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ITamilton &Brothers,24:0 Broomie-
law quay.
Hamilton & Arthur, 14 Commer-
cial road.
Hamiltons & Co. 1 Dundas street.
Hamilton, George, 22 Renfield st.
Hamilton & Jaek, 14 Montrose st.
Hamilton, Lawiie, & Co. 101 Mil-
ler street.
Hamilton, P. 22 Renfield street.
Handvside. N. & R. 45 Union st.
Hannah, Robert, 98 We. Nile st.
Hannan, James, 17 Woodside ter.
Harlej% David, & Co. 22 John st.
Harper, Samuel, 99 Waterloo st.
Harvey, Black, & Co 25 Bath st.
Hastie, Robert, & Co. 13 Jcihn st.
Hay, Wilson, & Co. Sawmillfield,
Heatley, Cowan, & Co. 33 Ren-
field street.
Henderson, G. 1 7 Queen's cresct.
Henderson, P., & Co. 4 Bothwell st.
Henderson, K. & J. 4 So. Frede-
rick street.
Henderson, Stewart, & Co. 104
Hope street.
Henderson, W. S. 16 Garscad. st.
Heron, Dickson, & Co. 78 Mil-
ler street.
Hewit, Millers, & Co. 44 In-
gram street.
Hertz, T. 149 West George st.
Higginbothani, S., Son, & Gunniss,
69 Queen street.
Ililliardfe Chapman, 56 Buchanan
Hope, D. 5 Victoria pi. W. Reg. st.
Houldsworth, J., & Co. 124 St.
Vincent street.
Huggins, W. B., & Co. 10 Both-
wcU street.
Hunter, Duncan, 105 Douglas st.
Hunter, J. & Co. 5 Dixon street.
Hutcheson, G., & Co., 1 60 Hope st.
Hutcheson, Robert, 54 Union st.
Hutcheson, J., & Sons, 25 St. An-
drew's street.
Huttou &. Baird, 111 Union st.
Innerarity, A. 129 North street.
Irving, H. B. 189 Hope street.
Irvin, S., & Co. 29 St. Vincent pi.
Ismeredes, A. 30 Jlontrose street.
Jack, Robert, 76 Virginia street.
Jamieson, G., & Co. 104 Hope st.
Jamieson, J. F., & Co. 123 St.
Vincent street.
Jamieson, J. P. 60 Hillst. Garnelh.
Jamieson, J.. & Co. 1 69 W. Geo. st.
Jamieson, Wm. 15 Elmbank erst.
Johnstone, A., & Co. 4 Bothwell st.
•lohuston & Fairie, 62 Wilson st.
Kaselack, O. H. 57 Miller street.
Kaye, Findlay, & Co. 62 Queen st.
Kennedy,T. A then;i?um, Ingram st.
Kerr, A. Floientine Bank, Hillhe.
Ker, Bolton, & Co. 29 St. Vin. pi.
Kettle, Robt. & Co. 124 Queen st.
Kibble, Jas., &Co. 20 Turner's ct.
Kidston, A. G., & Co. 81 Great
Clyde street.
Kidston, W., & Sons, 19 Queen st.
Kincaid, John, 57 Oswald street.
King, A , & Co. 12 Ro. Exch. sq.
King, John, & Son, 78 Queen st.
King, Samuel, Provanside.
Kirkland, J. & Son, 43 Bath st.
Knox, H., & Co. 11 Cochran st.
Lade, J., & Co. 51 St. Vincent st.
Laing, J., & Co. 100 Virginia pi.
Lamljcrt, W. 5 Di.xon st.
Lament, J. 112 We.-t George st.
Lang & Co. 147 St. Vincent st.
Lang & Lawson, 118 Union st.
Lang, A. G. 1 18 Union st.
Laughland& Brown, 91 Buch st.
Laurie, J., & Co. 170 Buchan. st.
Lamie, Jas. R. 1 Nichnlsoii st.
Lawrie, John, 151 Queen st.
Laurie, Rob., & Co. 179 Aigyle st.
Laurie, Somervail, & Co. 23 St.
Enoch square.
Law, Whyte, & Co. 133 V/est
George st.
Leask, Jas. & Co. 82 Slitchell st.
Lecky, F. B. 51 Ingram st.
Leisler, Bock, & Co. 168 West
George street.
Liebert, Julius, 11 Prince's square.
Lieberts,S. A.,& Co. 1 I Prince'ssq.
Liepraann, Lehmann, & Co. 72
Virjiinia st.
Linder & Kingsley, 85 Queen st.
Little, Henry, 5 Di.xon st.
Little, James, 113 Renfrew st.
Lorrain, W. S., & Adam, 12 St.
Vincent place.
Lyall, J., & Co. 146 W. George st.
Lvnass, John, jun. 15 Trongate.
Lyon, G. J., & Co. Virginia bds.
M'Allister, P. 43 Garscube road.
M'Arthur, Bros. 47 Oswald st.
Macartbur& Farie, 4G W. Geo. st.
M'Arthur, John, 11 Dnke st.
M'Aulay, W.,& Co. 1 S. Freder. st.
M'Bean, Jamieson, & Co. 169 W.
George st.
MBean, Ludovick, 1 Abercro. pi.
M-Callum,Dan 07 St. George's pi.
M'Callum, Graham, & Black, 41 I
St. Vincent place. j
Bl'Cormick, Hugh, 17 High st. |
IM'Crossan, Joseph, 39 Stock, st.
M'Culloch, J., (57 Brunswick st.
M'Diarmid, A. R. Rov. Exchang.
M'Donald, Dnff, & Co.'lo Moorepl.
M'Uonald, Henry, 158 George st
M'Donald, W. se'i. AVattst. King.
M'Ewan, Wm. 17 St. Vincent la.
M'Farlane, D., & Co. 5 National
Bank buildings, Queen street.
M'Farlane, D. 38 St. Vincent erst.
M'Farlane, H. 13. 48 Gordon st.
M'Farlane, John, & Co. 112 West
George street.
JI'Gavni & Thomson, 12 Dixon st.
M'Gibbon, Jamc.';, 11 Miller st.
M'Goun, Duncan, 14 Kingston pi.
McGregor, R., & Co. 30 Cochran st.
M'Guire & Co. 48 Queen st.
M-Haffie, Michael, & Co. 141
Buchanan st
M'llwrailh, J., & Co. 69 Geo. sq.
M'Innes, John, 161 Hope st.
M'lntyre, J., & Co. 95, 97, & 99
Arg\le street.
M'lntyre & Maitland, 78 Mitch, st.
M'lmyre, R. 57 St. George's pi.
Macka\-, Jas. 7 S. Frederick st.
M'Keard, A. & J. 146 W. George st.
M'Keaiid, J. & T. 78 Mitchell st
M'Kechnie, J. 25 East Clyde st.
M'Kenzie, C. 33 N. Frederick st.
M'Kenzie, D. 4 N. Bank buildings.
M'Kenzie, Jas. Virginia buildings.
M'Kenzie, James, & Co. 4 Na-
tional Bank buildings.
M'Kenzie, John Keid, 43 Bath st.
BTackay, Jas., 7 So. Frederick st.
M'Kie, J., jun , 24 St. Vincent pi.
M'Kinlav, W. 54 Union street
Mackinnon, W. & Co. 116 St.
Vincent street.
M'Laren, W., Sons, & Co. 63 Can-
dleriggs and 33^- Wilson street.
M 'Lean, A. H.,& Co. 124 Queen st.
M'Lean, Jas. G. 1 1 1 St. Vine. st.
M'Lean, John, 27 India street.
M'Lean, W. jun. 188 W. Regent st.
M'I.ellan, M. 4 Fitzroy jJace.
51'Micking & Co. 5 Dixon street.
MacSlillan, Duncan, 4 5 Dunlop st.
M'Nab, R. & Co. 108 Fife place.
M'Nair & Brand, 60 St. Geo.'s pi.
M'Nair, D. S. 12 St. Vincent pi.
M'Naughton, J. C. 49 West
George street.
Macnee & Waddell, 155 St.
George's road.
Magnire, Hyde, & Co. 48 Queen st.
M'Night, j". & Co. 153 Queen st.
M'Nish, Neil, & Co. 5 No. Court,
Royal Exchange.
M'Pherson & Speirs, 1 3 Virgitiiast.
Jlair, Hugh, 163 Ingram street.
Mair, Wiseman, & Co. Commer-
cial Bank buildirjgs, Gordon st.
Malcolm, W., & Co. 22 Royal
Exchange square.
Marlow, Neil, 25 East Clyde st.
Marr, Wm. 1 33 St. Vincent st.
Marshall, Miller, & Co. 71 Vir-
ginia street.
Marshall, W. 17 Monteith row.
Martin, David, 160 Buchanan st.
Martin, Turner, & Co. 136 St.
Vincent place.
Martini & Bentzen, 47 Oswald st.
Mathieson, J. A. 45 Union street.
Maxwell, II., & Co. 31 Argyle St.
Maxwell & Somervail, 28 Hope st.
Meikle, Thos. 26 Glassford street.
Melvin, Brothers, 62 Argyle st.
Merry <& Cunningham, 127 St.
Vincent street.
Middleton, William, & Co. 142
West George street.

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