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Menzies, C. victualler, 120 Bridgegate street
Menzies, Daniel, spirit dealer, 9 Cheapside street
Menzies, Rev. David, A.M. Hopepark, St Rollox. Letters left at A.
M'Omish, 167 Castle street
Menzies, Dr. physician, 5 Saucliiehall street, house Kinnell place
Menzies, Duncan, baker, 7 Saucliiehall street, house Kinnell place
Menzies, Duncan, portioner, lOnnell place
Menzies, Janies, Rainbow hotel and tavern, 6 Bridge st. and 3 Clyde pi.
Menzies, James, fish and provision merchant, 116 Stockwell street
Menzies, James, clothier, 10 King street
Menzies, John, accountant, 151 West Nile street
Menzies & M'Lachlan, fish and provision merchants, 16 Dixon street
Menzies, Robert, cabinet and picture frame maker, 79 Stockwell street
Menzies, Robert, flesh er, 631 Gallowgate
Menzies & Smith, cai-penters and joiners, 157 Eglinton street
Menzies, Thomas, gardener, 166 Cowcaddens street
Menzies, William, of Menzies Sf Smith, house 150 Eglinton street
Menzies, William, of Menzies Sf M'Lachlan, house 124 Stockwell street
MERCER, W. at A. ^ J. Walker's, 1 Royal Exchange court
Mekchants' House Collector's OfSce, 70 Hutcheson street
MERCIEE, Rev. Lewis Page, B.A. St Andrew's Episcopal chapel,
second master Collegiate school, house Sandyford place
MERREN, Thomas, gTocer, 4 Crowm street
MERRY," James, iron and coal master, Monkland canal basin, oiEce
110 St Vincent street, house 26 St Mungo street
METHVEN, Cathcai-t, Bank of Scotland, house 5 St Vincent place
Methven, James, fish curer, 66 Union street
Methven, James, accountant, 69 St Vincent street, house 9 Gordon st.
IMEYERS, Jacob, cigar manufacturer, 41 London street
MIDDLEMAS, John, at J. §- W. Campbell's, house 6 Warwick street
MIDDLETON, George, of W. Middleton Sj- Co.'s, house 22 India street
Middleton, James, engraver, copperplate & lithog. printer, 167 High st.
Middleton, John, of W. Middleton £f Co.'s, house 2 Blythswood place
Middleton, Lewis S. & Co. commission merchants, 74 Buchanan street
Middleton, Lewis S. of Lewis S. Middleton Sf Co. ho. 1 Gt. Wellington st.
Middleton, Mathew, & Co. painters and paper-hangers, 116 Union st.
Middleton, William, & Co. merchants, 92 St Vincent street
Middleton, Wm. of William Middleton ^- Co. house 2 Blythswood place
Middleton, William, & Son, general factors and commission merchants,
68 Glassford street
Middleton, Mrs, lodgings, 50 North Hanover street
Mile-end Spinning Co. Mile-end, Calton. Letters and orders left at
32 St Andrew's square
MILES, Charles Popham, clergyman, 9 Queen's crescent
MILL Brothers & Co. merchants, 4 Royal Bank place
MILLEN, John, teacher of English, 48 George square
MiUen, Thomas, tinsmith, gas-fitter, smith, and bell-hanger, 36 George
Millen, Thomas, coal agent, 115 Rottenrow
MiUen, Thomas, & Co. coal merchants, Garnkirk railway depot. Orders
left at Mr Jackson's, 5 St Enoch square
MILLER, Alex, baker, 82 Canning st. and 60 Stevenson st. Caltou
Miller, Alexander, of Miller §■ Co. house 4 India street
Miller, Alexander, wine and spirit dealer, 104 Bridgegate

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