanan st.
Flemfng, P. & R. 29 Argyle st.
Forsyth, J. 156 Gt. Hamilton st.
Gallowaj^ Wm. 239 Argyle st.
Gait, J. 99 Water St. Pt.-Dundas.
a Graham, D. & G. 182 Sauchie. st.
Grant, Alex. 145 Castle st.
Gunn, W. L., & Co. 15 Buchan st.
Hamilton & Co. 94 High st.
Hamilton, Wm. Springfield lane.
Hardie, Henry, 55, 57 Duke st.
Hardie, T. 7 Dale st. Tradeston.
Harvie, Wm. 13, l^ Centre st.
Hawks, Thos. 17 Brunswick lane.
Herkless, W. 15 Broad close,
Shuttle street.
Hodge, John B. 362 Argyle st.
and 47 Carrick street.
Hogg, Alexander, 12 Pitt street.
Howard, A. 21 John st. Bridget.
Hunter, J. D. Glebe street.
Irvine, R., & Co. 13 Monkland st.
Joel, Thos. 198 Duke st.
Kerr, James, 27 Portugal st.
Kirk) Thomas, 7 Sword st.
Law, Robert, & Son, Shettleston.
a Lawrie & M'Coull, 147 Sauchie-
li;dl street.
Lindsa}-, Ale.\-. 77 Renfield st.
Livingston, Wm., & Co. 27 Stock-
well street.
Lyle, Robert, 122 Woodlands rd.
M'Alpine, Colin, 5 Brown street.
M'Cidlum, Dun. sen., & Co. 56
St. Vincent street.
a M'Cash, T. 14 E. St. Vincent la.
M'Connell, R , & Co. 1 12 P.-Dun.
M'Criudall, Robert, 22 Malta st.
M'CulIoch, M. & Co. 1 08 G.dlowg.
a M'Donald, John, 63 Blitchell st.
a RI'Farlane, Peter, 6 Frederick
Ifine and 1 Margaret st.
M'Gillivray, \y. 5 Springfield pi.
M'Intosh, Alex. 20 Union pi.
M'lutyro, John, & Co. 31 Lunce-
field quay.
a Mackie, Wm. 74 Hope street.
M'Kinlav, Alex. 59 Govan st.
a M'Lea!^ P. 107 Renfield st.
a M'Lean, C, & Co. 6 Main st.
M'Lean, Robt. 9 Germiston st.
M'Lean, Wm., L. E. 146 Lauce-
field street.
nM'Lellan,P.&W. 127, 129Tron.
M'5!inan,Dun. 309 Dobbie's loan.
M'Mill^n, Duncan, 24 Paterson
street, Kingston.
M'Neil, J 15 N. Dalmarnock rd.
M-Onie &, Mirrlees, 1 Scotland st.
MVicar, A. 17 Robertson street,
and Kinning park, Paisley' rd.
Mathieson, Alexander, & Son, 24
Saracen lane.
a Melvin, Thos. 12 Melville lane.
Mitchell, George, 26, 28, 30 Car-
rick street.
Mitchell, J. 20 Oswald street.
Moore, John, 65 Govan street.
Muir, M. 80 Lancefield street.
Neil, J. 3 South Cumberland st.
Neilson, Walter, 79 Burnside pl.
Niven, D. & Sons, 5 Springfield
Paterson, Alex. 9 Melville lane.
a Paterson, W., & Sons, 19 Ann
street and 1 Windmillcroft.
Paterson, W., & Co, 88 Main st.
Pollock, Robert, 24 Baronj^ st.
Prentice, W. 388 Parliament, rd.
a Purdie, Wm. 144 N. City road.
Renfrew, Robert, 88 John street
Reid, John, 12 Nicholas st.
Robertson & Co. 346 Parliamen-
tary road.
Rose, J. 77^ Main street, Ander-
ston and 7 Jamieson lane.
Russell, Bernard, 95 Whitevale.
Scott, James, 121 Canning street.
Shotts Iron Co. 22 St. Enoch sq.
Sellers, James, 40 Soho street.
Slater, Robert, sli'qo, 11 Centre st.
Smith, David, 70 Howard street.
Smith, Brothers, 82 Kinning st.
Smith, James, 37 Clyde st. Port-
Smith, Thomas, 35 Reid street,
a Sommerville, A. 172 Argvle st.
Stark, William, 82 Nelson st.
a Stewart, Adam, 12 Dunlop st.
Stewart, John K. & A. Ark lane,
Duke street.
Stewart, John, 16 Renfrew lane.
Stewart, Walter, 10 Anderson st.
Stirrat & Hamilton, ship, 56
Springfield buildings.
a Stobo, Peter, 73 Norfolk street.
Tannahil!, D. 8 Orr street, Calt.
Taylor, John, 84 Bridgegate.
Torrance, J. 39 Stockwell street.
Urie, George, 101 Commerce st.
Waddell, G. 37 Stirling street,
Walker, Robt. 43 Tobago street.
a Wallace & Galloway, 23 Rich-
ard street.
Ward, Martin, 11 Steel street.
Weir, M'lh-oy, & Co. Dock Foun-
dry, St. James st. Paisley rd.
a Williamson, John, 18 Little
Hamilton st.
Wilson & Sommerville, 38 Nelson
street, Tradeston.
Wood, A., & Sons, 14, 18 Stock-
well street.

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