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Campbell, J., spirit dealer, 16 King st.
Campbell, J. & W., dyers, Auldfield park.
Carswell, J., spirit dealer, 37 Pollok st.
Chapel of Ease, King street.
Cogan, J. & R., cotton- spinners, Cogan st.
Corbet, Dr. Thomas, J. P., 21 Main st.
Cosgrove, Edw., pawnbroker. 17 Main st.
Crawford, Alexander, merchant & house-
factor, 57 Main street.
Crawford, Cor., grocer. 4 Pleasance st.
Crawford, D., general grocer, 19 Main st.
Crawford, John, manager of Cogan's
Weaving Factory.
Crum, John, Auldhouse.
Dick, Alexander, baker, 35 Main street.
Dobbie, James, painter and paper-hanger,
49 Main street.
Douglas, John, tailor, 2 Herriot street.
Dow, David, flesher, 77 Main street.
Dow, James, flesher, 61 King street.
Downie, Robt., china inercht., 62 King st.
Drysdale, Thos., grocer, 76 King street.
Drysdale, William, agent for the Aber-
deen Insurance Company; office and
house, Shawlands.
Dunlop, Jas., Western Bank of Scotland,
King street ; house, 1 Herriot street.
Dunlop, Win,, grocer and spirit dealer,
and Glasgow coach-office, Herriot st.
Dunlop, Mrs., grocer, 22 Maxwell street.
Enterkin, Hamilton, boot and shoe maker,
46 King street.
Faulds, John, farmer, Kinnieshead.
Ferguson, Arch., agent, Hillhead house,
Ferguson, John, writer, Hillhead house.
Finlay, James, builder, 3 Pleasance st.
Finlayson, Alex., grocer and spirit dealer,
73 King street.
Finlayson, John, grocer, 56 Main street.
Fleming, J. & B., bleachers, Newlands.
Fleming, James, Newlands.
Free Church, King street.
Galletie, J., Ca. clergyman, Skimmill yd.
Gas-works, 1 Factory street.
Gilroy, James, manager of Auldhouse-
field Bleachwo. ; house, Upper Greenb.
Hamilton, Mark, sp. dealer, 25 Main st.
Hart, John, general grocer, 66 King st.
Harris, James, grocer, 14 Pleasance st.
Hector, William, writer and proaurator-
fiseal, sheriff-clerk depute for the eastern
district of Renfrewshire, and agent for
the Imperial Fire Insurance Company,
5 Main street ; house, Shawlands.
Henry, James, smith, 1 Cartcraigs street.
Hill, Thomas, Langside cottage.
Hodge, Miss, hosier, 58 King street.
Hodgert, Robert, inspector of poor, East-
wood parish, 7 Cartcraigs street.
Hosie, John, tailor, 24 Pollok street.
Hosie, Mrs. James, baker, 7 Main street.
Howat, John, smith, Cartcraigs.
Howie, Thomas, Auldhouse farm.
Hunter, Donald, boot and shoe maker, 70
Main street.
Hutcheson, J. & E., milliners, 68 Kingst.
Johnston, George, gardener, Langside
gardens, Shawlands.
Johnston, Mrs., spirit dealer, 38 King st.
Kessen, Win., grocer, 50 King street.
King, Alexander, grocer, 48 King street.
King. John, gardener, 42 Main street.
King, Thomas, cooper, 43 Main street.
Leckie, Robert, wright, 3 Factory street.
Lister, John, surgeon, 34 Main street.
Livingston, Henry, draper, 66 Main st.
Livingston, J., spirit dealer, 1 Maxw. st.
Livingston, Mrs., grocer, 25 Pollok st.
Livingston, Mis., sp. de., 1 Shawhill st.
Logan, Robert, tailor, 43 Pollok street.
Lowndes, Robert Gillies, at William Young
cf Co's., Auldhousefield ; house, Greenb.
M'fSurney, A., jailor, Pleasance street.
M Callum, D. R., plumber, 14 Main st.
M'Caughie, R., teacher, 3 Herriot street.
M'Oaughie, R., grocer, 8 Herriot street.
M'Connechie, John, teacher, 5 Main st.
M'Douald, J. & Co., Greenbank dye-wks.
M'Culloch, A., grocer, 18 Pleasance st.
M'Ewan, Thomas, Langside.
M'Farlane, Thos., stationer, 8 Main st.
M'Houle, Mrs., sp. dealer, 43 Herriot st.
M'lntyre, Arch., victualler, Main street.
MTntyre, Rob., teacher, 37 Cartcraigs st.
M'Kay, George, ironmonger, 40 Main st.
M'Kennie, John, grocer, New street.
M'Kenzie, J., manag., Cogan's Spin. Fact.
M'Kinlay, William, boot and shoe maker,
58 Main street.
M'Laren, Rev. J., U.P.C., ho., Shawlands.
M'Melanch, Wm., grocer, 83 Main street.
Meller, William ; house, Eastwoodhill, by
M'Naughtan, John, Millbrae.
M'Niven, Malcolm, general grocer and
spirit merchant, 73 Main street.
M'Queen, John, grocer, 12 Blaxwell st.
Mack, Alex., spirit dealer, 27 Pollok st.
M'Rae, John, jeweller, 7 King street.
Main, James, manufac. ; ho. 56 Main st.
Malin, John, teacher, 24 Pollok street.
Mason, R., sen., spir. dealer, 17 Main st.
Maxwell, Sir John, Bart., Pollok house.
Menzies, John, surgeon, 4 Macarthur st.
Menzies, Walter, victual , 3 Macarthur st.
Menzies, Walter, cooper, 86 Main street.
Muir, Alex., confectioner, 13 King street.
Mulree, David, shoemaker, 45 Main st.
Naismitb, Mrs., grocer, 79 King street.
Neild, T., & Co., Riverbank Printworks.
Nicol, James, clothier, 80 Main street.
Nicol, P., hatter and clothier, 79 Main st.
Ogilvie, John, sheriff-officer, 6 Maxwell st.
Original Sec. Church, back of Cogan st.
Park, James, joiner, 31 King street.
Ralston, Mary, milliner, 64 Main street.

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