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67 Porters,
must find security for the faithful and honest discbarge of his duty under
a suitable penalty ; and any Carter plying in the streets, and neglecting
to find such caution, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding two pounds sterling
for each offence.
2d, Every Carter shall be furnished with a badge, which will be
numbered according to the order in which his name is entered. These
badges must be worn constantly by the Carters when at work ; and they
must immediately get the number which is on the badge, painted oa
some conspicuous part of their carts, under a penalty of ten shillings for
each offence.
3d, Every Carter who shall refuse to work when not engaged, or who
shall demand higher fares than those specified in the foregoing Table,
shall be liable to a penalty of ten shillings for each offence. And every
Carter, who says he is engaged, shall, upon being asked, specify the per-
son by whom, and the hour at which he is engaged, and he shall not refuse
to be employed in the interval between the time he is so asked, and the
hour of his engagement, under a like penalty of ten shillings for each
4th, Every Carter shall be furnished with, and shall always carry
about with him, a copy of these Regulations and Fares, which he shall
produce and show, when required, to his employers, under a penalty of
ten shillings for each offence. And,
Lastly, Every Carter is hereby enjoined, strictly to attend and con-
form to the Regulations in the Act 12th Geo. III. cap. 45, and also to
the Regulations with regard to the carriage of Timber, in the Act 33d
Geo. III. cap. 104, under the several penalties therein-mentioued.
Extracted from the Records of Council, by
Regulations and Table of Fares for the City Porters.
By the Police Act, Section 103, no person is allowed to ply, or work on
the streets of the City or liberties, for hire, as a Porter, without first
entering his name, and place of residence, in a book for the purpose, in
the Town Clerks' Chambers, and without giving Bond for the faithful
and honest discharge of his duty, under such penalty as to the Magis-
trates shall seem proper, and without having a badge or ticket containing
his number.
Persons wishing to be admitted as Porters must apply to the Magistrates,
by petition, stating their places of nativity, age, residence, and former
employment, and produce satisfactory certificates as to character. On
being admitted, and before being allowed to ply, each Porter must im-
plement the above enactment ; and he shall thereafter strictly conform to
and observe the following Regulations: —
1st, He shall renew his bond at the expiry of three years, and, on the
decease of the Cautioner, or his removal from the City ; which decease
or removal, he shall, within eight days thereof, intimate, in writing, to
the Town Clerks, and Superintendent of Police, and he shall also, in the
same manner, and within the said time, intimate his own removal or
change of residence.

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