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Gordon, J. & J. 200 George st.
Graham, Malcolm, & Co. Ander-
son street.
Grandison, John J. E., & Co. 47
Canick street.
Hamilton, J. & E. 58 Miller st.
Henderson, Laurence, 5 Drury st.
Henderson, W., & Sous, 88, 90
New wj-nd.
Hyper Sperm Oil Co. 2i Stock-
well street.
Jamieson & Co. 109 Clyde street,
King, T. W. 43 Queen street.
Lapraik, H. So Hutcheson street.
Liston, Robt. 46, 48 Havannah.
M'Bean, H., & Co. 15, 17 Mel-
ville street.
M'Gill, J. S. 13 Dixon street.
M'Intosh.A. & R. 9 Macfarlane st.
M'Keaiid, J. & T. 78 Mitchell st.
M'Lellan, L. & J. 43 Argyle st.
M'Millan & M'Indoe, 65 Clyde
street, Anderston.
Mathews & Co. 39,41 Cathedralst.
Meldrum, E. & Co. Craignestock.
Miller, D. H., & Co. 25 St. Enoch la.
Miller, G. & Co. 72 Gt. Clyde st.
Mitchell & Grant, 108 Stockwellst.
Moifat, W., & Brothers, 47 King st.
Morton, Alex. 5! High street.
Parker, Jas., &Co. 117 Ga'lowgate.
Eeid, John, 14 Dixon street.
Einloul, P. & Co. 10 Stirling sq.
Ei:itoul, Eobert Alexander, & Co.
23 Jamaica street.
Sansom, John, & Co. 104 Port-
Dundas road.
Scott, R. M'D. 12 Oswald street.
Smith, James, 187 Trougate.
Smith, Richard, 114 West street.
Stewart, Alex. Moore street.
Storer, David, 188 Gallowgate.
Walls, Wm. & Co. 58 N. Fred. st.
"Williamson, John, 120 Brunswick
Wilson, Alex. 13 Dixon street.
Wilson, J. & T. 117 Argyle st.
Young, John, 222 Gallowgate.
Bell, Robert, 54 Eglinton street.
Cameron & Blackeney, 102 Great
Clyde street.
Galletti, John, 24 Argyle arcade.
Gardner & Co. 21 Buchanan st.
Gardner, Wm. 56 Gordon street.
Gerletti, D. 44 Trongate.
Gerletti, J. 55 St. Enoch wynd.
Gilzean, Wm. 23 Hill st. Andcr.
Thornton, M. 51 Trongate.
Wallace, Geo. 15^ Buchanan st.
Whyte & Barr, 1 Renfield street.
White, James, 1 Eenfield street.
Gardner, T.W. 280 George street,
and 54 North Frederick street.
Ha}', James, 60 Oxford street.
Jlirrlees, Robert, 23 Cochran st.
Brunton, C. 3 Pitt street.
Grierson, John, 19 Blackfriars wy.
Hendrie, Jas. 26 Little Dovehill.
Ru-:sell, John, 113 Drygate.
Allan & Co. 62 Hope street.
Anderson & Henderson, 13 Water-
loo street and 15 Mitchell st.
Bain, D. 75 Cathedral street.
Brown & Gray, 45 Dundas st.
Brown, James, 273 George street
and 71 George square.
Brown, Joshua, 71 George square
and 273 George street.
Brown, Robert, 81 Mitchell street.
Campbell, J., & Co. 81 Mitchell st.
Carswell, Wm. 12 Killermoat st.
Chambers & Tosh, 174 Trongate.
Ewing & Co. 175 Buchanan st.
Ferguson, G. 14 N. Portland st.
Finlay & JefTre}', 73 Mitchell st.
Finlay & Neilson, 175 Buchanan st.
Gibson, Joseph, & Co. 13 Dundas
street and 162 Buchanan street.
Graham, W., & Co. 10 Cochran st.
Henderson, Jas. 74 Waterloo st.
Jamieson & Co. 22 George sq.
M'Allister, Robert, 54 Cadoganst.
M'Craw & Kay, 54 N. Hanover st.
M'Farlane, A." 76 Wellington st.
M'Gown, W. & Co. 25 N. Albion St.
M'Intosh, Eobert, 27 Jamaica st.
Miller & IJannerman 30 Gordon st.
Miller, R., & Son, 29 Stirling st.
and 94 Nelson street.
Nairn, J., & Son, 24, 26 Cochran st.
Sclanders, J., & Co. 22 George sq.
Sclanders & Paton, 38 Montrose st.
Scott, J. & A., & Co. 8 1 Welling, st.
Small &Barnett, 120 So. Albion St.
Stell, Thomas, 62 Brunswick st.
Vv'oodmas, James, 33 John street.
Those marked a are paper hangers.
a Allan, David, 78 Abbotsford pi.
a Anderson, H. L. 19 Rentield st.
Arnot, Jas. C. 96 St. Vincent st.
a Arnot, Thomas, 96 St.Vincentst.
Auld, John, 165, 290 High st.
Barclay, R ,&Curle,59M'Alpine3t.
a Bennett, John B. 50 Gordon st.
a Bicket, James, 2 Carlton court,
Bridge street.
Black, Adam, 102 Cumberland st.
a Blair, John, 09 Garscube road.
a Bogle, H., & Co. 66 Gordon st.
a Bowie, C. T. 26 Bothwell st.
Boyle, Robert, & Co. 73 Union st.
a Brown, James, 40 Kingst. Trad.
Bryan, John, 77 Nelson street.
a Buchanan, Archd. 25 Kent st.
a Buchanan, James, 18 York st.
Burden, John, 33 Saltmarket.
Burns, John, 64 George street.
Cainiey, John, 46 Bath street.
a Cairns, John, 113 High street.
a Carlton, C. & Co. 499 Gallowgt.
a Clubb, James, 31 Finlay street
Clydesdale, Q. R. 89 Green'st. Calt.
Congalton,Vv'illiam, 17 Canning st.
Craig, John, 50 Eglinton street.
Craig, Peter, 48 Stockwell street.
a Crawford, James, 32 Main st.
a Darroch, Wm. S. 143 N. City rd,
Elliot, Jas. & Archd. 18 Bridge st.
England, Ch-is. 86 James Watt st.
a Ferguson., E., & Son, 127 Cam-
bridge street.
Fisher, Peter, 55, 57 High street.
a Fletcher & Martin, 233 Bu-
chanan street.
a Forbes, Robert, 10 Richard st.
Gilchrist, Robert, ship, 8 Brown st.
Glassford, John, 26 Orr street.
Glen, John, 16 Sauchiehall st.
a Granger, W. 6 Rose street and
11 Crown street.
a Gray, Chas. 146 W. George st.
Gray,'D. R. 93 Gt. Hamilton st.
Grierson, Wm. 16 Green st. Calt.
a Guthrie, J. 184 Sauchiehall st.
a Hallej', John, 53 Cambridge st=
a Hay, William, 39 Castle st.
Hobbs, Samuel, 60 Anderst. quay.
a Johnston, A. 13 Cathcart st.
a Johnston, Robt. 29 Stockwell st.
a Kerr, James, 93 West street.
a Laird, J. 69 Stevenson st. Calt.
a Lawrie, Thomas, 24 Union st.
a Liddell, A., & Co. 192 Trongate
and 43 Queen street.
a Lindsay, J. & Son, 84 Brown st.
a Lockhart, Robt. 84 London st.
M'Alpine, C. 217 Sauchiehall st.
a M'Cail, David, 49 Clyde street,
Port- Dundas.
a M'Calman, Donald, 186 St. Vin-
cent St. and 3 13 W. George st.
a M'Intosh, ThornaS; 5 Bath st.
M'Kay, John, 28 Kent street.
a M'Kenzie, David, 60 John st.
a M'Kenzie, Mrs. David, 19 Nor-
folk street.
M'Leod, John, 184 Garscuhe rd.
a M'Naught, Jas. 202 North st.
a Mainds, W. R. 54 Carrick st.
M'Millan, W. 139 Rose st. Hutch.
a Menzies, R., & Co. 434 Parlia-
mentary road.
a Menzies, T. & W. 40 Sauchieh. st,
a Middleton, M. & Co. 1 16 Unionst.
Milliken, John, 12 Wellington st.
a Mitchell, James, 27 King st.
Mitchell, Robert, 144 George st.
aMorison, Daniel, 89 Union st.
a Murraj', David, 9 Finlay street.
a Paul, James, 25 Clyde place.

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